

R r

“Rise ye ruffians, and reflect — upon the royal ratios that rouse the rose.”

The name of the letter ‘R’ sounds like the word ‘are’ — which could be transcribed as ‘the first source, radiating (into) emergence (energy)’. The qualities of R have to do with transmission, emanations, reception, and roundness. R also indicates something ‘above’ — things existing or traveling above, such as the top of the head, radio waves — or something radiating down from above or ‘beyond’.

The majuscule can be seen as a downward stroke from the firstGarden, connected at the top to a star from which a ‘ray’ emerges to indicate the divine aspect of stars — their emanations are crucial to all forms of life as we know them. Alternately it can be seen as two emanations from a source: the invisible, or spiritual, and the radiant — light and energy — the implication of multiple dimensions uniting in manifestation. It is sometimes understood to indicated the conditions of age — a standing person leans upon a staff.

The miniscule can be seen as emphasizing ‘the top of’ something or someone. It also recalls the Hebrew letter raysh — horizontally inverted.

Character Classes to which ‘R’ belongs:


Having Pillars

Left Pillar

Diagonal Stroke(s)


Rabbit — A small, long-eared mammal similar to a hare, but producing naked young.

Radiant — The quality of giving forth brightness or energy.

Radio — The wireless transmission and reception of impulses (or information) via electromagnetic waves. Alternately, the devices which accomplish this.

Rain — Water falling to the earth from clouds.

Rainbow — A peculiar and commonly large arch of colored light often produced when sunlight is reflected of mist in the atmosphere.

Random — Unpredictable. Without an obvious pattern or schema of appearance, outcome or emergence.

Rape — An egregious and undesirable harm, commonly a forced acquiescence to sexual or political predation.

Rapture — Extreme and passionate wonder, joy, or revelation.

Rare — The quality of being uncommon or infrequently encountered or obtainable.

Ratio — A relationship of quantities or size between two entities or forces. Additionally, the quotient of two mathematical expressions.

Rationality — Being agreeable to ‘reason’. To make comparative portions of as a habit of mind.

Raven — A large, black, corvine bird

Raw — Uncooked. Additionally, skin or flesh which has been abraded or is injured.

Ray — One of the lines that appear to radiate from a bright object, particularly the sun. Additionally, an angle or group of lines emanating from a point. Also, a stream of energy.

Reach — To extend toward some position, thing, quality, circumstance or being.

Reaction — A response aroused by stimulus of some sort.

Read — To parse text, translating it into meaningful words. Additionally, parsing a being, place or circumstance.

Real — Genuine. Not artificial, imaginary, fraudulent, or illusory.

Rebel — To rise in spirit or action against an unwanted or unwarranted rule or intrusion.

Receive — To accept something given or transmitted.

Recognize — To perceive something as familiar by an act of comparison to previous understanding, knowledge or experience. Alternately, to agree to the authority of. Literally: ‘Re-cognition’ — the act of re-knowing.

Record — To preserve in media of some sort, writing in particular. Also, an artifact resulting from such preservations.

Recursive — Self-referencing, such as a fractal or factorial. Additionally, an often iterative repetition.

Red — A color. The spectra of stars traveling away from Earth shift toward this color.

Reduce — To cause something/one to become smaller in quantity or some quality.

Reflect — To bounce off of, usually resulting in a change of force, momentum and direction of travel. Also, to mirror — the quality of presenting an image or unique aspect of something. To re-create by reception of some transport of being or light.

Relation — An aspect or quality that is or appears to connect discrete beings, events, circumstances, qualities or entities.

Relationship — The connective dimensions between two or more beings/things. Literally ‘a ship of relation’.

Repair — To heal or reconstruct prosperously.

Remember — To recall to mind from memory. Additionally, to ‘re-member’ or ‘make one with again’.

Remonstrate — To argue with.

Rend — To tear or destroy.

Replenish — To recharge or regenerate. Particularly in the dimension of quantity or quality.

Reproduce — To duplicate or create a new instance of something/one.

Resolve — To unify such than an answer to a quandary or question arises. To end a disagreement or disunity.

Rest — To be still, asleep, or in the state of replenishing energy.

Return — To come back to. To visit after having previously visited. A synonym for revisit.

Revolve — To spin, particularly, to orbit.

Rhapsody — An impassioned or ecstatic speech or utterance. A musical composition of improvisatory character or irregular form.

Rhetoric — The art of oration, particularly the catalogue of tropes and schemas involved in oration.

Rhyme — Various modes of reflective correspondence between words in a text or speech, particularly in poetic creations or poems.

Rhythm — An orderly alternation of sound/silence or strong and weak elements in any series or stream of sound, particularly music or poetry.

Ride — To be a pilot or passenger on some sort of transport.

Right — Relating to the side of the body opposite where the heart is usually located. Antonym of left. Additionally, the quality of being ‘correct’, ethical or desirable when compared with some standard or norm.

Ring — A circle. Also, a circlet of wood, metal, stone or some other substance worn most commonly around a finger, sometimes the thumbs, toes, or neck.

Ripe — A quality of being ready to be eaten, particularly applied to fruit.

Rise — To stand, or travel upwards.

Ritual — An action or scripted set of actions commonly associated with honoring or contacting magical or divine beings or dimensions.

River — A large, usually natural body of flowing water.

Road — A commonly traveled path between geographic locations, often paved.

Rock — Something made of stone, or a stone. Additionally, to cause to travel to and fro, usually gently.

Rod — A slender stick or staff; particularly a shepherd’s cudgel or crook.

Roll — To impel to or fro by causing to turn over and over. Additionally, a spiral coil, as of a scroll thus manipulated.

Root — The usually subterranean portion of a plant, which tends to grow out and down, acting as an anchorage and support. Additionally, the core element of something/one.

Rose — A common flower associated with romance and the divine. Additionally, the past tense of rise.

Rough — Marked by ridges, inequalities or wrinkles on the surface. Not smooth. Additionally, primitive or in a state prior to completion.

Round — Having every part of the surface equidistant from the center — or having a generally curvaceous quality of shape.

Rouse — To awaken or cause to become attentive.

Royal — Regal, of or pertaining to ruling families or lineages.

Rub — To apply pressure against something while moving that with or through which pressure is applied.

Ruin — To destroy.

Run — A speedy combination of walking and jumping, usually involving the use of the arms as well as the legs.

Rune — Any of a class of antiquated forms of lettering.

Rush — To hurry or act with speed, sometimes unwarranted.



