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• What are Hyperstructures?

In essence, there’s probably a single unified hyperstructure. However, when we examine any thing or being in terms of its actual sources and relations in the past, present and future (we would usually call those aspects in the future ‘effects’) what we find, invariably, is an entity with more actual ‘dimensions’ of existence than we can count or name. The subject, or entity in question, is actually a peculiarly recursive ‘re-inclusion/re-expression’ of these sources and relations as much as it is a distinct being or thing.

In physical reality, we observe structures and relations in order to form models of identity, value, function, etc. Most of these structures are relatively monodimensional. Our angles of approach also tend to follow linear, mono-dimensional paradigms. However, we might imagine inverting the precedence we commonly accord to separation, so as to highlight forms and elements of relational linkage. When this is done, a hyperstructure emerges. How many ‘distinct dimensions’ do two entities ‘affect each other’ in? The answer is likely to take the form of a way of progressing to larger and larger numbers, rather than a static number. Hyperstructures are essentially dynamic in nature. Their structure is general, and includes uncommon principles such as recursive re-expression of relations amongst context and participants.

A human person is in fact an unbelievably complex hyperstructure even if we look only at the biological reality of what a human being is. But whatever a human being may be, it does not so much ‘possess’ these qualities, characteristics and functions as it does express them. We can see that any human person denied relations beyond their body will rapidly cease to exist as a human person, and shortly thereafter as an organism. The point is that much of ‘who’ and more of ‘what’ I am exists in dimensions or terrains that we are unprepared to talk about adeptly. What I am, is an intersection of countless dimensions of identity and relational position. Biologically, cognitively, emotionally, psychologically — no matter how we approach it this form of answer remains highly precedenced.

The deep exploration of this matter will, I believe, eventually reveal something akin to a holographic model, and yet so bizarre and non-mechanical as to make the idea ‘holograph’ appear extremely primitive in comparison. Hyperstructures emerge in physical reality as diverse expressions of a fundamentally unified process (or being). Although each expression is perfectly complete (at its scale), each is also perfectly unique. This is a very counter-intuitive proposition for most of us, and our habit when faced with this sort of proposition is to fade to one polarity or another (separate or unified), yet this rarely serves us and, in my experience, tends to add to the confusion.

Biocognitive hyperstructures, like ourselves and Earth(Sol) exist as expressions of the nature of reality itself, whether that is characterized as fundamentally physical, cognitive, spiritual, etc. However, these expressions are not monodirectional, or merely preprogrammed. They are, like the myriads of dimensions they arise within and from, alive, mysterious, capable of atrocity and miracles. They are us.

The exploration of hyperstructures is a key element in Cognitive Activism, particularly as it relates to other cognitive and relational hyperstructures that arise within and between organisms in an ecosystem of any size, including the Universe.

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