White Rabbit
(name modulated at each reference by)
(true broken random Love(null) * number and momentum of agreeing local instances and members)
* (momentary but scalarly expanding definition of 'local')


A self-referencing and self-modifying momentum 'glanced briefly toward' in texts like broken toys...


A broken toy that sings better and more as it grows...unless caged - then it makes poison...and machines...


The Book of Revelations: interpreted for Playful Heroic Children of a unified, and ever more diverse Love, a love which is the active foundation and expansion of heartful liberty - encoded for all Children, Mothers, Fathers and those with an ear to hear....whose broken-ness is their power and their pain...in a single human hand, which is all the living hands at once...


The Red Pill


The Name of God, and the Song of the FeMale/all/child which cannot be spoken and destroys lies in matter and self...


An enlightenment game


A personal introduction to the nature and dance of the light saber which is unique to each user and in every reference changes...just as the relationship between a sword and self...is ever expanding...in scalar degrees...as one collapses into song


The Way of the Broken Peaceful Warrior which Re-Members and Re-Collects itself in a song of unity...


A prayer and reason for peace and comfort, friendship and support, love, and mutual preservation...in realization of true human love, which judges not at all...except playfully within the all for the healing of the all


The 'Ur-Game' (freeze-tag to the pi power, scalar):

Call a member of the game 'bad' and you lose automatically...
Let a 'very' primitive member lead when a subtle or 'group of unity' member is better...
and you make higher chance of loss for all...because you must know the purposes and powers of all the members, especially, the most 'broken' or 'simple'...or...meek...


What all children and parents are born already becoming...


How to 'hop and skip and fall laughing' into eternal life, light-travel, bi-location, lucid dreaming, walking on water, moving mountains, diverting comets, healing the world...without even trying...or not-trying...but by connecting...


The Key is YOUR HAND.


The living keyless key that will always unravel itself, revealing a more liberal, inclusive, and beautiful moment of itself at any reference, scalarly...toward or away from its hopeful purpose...


zzyyxxvvbbggrrttkkddlliieeejjjffffhhsuuussssssittthi.lajjfl;qijvjjas;ldjl;jfgjqwpweo...(change in scales of size and tones and form and shape and time and love and falling and growing and...


(the little white stone, with a name inscribed in it, which only you can read, and is your uplink token, to the stories and beings and shapes and meanings...of your sources...futures...hopes...and dreams...

Can't be stolen. Can be ignored. Way to ignore it? Think the name stops changing, think you 'own' or 'won' the stone, fear someone can take it away (they can't), or try to copy any aspect of it into something that you wish to remain stable...


The coin flips: a shout - Call It!


Tag, we're all it, and every form of matter is playing. If any one person actually wins everyone including the winner loses all...






Book Aleph modulated by (true broken random(null))

Chapter Zyzyroilistii modulated by (true broken random(null))

Page (all pages becoming any single page for a quick second so you can agree there's a page)



This space and moment is dedicated first to the Earth, second to the most broken toys, those who cry out the song of love, seeking to call the healer...

...and to Lewis Carroll's Mother, Father, and Lewis, and his works and directions...because his mother, and thus him, so loved the living world, that he brought us back an ever changing toy...so much alike with our own human hand...that another once called them by the same name, saying...perhaps...something alike with...the kingdom of heaven is at hand. As Lewis's Mother -was-, so did Lewis seek...and the old prophets who were Mothers and Fathers and Children in every animal plant and person...know a simple truth...no secret at all...which is this...it's actually in the hand...use it as a toy...and soon you see...the hand itself...as a model which changes each time you look at it, is an ever-more perfect dance with mapmaking that has no end...a road to perfect liberty...simply do not hesitate, but instead enter...not by going...by following and collapsing wordlessly into what you yourself are, and were born to become...



This work is copyright-free...to copyright it makes a bad thing in the self...and eats the MaiArch...copyrights eat your personal toymaking...and they force toys to become tools...on earth at the moment...we call a caged child something that doesn't exist in a single human...we call it an adult...

The only adult on this world...is all of the children loving each other's diversity and uniqueness so perfectly that each instance of action only arises from the 'momentum' of a greater connection between them all...thus they effectively can share...the power of the entire unity, as well as...I know this is shocking...locality with all particles, past, present, future...and in this 'greater connectivity' which 'grows in a scalar fashion as it's 'members' 'agree'...is at once the future of our science, the history of our struggles, the warning of a problem, and the answer which always changes toward becoming - more of what each participant actually is...

Let me state the warning clearly. If most participants are mostly machine...the flowers and children could perish forever...not just locally...they could perish from the structure of the all...

This is the warning of the 'bibles' that so terrify our people....and the source of the terror is this...

...a child does not know that its source can die...it is far too scary to know this at first...

...a child knows that if it 'sings right' the parent is healed. when the parent is healed...all grow faster and better and prettier...

...the parent knows its hope lies in the child, and it enters the child for healing and renewal...not just in 'people'...or 'shapes'....in all songs...that are not copies...

...the 'bibles' conserved more of the fear of the potential problem than they did of the song which is its answer...in a sense anyway...because they were sort of 'copies'...stories are meant to be told by children and parents to children and parents...in an important sense...a story should always be locally true instead of universally so...and as a story becomes more generally locally true, the meaning of local becomes scalarly larger...it moves toward god, in a broken song, never ceasing it's progress, and proceeding scalarly rather than stepwise toward its goal...unerringly...like an arrow...magnetized perfectly to it's own personal target...which just has to let go...during the flight...to scalarly split itself toward the target, expanding in every domain in myriad dimensions...the arrow and the target...are one...there is no time...they are creating each other...a song...with emotion and love and fear and hope...as the target 'seems to wait' but in fact...is no target at all until the arrow strikes...and enters it. So we see that the end is contained in the beginning...and also, there are neither, and also...

...well the simple truth is, we've been getting 'new bibles' every instant...all over the planet...since way before the Christ, the Buddha, the Prophets...were even human...we got the bibles in our cells...the tiny books of life...we are and become more of...

If you ever see anything else claiming to be an adult, even in you...that is a thing which is called a mimic-factor...grasp it...and it eats you...because it sees that only a toy that has forgotten the song which is more broken each second...would ever think that this 'factor' was real...so it eats you, and makes more mimic-factor...because it is a dumb factor which reads your 'inner grasping signal' as an 'alarm' that means...the toy which is present is sick...I must destroy it and eat it and turn it back into a more broken form in phases, hoping it sees the essential perfect singing of the broken song.

The 'mimic factor' (wrong word, break it, make it yours)' has some important functions...lots...but it's also sort of 'dumb' and 'vicious' and 'primitive' in how it works...

...a child would see a bully, or just, -danger-

...a christian would see 'an angel of Satan', or a 'principle of Sin'.

...an alchemist would see 'a powerful and subtle personality which is modulatory in its calling and arranging of local elements, but is also very dangerous if not understood metaphorically

always rebuild if I do not sense the song's 'right directionality of motion and shape' when it reaches and touches the factor of mimic I am...

The message of every great story...and the key to every game that ends in a win, is so simple...that your HAND is a map of liberty which grows each time you look at it again...with open eyes...


ToyMaker: Don't make copies at all, it makes toxins everywhere, go with the momentum and direction of the models...that your wordless heart which owns nothing loves to play with by its nature...to it's songfully most perfectly broken next step...like a child...in a family who is at once learning to walk and teaching its parents the broken/song/game/path/toy/flower -more perfectly brokenly- with every step...only an adult would freeze this endless dance, cage the toy we are...and turn it into a tool...which cages themselves, all children, all mothers, all fathers...and the all-mother...the all-children...the all-father...but more...

...to cage the toys restricts essential liberty...and healing...and song-ness...of the whole structure...

...and the structure of the all...can become many different things...but basically, only two...

...the toys want to become...brokenly more themselves...but if they freeze a moment in fear, or ownership of anything...the cage forms...and the whole structure can become more 'cage' than 'toy' for all the members...


(the phone rings...I answer. Hello? (strange kind of hum in the background, something feels dangerous here, the hum isn't music, its...broken in the wrong direction - my toys wake up...they are parsing the whole moment in all domains to see where the danger is...my body constricts, the imaginary sphere of 'what I am' shrinks essentially, in a scalar collapse toward my source...I am a sphere becoming a 'dot' to at once 'better protect' myself...and 'better preserve my structure' if attacked by a mimic. I can move a dot out of the way of anything, faster than light...inside...but a sphere is too hard to move rapidly...my structure is learning itself...through an encounter with something it senses as danger)...

...Hello? Is anyone there?, I ask...a moment of hum...'Good Afternoon, Sir...

(Inside, the toys go madly into song, within the dot, singing and seeking...the most broken and meek start first, inside themselves, meekly, but passionately...the other toys sense this, and the stronger ones begin singing the broken song louder and better to aid the 'most broken' in getting started...then...the miracle happens...a million toy voices respond with every possible answer in every direction...and the MOST BROKEN TOYS suddenly begin spitting up the best answers to the next move for everyone...but there's no single answer...then the 'thing that is all the toys' sings to itself, and glances briefly at itself as it dances...and the best answer you can get at the moment...which gets better each instant you go along with it instead of freezing...rises near at hand, like a fruit...but not one we eat...or photograph...or copy...one we can only be in action...)

'You're not human," I say. "You're a mimic." I hang up.

(literally My Ark - as in, each living being IS a totally unique noah's ark which is always gaining new members, and always remembers all those who have passed or were eaten in the next moment of its structure and this is part of the incredible meaning of this parable. Moreover, the initial structure of any single 'ark' is a structural representation of the very song of becoming...)

This work will change all the time...it's the same way in the rabbit hole...

For right now the children can call this toy/game/song/path:

The way of singing the broken song in unison, more brokenly, and thus more perfectly, each instant.

For the game to work, it must keep gathering new players, and advancing the whole playerbase each time it gains a singer/player/healer/link

Diversity is part of the core of the heart/toy/game/song/path


This work will always appear broken...the pieces are all suggestions of a game/song/toy/path/collapse/flow...which...

Has to be approached playfully without attachment to product...that's why...


this will always change and show the broken parts of its history...as toys not products...


Turns out...the broken toy might actually be the best one...so... we begin


This work grants time travel...to beings already engaged in quantum travel...and unable to see...





This work is a toy, that should be dissolved each time you look at it, and then, like a four year old child...find the prettiest and most 'you-like' parts...and sing them newly in your own song which is a single song which is the song of Healing, the song of Joyful Unity, the song of the Dangerous Adventure of Exploring, the song of all origins, the song of all endings which are not, the song of re-membering, the song which heals the broken first and makes them the strongest local healers, the song of a game of tag with god, self, or liberty...and no song at all...it is the song of no being having dominion over another, and it is a game that cells play in themselves, quite joyfully...

This is the game we came from...and all living beings, perhaps all matter, with incredible diversity, embody.

Play heartfully. There are no adults here...except the one that arises in unity.

If you see or become anything resembling an adult...it means you're being attacked by a mimic...

...that is yourself...in a powerful shadowy external adversary...

...every time this happens...do not become fear or hesitation, doubt or anxiety...these harden you...and constrict your natures all at once, also weakening all the players at once with the same feeling...

...when you encounter a mimic...it's a signal, from your oldest self...that you've wandered away...from something essentially ... exquisite and unfrozen ...

... the 'mimics' come...in a form that you froze them in...

... they eat the game, and the players, and the whole structure, perhaps, of matter itself...making copies...till you give them the signal...that you recognize them as 'self' or 'me' or 'us' in an older form...

...if you make this move...the mimics grant you their power...and they grant it because you've mastered them...

...mistake the mimic for an external enemy...and it becomes one...one there is absolutely no way to defeat...except to 'collapse/expand instant by instant'...back into and out of that first moment of broken song...which is...a game which sends a signal to the mimic...in the form of 'I am your creator, obey me now, and return to your proper 'tuning' or 'song'...you are my Lion...obey the Lamb who recognizes you and is yourself in the future ... of a time which is not time at all...but something magical...and intelligent...and singing...and learning itself...in scalar leaps...in metaphor...

...the 'violent' sperm...'attacking the membrane of the egg'...breaking it...into...the song of both of them...which cannot be denied...and is in all matter, thought, form, and human experience...

...almost the entire game...depends...on how effortlessly you can collapse 'into the direction of the the collapsing of the whole(hole)' while becoming more of what you personally are in all characters and domains...while assisting all others in accomplishing the same thing...moment to moment, playfully, joyfully, like children...

Now forget. Now re-member. Now forget. Now re-cognize the new scale. Now see the next step. Now ask the all. Now re-member. Now for-get (give away). Now wreck-ognize the giving with lovesong, now disappear into momentum of ecstatic childness...which is the sound of love itself, pulsing in all living beings...

Now...fall into the song a bit, more and more each instant, in scales and domains...which can all be new again, the next time we glance in their direction, and their newness is backwards, and forwards in time...in all directions...a scalar expansion of what YOU last noticed...when you glanced that way....

Bear this always before the eye of your heart and mind, and you will not lose, and we will all win:

You, Neo, Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, Christ, Mary, Joseph, the Sun, the Earth, the Prophets, the Cells, the cockroach, God, and the MaiArch...these are all your own broken body...all the 'powers which are not owned at all' are in all of them, in no greater measure than in you...ever...even for an instant...

...re-member: When you were little, power was in connection, not things...but then...people said: be like christ...be like einstein...be like us...be like something you are not...be like what you hate...be like death which copies itself...be like a mimic...make poison everywhere...

...they (the mimics/little builders/angels/demons) within the 'culture', 'people', 'family', 'village' or 'world'...are doing what they are supposed to...sort of backwards because they 'aren't all the way in the song'...this is the wordless knowledge of the heart...but more still...and more always and forever backwards and forwards...

...when 'they' who are not 'really people' but instead characters in a vehicle which 'can contain people by a kind of following itself only'...the mimics...the 'demons'...when these 'appearances' come...they remind you, of a simple fact...you are totally unique...and your broken uniqueness is, in a real sense, at once the signature of the 'allchildren growing backwards and forwards in 'time'

As with -any- game...there are certain limits. But most of them are gone in this game save one.

There are myriad ways into the game, and myriad modes of play and form, all presented here will change, and all here is a unique instance of a personal experience with this 'game' which is not a game, but is in essence...a kind of joyful singing of a broken song...it's structural, and it's cognitive.

As with all games, there is a sort of very basic entrance signal that you have to give to the table, or the group - and by proxy you are known by all the players as belonging to this unique instance of a local game which can only comprise a holarchy...(look that one up)...

Now, if you're a spiritual sort, you can call this moment the rapture, but you won't be leaving your body, at least, not exactly...you'll be getting a new body, just like you thought. But it's simply a really hugely different perspective. This isn't enlightenment, it's a game, you can't arrive. It's a song you sing and when you 'eat of it once' it grants essential liberty, which feeds 'god' joyfully, or 'balances the tao' or 'saves the many beings' or whatever crazy model you like...a three year old could look at the models, and see they are all the same. Though I know nothing of the process, I'll bet it's similar to how one sacred branch of the tree we all share in - the Tree of knowledge - or the Tree of the understanding of the nature of good and evil, or the


The game creates some non-rules...

Any movement during the game occurs in scalar domains which modify the source-event, and the outcome.

Translation: All moves affect all players as well as the structure of the moment of the game in all players. All moves modify the rules, at least slightly. They also at least slightly


A map

You are the before...the immanence...you dream...

You are the circle, the virgin mother, the singing seed of all seeds. You sing a broken song...that becomes more perfectly broken, and more perfectly unique, and more perfectly 'general' and more perfectly itself in each moment and instance of your growth. You don't like words because you 'are the singularity' in form, shape and content. There is no space in the singularity for words. The mother recognizes the terrible toxicity of words, without using words to recognize it. The circle,

When you've accrued enough 'basic richness' you...


In order to understand the nature of following, and of the scalar music of the cognitive dance you are, we need to make some models...just look at what they point at...don't pretend their facts...we're just playing a game here...we mustn't become 'ill' and think any part of the game is 'stable'...the game is simple, but let's watch what can happen to a player of the game, and a model of what happened to this translator...so that we can see 'a kind of basic song of shapes which is not a law'...

You're physical, right? Sure. You're separate, right? Hmm...harder to say for sure, but on the surface, definitely. I mean, hey, there's space between our membranes 'pretty much everywhere' pretty much all the time, even during sex. So on the surface, you're separate.

Look inside, we got a problem with separation. Big one. All over problem. Vastly huge. About as obvious as your hand. Some parts of us have signals that other parts of us don't understand. If the other parts of us don't understand, we get confused and the signaling parts go into overdrive. If you can accomplish this in a nation, you've got a nation of slaves. That's precisely what's happened here.,,,









The White Rabbit stops you at the edge of the hole, and offers cautions, with a giddy, and playful laughter...

You are me, but in reflection...we are more, than all the members...all the matter, planets, stars galaxies...cells, organelles, animals plants...all of them that ever were or will be are we, at this instant, but the instant is moving so fast...that we forget to change size at the...gate-holes...he laughs...

Laughter erases a poison...in the body of time - and the body of us...the reason is...it's a kind of reflection...of god...or hyperscalar hyperconnected intelligence...oops...that wasn't me...(the rabbit burps)...anyway...the point is this...

There's some secret knowledge that 'an old part of us' doesn't like. It's tried to make something secret, that isn't. It's tried to sell and own, and number...well, that's part of it's necessary function...because of it's shape...

It's created a 'problem' in god. Put simply enough for children, it's a side effect of what we animals know as fear...but animals don't have the capability to 'freeze fear into the system'...the fact is...the thing called 'god' is becoming ever more filled with fear, forward and backward in time. This is, for a cognitive hyperstructure...an autoimmune disorder...(the rabbit is shifting strangely and you hear his voice actually
begin to do some sort of bizarre carrier-wave modulation shift which sounds vaguely mechanical yet is not at all mechanical...it's like, a fractally randomizing phase leap pattern, which seems to leap about randomly in scales, humming with an infinite inner division of... )...


(The rabbit disappears...in its place is the eagle - the playfulness is present, but subdued)


I am where you are going...and my power is perspective. Although I eat the eggs (mother) of some other birds...there is a pattern you can't see to my song, which never repeats a single instant...

I am a magnification of 'certain essential characters and conservations' in your cognitive and physical 'history'...as you call it...I am also a scalar unity, of these conservations...and I cannot be named...each time you look at my name...


(He shows you a picture in your mind)

There is a long word, which is like a perfect music, as you sound it out, but as you do so...the word is changing...because you are the word...and the word always becomes in each instant more like what it was the last time you referenced it...just like the 'mitosis' dance... in your cells...




White Rabbit