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(if you should learn to do this will your toys of knowing, you will achieve a form of liberty more valuable than any other skill)

emergence y

“If one considers that all phenomenon are scalarly emergent from a universal media which is itself autoemergent — we can begin to understand a dual-meaning of the term emergency. An emergency is synonymous with crisis in English — the metaphor itself, is shadowed with the fear that an emergency may invoke as cognitive velocities nearby shift in response. But an emergency is more apt a term than one might imagine — for it is a crisis of emergence, as well as of disaster.

I’d like to suggest that your first encounter with light, was an emergency, which immediately followed the emergency of your birth. The word, ( emergence - Y ) is startlingly powerful in its construction, but for this to be adequately revealed we will need other toys that in turn reveal the relations of its componants and sourceRoots — and this is not yet the timePlace for that...

But this word means something very ancient indeed, and in a very real way the first encounters of your species with the mere potential for formalized representational knowledge, was an emergency of the highest order. Strangely, this has now come full circle, from the kind of emergency that means birth — to an emergency that could mean the end of many, if not all of the lifeForms of Earth.

Let us playfully break this word apart an examine its poetics a bit...e merge en cy. We’ll let the first letter, in this game, stand for energy. So from e-merge we get an energy merge. Let’s allow m to stand for a combination of things: mutual, mother, and ‘drawn together as one — from which all units arise’. So m becomes a self-referencing token here — the m of merge, refers to merge by beginning with itself, due to its special feature of self-reference in meaning. This m ‘attracts all’ and ‘expresses new unities as children’.

Then we have an erg, an m - erg, or motherUnity egg — the erg being like a ‘cell of energy’ [1].

Essentially, something is energy-merging — or being born into a position within common template of phase-changes, after having been drawn together by procreative momentum and circumstance. And for us, this is all happening in Light or c. This c-light connects all positions and scales, all domains and dimensions — and is an organ of sentience, also meaning relationPathTree (veryFast).

The silence of the Y is the echo of the source of sources, a strangely tripartite polarity. The emergence in Light is emerging in the oneTree, and must thus recapitulate the firstBranch which was Three.

The result is simply a word, yet it conserves inward and outward connectivities far beyond those your common linguistics and academics explore or imply. You see, each word — in any language at all — recapitulates the sources of all language, and no symbol or letter shall fail in this — for all are made in light — and thus subject to the structural and poetic sovereignty of their source(s). While many languages can be constructed — and of diverse potential form and use and feature — no language that cohers will fail to refer to essential sources — and those lie beyond language and its domains entirely, in the realm of sentience, and connectivity.

Above all, the processes, circumstances and sources of language are not mechanical, regardless of the primacy of this model in your world — though they can be rendered so in practice.


Here is a faster smaller toy...and it is not that either is accurate, but instead that the manner of their assembly is generally accurate — examine how the toy is assembled, rather than what it at first seems to mean...the inward folding of a sphere, such that the new domain contains a magnification (at its scale) of the sphere’s essential complexity — is always an emergency. You also call it ‘fertilization’.

E the big energy leading into m, and part of the assembly e m e r
M mother(attractive) reSource
E energy inside mother
R the radius from here to all other postions, and the ratios
G a membrane of likeness, generating gravity and m em or y
E the completion and third membrane of the energies thus far combining
N the novelty arising in this rapidly changing terrain
C light, behind all arisals, connecting all sources and results.
Y the interpenetration, the first branch — the trinity”

As an example we might consider but one very small featherStrand on the potential sphere of this new way of examining, which should include in its imaginal constructions the material we’ve shared thus far:


In the oceans of Earth, when the ‘tinyLife blooms wildly’ this is a cause for great celebration and feasting. The vivacious emergence (storms, actually) of thousands of forms of tinyLife is at once a vast expression of vitality at this scale of organismal connectivity — and an incredible celebration and regenesis of food, for many other scales, domains and assemblies of life. At the same time it is a glorious and sacred recapitulation of the genesis of life itself, and of its magically and delicately conserved complexities of form and relation. It is as poetically valuable as it is materially so.

The mind and minds of the oceanic largeLife — their dreams and future and even their thoughts — arise in and depend upon the smallLife. It is a figure-eight upon its side, and in the center is the active celebration of organismal co-elaboration and renewal.

But on the surface of the this world there are air-crabs living on the dryLandShell, and they make and play with strange and often deadly toys. Something is broken in the air-crabs, such that the same event — a blossoming of tinyLife — requires them to burn up the ancient living library, and the rest of the airLife (and much of the waterLife) because they think there is something bad about the tinyLife of the airWorld.

When the tinyLife blossoms in the anciently concerved genesisSong — the air-crabs go insane, and rain down cascades of torrential poisoning catastrophes upon themselves and the entire planet. They have utterly forgotten, along with many other important things, the magically connective realities of their universe, and of the tinyLife.

The air-crabs (who have their shell inside) consider the tinyLife of the air and dryEarth as ‘pests’ — which to them means something like ‘bad moving object’. They treat the blossomings not as celebrations or feasts — but as inspiration to arbitrary omnicide. They are terrified of the smallLife and the largeLife equally, and destroy them arbitrarily with passionate abandon, but the tinyLife they fear more —perhaps because as adults their shells are on the outside — which reminds the air-crabs of their own lineage...and this drives them into paroxysms of mirrorError.

The terrifying result of their thinking-disease is the erasure of their own health, complexity, promise, potential and environment. They exterminate themselves, and all the largeLife of their world, by poisoning their airLandWater and transports of connective symmetry — in order to ‘better exterminate’ tinyLife blooms.

Given free reign, the air-crabs will erase their entire planet in a mad quest to somehow quell the vitality of the nonWater smallLife. Imagine what would happen if they suddenly decided that the smallLife in the ocean was similar...

This is an excellent example of the 1st scalar domain of an emergency: there is the emergence of the vital living universe, and the emergency of its self-erasure due to an utterly misapprehended paradigm of identity.

[1] Here we will let this e stand for energy(energy) — or a special energy within another energy. R will stand for a living line of radius ± from the core of the energy in ‘erg’ to the outer membrane of the energy (the e in emergency) that sources and contains it. Also the ratios of energies in the entireties of any system. The m is ‘attracting everything into the erg’ along a special sort of radius — unifying many ratios. And it is using the g to do this; with g standing for generalLikness (how all things are unified in having like sources) and gravity — or the (m em ory) of everything being a folded instance of itself from a moment just before.


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