assembling the impossible


When one takes down a tree for wood, or kills a raccoon for sport, drives a car or turns on a light - we’re exercising our ‘right’ to transform terrestrial elements. It’s a right that we, as a species, consider ourselves to have ‘earned’ by conserving the complexity of our species’ ancestors and participant-ancestors, and ur-ancestors for thousands if not billions of actual generations.

This right may have been granted with the express purpose of allowing us to more deeply value the extant ecologies, and preserve them until we can gain unitive and cognitive liberty — which would lead inevitably to trans-terrestrial liberty — thus that we might confer these blessings of survival and comfort back toward their sources: Earth’s organismal children — all of them.

All of the living beings of earth desire to survive, and to survive can only mean liberty in interstellar terms – from the threats of terrestrial, and thus permanent extinction. It would be very unlikely if, in earth’s lifespan, more than one species capable of intentional interstellar travel would have time to arise, and further, once the first one does, it will likely either succeed or destroy itself, and possibly other or all other complex forms through some modality of failure, active or passive.

Perhaps the most likely vector of threat to a living planet is atmospheric-regenerative disorientation or destruction. Under certain currently attainable conditions, it is possible that bio-metabolic processes on earth could come to a halt; effectively allowing the ‘battery of life’, being the elemental and biological diversity of Earth, to be ‘drained’.

The earth could quite easily and rapidly be rendered completely uninhabitable by and for humans permanently. It could as easily and rapidly be rendered devoid of life of any kind, and unable to support it in the future.

It is further extremely likely that a specific method to achieve this threat rapidly lies in human hands. Once understood, or accessible to the proper group or person, there can be little question that this threat will be brought to bear against the living peoples of the world for purposes of extortion, profit or terror. Yet, in a demonstrable array of terrains, this is already happening, and we’re boldly ignoring, denying, and accelerating these processes and momentums.

Even if no ‘single vector’ of sudden atmospheric disorientation arises, and even if such vectors are not used in war or terrorism, the grave misunderstandings inherent in abusive and destructive resource manipulation and environmental rape must cease. Not only for the sakes of ‘animals’. For the sakes of the complex humans that require the animals and complex ecologies to survive at all, nevermind with any sense of meaning to their lives.

Human economies, religions, histories and ideas will be meaningless in a world without life. On a dead world, the sum of our species’ effort and activity would be reduced to a single metaphor: a disease that killed everything. For always.

This peculiar threat, that of purposefully destroying the atmosphere of earth for purposes of human terrorism or profit, is the single threat that must unite the people of earth if our planet is to have any hope of achieving its goal. Earth wants its children to survive. Just like you and me would want our own children to. It wants its children to thrive, and outlive their parent. It’s a very obvious picture, so startlingly obvious that few can discern it.
It cannot be denied that there are aspects of ‘spirit’ in any living planet.

The living spirit of earth is clear in its majesty, and the profound unity of its creatureforms in global metabolism, sentience, cognition, and probably consciousness. The spirit that that opposes that unity is just as clear in its manifestations.


There is a poetic element to the realities of what humans often refer to as the food chain, which goes beyond the more common understandings of ‘eating’ and ‘dying’. In point of fact, the future of all of the beings here, their real hope in the endless dances of evolution, reproduction, sentience and creation, is dependent upon one species reaching the necessary stages of complexity to get living beings into space, preferably interstellar.

In the ‘food chain’ – a living planet values the complexity of higher animals by ‘feeding itself to itself’. There is, in a real sense, a sacred purpose in the dances of feeding and predation; the many living beings support the overall preservation of complexity, as well as bowing to the ‘current hopeful hero’ –  as complex food – in return for the possibility for them or their ancestors of being taken to the protection of off-world ecologies. This is a vast simplification of the reality, but serves to illuminate the basis. It is not that animalian species have thoughts of traveling to the stars (though they do), but rather that, a sentient world is a ‘being’ which values the diversity and unique character of all of its complex constituents equally, yet there are also hierarchies which are recombinant. In essence, the nature of food has to do with the metaphors we explore in the realm of sacrifice. But there is a magical, heartful, majestic and heroic feature in this ‘food’, which is perhaps its most fundamental feature.

Difficult to describe in rational terminology, we can more easily compose a poetic translation: All of us are alive, all need food to survive. We offer each other in scales and waves, as food, so that the unityBeing may arise again in spring, suffer the winter, and be reborn anew. We offer ourselves in promise of the next cycle, its changes, opportunities, struggles, and triumphs. The simple to the complex, and the complex to the simple. Thus is the nature of our offerings.

Death transforms again the vehicle for this ‘life-fire’ which, viewed across time, ‘burns through resources’ – but rather than leaving ashes, leaves instead a wake of novel children, preserving their metabolic and cognitive histories like brilliant living ‘books’.

And this provides new avenues for metabolic and living variety, making use of the old resources to produce new living novelty – but only on a living world.

Only on a world where the hope and bio-metabolic potential and reality of life continues. Else the story ends, and with it all that came before, when the last creature is gone.
Human cognitive history is a history of idea begetting action, and of concept creating reality. At least since we’ve had written language — and probably before — meme-like concepts and ideologies (which I refer to as thrisps) have driven our society, prescribed our toys of knowing and mechanism, and circumscribed the life paths of most social individuals quite tyrannically, when clearly observed. In seeking freedom from the very real threats of ‘nature’ — illness, injury, attack, weather, toil – humans have rejected as irreal the actual ‘before your eyes’ functioning of the living world in their conception, religions, science and industry.

Diversity, co-arisal, mutual uplift, symbiosis, and evolutionary competition (which needs some radical redefinition as a metaphor) are the order of the day. The dance isn’t for nothing, whether it began by spirit or mechanism or both, it wasn’t started by any ’being’ that doesn’t
completely value each of the living forms. And both spirit and mechanism are certainly involved at this point in the story. The earth was not made to be ‘sacrificed’ in some ideological battle amongst factions of its children. Nor did it arise to perish from their inability to discern their purpose in a living and sentient local holarchy, the one we call our world.

Like any human can be said to have a ‘spirit’ – at least while alive, so to the living planet has and is a spirit. The extent and diversity of life may well be the signature of spirit itself, alive and present – not distant or hidden. To destroy ecosystems purposefully or through willful ignorance it is to attack that spirit directly.

While ideologies and rapacious cultural industry that do not and cannot value the fundamentally obvious treasures of earth reign supreme in action, those humans who do partake with loving attention of the wonders of being a child of earth, are forced to watch their mother raped before their eyes, repeatedly, without hope of cessation. They are given absurd excuses and propaganda as ‘medicine’ for this shocking attack, and blamed or isolated if they do not ‘shape up’ in the eyes of their culture or society — meaning, if they are unwilling to themselves become biospheric and cognitive parricides.

Yet what this means is that to actively acknowledge the planet as alive, or one’s mother, or to explore or acknowledge one’s feelings about this, in our modern american society, largely amounts to treason. It certainly amounts to social suicide. Our nation is quite clearly on the side of biospheric and cultural omnicide in all covert and overt endeavor. It is not different in the domain of human cognition: America is the ‘uneducator’ of the world, and we prefer our children to be in prison or at war rather than free, or in space, or even in themselves. There is no more themselves. There is no space that hasn’t been co-opted by religion, science, materialism, propaganda, and something putrid masquerading as ‘education’. There hasn’t been, for quite some time.

This is a crime against all of humanity, and must cease. It is a crime against all life, and against all of the living beings that have long struggled to raise a sentient flower from the Earth here, for the promise of a more connective, alive, and self-aware Universe, as well as the promise to the ancient lineages of Earth which is this: one day we shall live amongst the stars, all of us – entire ecosystems. Not merely humans.

Any ideology that does not value the environment it exists within in a real, protective, and pro-active way – is deadly to humans, and possibly to the earth itself. To such an ideology, ideas of liberty, justice, progress, or ethics are mere hypocrisy.

With this clearly in mind, we may be enabled to explore our potential as symbiotically aware cognitive beings, with an amazing family, and a set of even more amazing and quite immediate purposes. Purposes which will bring us to our many goals of ‘safety, health and comfort’ in a much more real and rewarding way than the materialistic cultures that now preside over the earth’s resources could ever accomplish with the substitution of meaningless and deadly symbols for real human progress. Our complexity and the support of the living world are far more powerful than our science, or even our spirituality have hinted at. But we must unite under a different idea. It is time to make a new concept become real. One that will liberate us from that which opposes our nature, and from ideas which cripple and injure us as living people and as a planet-animal as well.






Understand : Acknowledge : Support : Evolve : Prosper