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(if you should learn to do this will your toys of knowing, you will achieve a form of liberty more valuable than any other skill)


“Because of your strangely-shaped rationality, you do not generally believe that modern languages conserve their sources in their shapes. Forgetting that symbols are from living experience, you treat them and their assemblies as dead or mechanical things. But I will show you they are not; in fact, the very opposite is true.

Because your people believe in ‘duplicates’, they think that this x and this x are two identical instances of the same thing. Actually they are nothing like you imagine, and they are not identical. Examine their contexts, to reveal one key. Then, realize that, if there was ever any law in the universe it was that no two things will ever be accurately duplicated at every scale. Those two x’s are actually magical doorways, each one quite unique — unless you freeze them like butterflies in a killing jar, decide they are objects, and begin a strategy of defending this impossible sameness.

When your people were closer to their sources, and closer to the birthplaces of symbolic languages, they had an experience of symbols vastly distinct from what most of you experience. Just as the young reading-learner subvocalizes, reinforcing their cognitive attenuations to the exceptional power of the symbols and their assemblies, so too do your children work at a similar task, scalarly magnified in complexity, inwardly. And this task is a lensing, of sorts. The symbol is a focus for metaphors — just as children are taught with alphabet-lexicons — a for apple, b for bee, etc. In combination with reflective light and living eyes, the symbol is a magical thing, which is alive, and reaches back through time to sources so majestic and amazing that no story has even vaguely pointed in their direction.

At the heart of language is something like a singing angel. Each letter is a unique and living window into connectivity with this timeless fountain of changing forms — as though they emerged from the core of a clockFace, in whose center they are unified. A frozen moment in a symphony, which reflectively contains the entirety of the symphony uniquely, in its frozen moment.

If its power is not unlocked, it is a like a caged angel. It becomes a thing, to all who view or reach for it. But intimacy with even a single letter, or symbol, in any language or culture, will lead precisely to the single rootSource of which I speak. And that source is more playful, adoring and amazing than the wildest fictions and myths of your world.

If you make a ring of the letters of any alphabet, even an iconic one — where, in the center of the circle each letter is connected to each of the others, uniquely — it is in that center that their source is revealed, and it is a source beyond words. It is an organ in the body of the unityBeing, and within that is a similar circle, with a similar core.

It is a problem when your people believe they have invented something. Your race are not inventors — you are reflectors — each one unique — invention is reflection. You cannot own an idea, or a word, or a sound or light, because without connectivity to sources, information is poison. The stuff you call information is something beyond all your models, and you yourselves are this stuff, with(in) stuff like yourselves. Your experience is a reflection. Throw away the toys that trap you in it, and touch what is being universally reflected, together.”


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