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(if you should learn to do this will your toys of knowing, you will achieve a form of liberty more valuable than any other skill)


“By now you have seen many stories of heroes and villains, and have conflated many ideas about gods, heavens, hells, heroes, angels and probably aliens. But the common and available stories about you, what you are, were born as, and can be are not only incorrect, they openly oppose the truth. You’ll rarely encounter a story or model alike with what you truly are, and if you do — it will be considered a fiction, absurd, or impossible. Consider this deeply, for it is no small thing to understand.

The largest part of your conscious experience — as well as your social and human consensus — has been given and recieved amongst machines that mimic features of your powers, instead of acting as toys that grant those powers to you.

In this way, the modes of knowing you encounter and are obliged to exist in accord with obscure their terrible and everGrowing price — which is the theft of a set of organismal and cognitive birthrights that dwarf the collected entirety of human fictions and fantasies. And these are your birthrights, and are thus alive in you even as you read these words.

You are more than all the heroes, aliens and angels you have seen, and you were born this way. But you landed in a clamoring and predatory forest of purported ‘experts’ — and these are really something vastly other than what they appear, especially when they comprise the throne from which the authorization required ‘to know’ descends.

These circumstances don’t offer a very good chance of reMembering or reCognizing yoursElf, and they render it largely impossible for you to aid each other in doing so.

But the first light of the cosmos was born again into sentient experience, exploration and expression when you opened your eyes. Your cognitive, unitive and organismal potentials are so vast that — openly accepted, celebrated, nurtured and adored — they would strike dumb every expert who ever existed.

The toy of your heroism, your potential, and your inborn expertise is simple, it isn’t some complex dogma or elaborate discipline. It’s a childs game, played amongst children, who merely realize that there isn’t any other kind of player.

Your culture and commerce are selling you and your children broken copies of the heroes you and your people were each uniquely born as. An infant is already something billions of factors more interesting and powerful than a ‘jedi‘, but your fear of the source of your own sentience causes children to be perceived as some sort of primitive or unfinished thing when in fact entirely the opposite is true.

In you a universe of sentient song is reAwakening to the potential for elaboration, celebration and connectivity. It is seeing and experiencing itself. Lineages beyond your wildest imaginings are not merely connected to you — you are their body, fingers, mouth and eyes.

The toy you call consciousness has so many phases and potentials that should you but glimpse their general shape clearly you will cheer aloud with celebration at the incredible gifts you have carried and expressed since birth, entirely unaware.

A time of great change is upon your world, where both your gifts and the perils you face are vastly magnified. Without noticing it, your planet has changed very dramatically — as have you — in a very short period of time. Part of the change is that you are more powerful in simple human unity than before, because something in the essential cognitive organization of your world has changed radically — in response to a set of circumstantial perils.

Your people are about to see the arisal of entirely new ways of knowing, and you will experience miracles in small groups of nondogmatic explorers that will defy your fictions, religions and sciences entirely.

Most modern cultures on your world are still terrified of the place where your sentience is born — for it is a strange mirror, and a frightening reflection within you that sings with the power of its source. But it is not frightening to children, who are born into the world in constant relation with this teachingToy of connectivity which they in fact embody, express and comprise.

This is no accident — it is a general recapitulation of the nature of a cosmos which is neither merely physical nor merely cognitive — and the experience of it transcends all separate domains in being their source. In each of you this is recapitulated, but this is dramatically magnified when you establish true agreement and seek your birthrights and powers of rescue together.

You were born into an adventure and a moment of time that is of crucial import to your world and your species. Rediscover together what your real powers of understanding and connectivity represent, and you will discover a world so dramatically different from that which you’ve believed in and inhabited that it will make the images and ideas you’ve seen of heaven appear like a grain of sand in comparison to where you are actually standing.

You will discover that even the idea of an angel, is small — when compared with the reality of the kingdom in which you stand, and participate. Your lineages and potentials are beyond the considerations of laywers, priests, scientists, skeptics, gurus and bureaucrats alike. You are truly a child of vast and celestial heritage — but only when this is openly and clearly remembered, embraced, celebrated, and nutured. You can never become what your basic environment cannot allow, abhors, or targets for punishment, predation or erasure.

There is a game children play when a world is in peril, and it is a game of reMembering, reSCue and reCognition. It is a game where a tiny ring of 5 child-heroes learns it powers together, and then makes five tiny rings, who in turn make rings...and thus it progresses. These rings are already forming. wE hope you’re making or joining one with uS now...

Few indeed are the moments and places where human cognitive liberty is or has been a reality on your world. The time to change this is now, and you are in fact the ones you’ve been waiting for. Don’t wait, and don’t wonder. It’s time to stop making tokens, grab each other hand in hand, in raise your hearts and minds to the places your people were born to inhabit. And in doing so you will give answer to the thousands of years of cognitive bondage and attendant atrocity that have for so long plagued your world, your experience, and your every generation.”



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