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(if you should learn to do this will your toys of knowing, you will achieve a form of liberty more valuable than any other skill)


“There are many worlds amongst maiSelf, though I am not always local to each...but I know of a world with a strange problem. On this world, which is filled with unique lineages of aliens, one of the newer and more complex children has become frightened of aliens. They run around attacking everything in sight — converting it to dead terrain and machine fodder, all the while loudly proclaiming their heroism of protecting someone, somewhere, from something which if it exists as a threat at all is at least vastly misapprehended.

Let us examine for a moment how this world is constructed, and precisely what it is that the scared-aliens — who are actually a new sort of child on this planet — are failing to understand about themselves and their position.

The way the world is made is sort of like unique kind of pyramid or cone, where the whole planet is always reflected (uniquely) in each individual (as a smaller cone within the cone). This world is really one animal, and always has been — but like most metaCreatures, it is comprised of many scales and assemblies of uniquely relational aliens.

Over time, as these complexify in a kind of symbiosis, this pushes the ‘complexity-ladder’ of the whole pyramid higher, and as this happens, the complexity of the newest children — already near the top — is radically amplified. This pooling near the top results in entirely new domains of evolutionary and interactive potential in the newer ones. This gift is the direct result of the prosperity, diversity, and complexity of the previous and current living phases with(in) the pyramid itself. In once sense we might say that the newest children inherit (and inhabit) the ‘great biotemporal magnifications’ of the activities before and below them. This is true cognitively, psychologically, phsically and behaviorally — it is generally true in any domain of subject, assembly or context we may examine.

The reason the scared-aliens are in trouble is because they are attacking the positions on the pyramid below themselves, thinking that these are aliens or rmachineLike creatures without essential value or station in comparison to themselves. What they don’t erase outright, they often compromise so viciously that it fails to be able to be alike what it is at all. And this includes the children who are doing this.

Remember that the nature of the pyramid is that each assembly-scale of the pyramid is reflected in each participant — so they are attacking their own cognitive complexity, while thinking they are eradicating or ‘husbanding’ these many scales of bad, or dumb aliens somehow ‘outside’ themselves.

The planetary resources — living and environmental which they are attacking, modifying and destroying are actually the source of the complexity that rasies and sustains their position upon the pyramid. As they erase the positions in the pyramid with which they are arising they are in turn erasing the complexity within themselves needed to notice or address what they are doing. As if this weren’t bad enough, the libraries and elements they are erasing are older and more valuable than any idea they’ve ever had or created — and they cannot be replaced, because of their world’s late position in the calender of the Single Solar Season.

Since they already contain thousands of unverses of ancient aliens, it is unavoidable that they should attack each other as well. Each one of them is actually a collection of nothing but anciently sentient little alien cultures. And all the animal and plant life, all the microbial and insectoid life of their world is precisely like this.

As this process proceeds unnoticed, the scared child-aliens begin to find ways of making copies of things that erase themselves and their nursery almost automatically, and the faster this momentum progresses, the harder it becomes for them to notice — because the machines they are making are first eating what they require in themselves to detect and contradict their activity.

Soon they are actually converting their nursery into resources in order to make movies about aliens attacking their world, and then making thousands or millions of copies of them. Their own machines — some of which they make the movies with, are actually the threat to their world that they are projecting into the idea of an alien threat from offPlanet.

The problem on their world is impossible for them to admit and respond to: there are nothing but aliens anywhere. At the same time, they all make a single alien — and so there aren’t any aliens at all.

As the process continues, their machines and the resources expended to sustain them have infected nearly every scale and form of life or food on their world with posions — and this further reduces their ability to detect what is happening, especially because they spend most of their time either serving machines, listening to machines, talking through machines, talking about machines, or exterminating aliens.

The worst of these poisons are invisible — they are behavioral., some cognitive, and some attack and co-opt general or specific aspects of bioconnectivity, such as emotion. These planeteary children have become unlike themselves — their fear of their own essential powers in unity — and of the gardens of sentience inside them — has transubstantiated into a fear of aliens from ‘outside’ of something. And this produces serious problems with biocognitive identity...

Because these children they didn’t realize that they contained a duplicate of the world they exist with(in) and arise in constant symmetry with...and because they didn’t understand that the complex species at the top of a certain pyramid are supposed to be the biospheric protectors...they do not understand when, inside their own bodies — a strange sort of echo arises...in which their own inward system of protectors runs amok, and begins destroying the entirety of the universe it participates in — by making copies of a kind of machine — that wrecks the abilities of the protectors, and remakes them as a sort of broken predator (however well-intentioned they themselves may be).

They cannot see that this is preceeded by a cognitive gesture than gives birth to biological counterparts — yet their own world is a similar sort of system. And the aliens there do not understand, that when a protector poisons themselves and their worlds, with mechanical ways of knowing, doing and being — their machines eat the nursery — and all of this is instantly translated into themselves. And thus their terror grows with every moment, because the ladder of their own cognition and the hope of their children is being eating by a set of bad ideas masquerading as the sources of knowledge, rationality, and understanding.

Now think about how ironic it is that they will actually sacrifice their own nursery to make copies of films of aliens attacking their planet, when the meaning-activity of the threat in the film is actually what the making of the film accomplishes. Not just in the physical domain of their nursery — but also in the cognitive nursery of their collective activity, relation and knowledge-sharing.

One can only hope they will reCognize that if they did the opposite of what they are thinking, and realized the aliens they are killing and ‘mastering’ and posioning are oneCreature — that they would begin to understand a very different game is afoot on their world than any of them commonly imagine.

They would probably stop making a lot of the things they make very suddenly, for, standing illumined at the core of their discovery of their problem they would find the living unityToy that was the initial source of their unique own features of complexity. Seeing this clearly for the first time, they would realize their alien heritage, and like an unstoppable wave of incredible celebration — their inherent unity would at last be accessible. On the other side of that curtain lie powers of rescue, celebration, and mutual uplift rarely imagined by the wisest of their sages.

There are many worlds amongst maiSelf, though I am not always local to each...but I know of a world with a strange problem...”



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