

O o

“Over the ox, the yoke — over the owner, the omniscience.”

A circular stroke without beginning or end, indicative of ‘the source’, circles, spheres, cycles, and orbits. The majuscule character is commonly drawn with a slightly oval shape, and the miniscule is commonly closer to a regular circle. The teachingSpirit implied that every circle in nature ‘has a tail’ where it was broken off or divided from another — and this is recapitulated in the cursive forms of the English letter.

Elementally, the circle of the ‘O’ represents ‘source’ — a way of indicating the living waters (the outside) and the unityBeing (the inside). This also relates to eggs, and oogenesis is the term used to refer to the formation and maturation of an egg. This ‘oo” can be poetically understood as ‘eggEgg’ — where the Earth is an egg, which begets eggs within her children.

Reminiscent of the Sun, the Earth, the Moon, an egg, and a cell there is vast generality in this letter, which has many significant aspects of meaning. Inside and outside, foreground and background, subject and context are all encompassed by the ‘O’. The secret mystery of circles is that they do have a beginning — but its nature and character are hidden by our habits of approach, and the seemingly uninterrupted line.

Character Classes to which ‘O’ belongs:



Letters whose miniscule is very close to the shape of their majuscule

Letters often implying Unification



Oath — A statement which calls upon the divine being as a witness to the truth or sincerity of one’s expression, sentiment, or intention. Additionally, a coarse or faithless expletive or careless use of the divine names.

Object — Something which can be seen, touched or otherwise sensed. Particularly as an entity in its own right.

Obscure — Something hard to understand or hidden.

Obtain — To get.

Odd — Being without a mate, or left over after pairs are joined or counted. Additionally, having an unusual or unexpected presence or quality.

Of — A function word used to indicate relation with a point of reckoning, or origin or derivation

Off — A function word indicating a state of cessation of activity or motion.

Offence — Something that upsets moral, personal or physical senses. Additionally, to engage in an attack.

Omnipotent — Active potency in all possible dimensions simultaneously. A quality ascribed to God.

Omniscient — Active awareness in all possible dimensions simultaneously. A quality ascribed to God.

Old — Of advanced age, according to some standard of measure.

On — Engaged in activity or functioning.

Open — Without barrier, or with the barrier in a position that admits entrance or usage.

Opportunity — A favorable prospect or set of circumstances implying that an desirable action may succeed.

Opposite — The inversion of a bi-polar state. An opposing or antagonistic position of relation.

Optimize — To make more perfect or efficient, often in an iterative process.

Option — A given alternative amongst a group of choices.

Or — A function word used to indicate an alternative.

Oracle — A person through whom a deity is believed to speak. A prophet.

Orbit — A generally ovoid path described by a body revolving around another.

Order — A way of arranging members of a symmetry, hierarchy or group. Additionally, a command or demand.

Ordinary — Regular, expected or normal.

Organism — A living being, often comprised of a hypersymmetry of unique living constituents.

Origin — The source of something/one.

Out — The direction which, when taken, results in departure from the inside of something.

Over — Above. Additionally, an general indication of position.

Own — To possess.

Ox — A cow-like mammal commonly used as the motive force for a plow. If the x is moved into the o it indicates the center of the circle, where the point of a compass is placed to inscribe the ring.



