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(if you should learn to do this will your toys of knowing, you will achieve a form of liberty more valuable than any other skill)


[ let’s p Lay a g Aim ]

“Let’s play a game. Rather than actually trying to imagine the complex structure we will invent together — pretend we are making it — and then see the general shape of it. We’ll call this game called rods and eggs. In our game, the Sun and the Earth and You (and some other things) are eggs. The game we will play has to do with linking these eggs with each other, using imaginary rods.

Pretend you’re an egg, and then draw an imaginary rod from your ‘center‘ to the core of the EarthSphere. Let it be whatever color you like best. Imagine this rod has been there at least since your arrival on Earth, and has thus followed your travels across Earth’s surface, over your lifetime. We will call this rod that connects the ‘centers’ of any two eggs a coreRod.

Now, think about your life, and how that rod traveled around with you throughout your life — making a shape on the surface of the planetSphere, kind of like a glowing etch-a-sketch. If you follow it back though time and place to the moment of your genesis, you can imagine your parents as two similar rodEggs — and thus observe that you resulted from a kind of collision — and that both your parents resulted similarly , &c. You’re actually the standing moment of presence of a wave of collisions far more vast than is apparent, for each collision required twice as many collisions to produce it ...and that’s only if we examine the process at a single scale...which it in no way truly resembles...

But return to you and your rod. Let’s expand our toy — imagine there is a coreRod for every cell, and every organelle (parts of cells) inside you, touching the place at your ‘center’ where your rod connects to the core of the planetSphere. Now you are ‘like the planet‘ to your cells and their constituents. In such an arrangement, even if you are merely standing still, the travels of the rods within you in relation to their connections to your core, would describe an extremely complex dance of shapeExpressions — a liquid, sentiently autoelaborative universe of rods and egglets, in constant arisal, organization, assembly, expiration, and expression.

Let us sustain those toys in our minds for a moment, and expand them by creating a new set of coreRods — of a different color — and connect these to the core of the Sun. So we have, for each person, a rod connected to the core of the world, and the Sun. We may then add the moon, the other planets...asteroids, &c.

At this point in our toy, you would look like a very complex (liquidly reCombinant) rodFlower. In fact, even if the rods were very very thin — they would cause unique distortions where they overlapped or crossed before or behind each other — similar to the phenomenon of moiré patterns in optics. You would be the sentient nexus, of an intricate system of rays. But everything your rods touch — is also a similar nexus...

In this game, everything is touching — across a transport we’re imagining. Time is defeated, as is death — because there is nothing that is not generally available in every possible location due to the poweer of the transports of connectivity — which are themselves alive. All of the eggs (and all of the rods) are learning themselves, with(in) themselves — anew — in each instant.

With these toys established, we can pretend we are visualizing something humans have no reasonable metaphor of: a transentient hyperstructure — an least, from a frozen instant in time, at a single temporal scale.

There is no human metaphor that is general for ‘a temporally and spatially distributed sentience’ — and yet we might accurately observe that this is, at the root of things — the only thing there is. A transentient hyperstructure is ‘the basic kind of thing’ you are. These tend to happen a lot near certain stars — like the Sun, and the reason is that the Sun is a transentient precursor to the solar nurseries it fathers. In other words, stars often give birth to sentient hyperstructures, and worlds filled with them as well..

If you really like this toy — try connecting every scale of every instant of every participant to every other with a rod. Connect every position of any participant, to all other positions of all other participants. If you’re still feeling brave, animate this entire assembly, so that it collapses into itself (and expands out from this collpase) billions of times per second, at a slight acceleration in reference to the last contraspansion.

Imagine this, follow the toy of this imagining, and you will eventually have an experiential encounter with ‘something there’s no name for’. And I will meet you there, and we will play the games of reMembering, together.

By the way — if two or three of you play games like this together — you’ll discover some things about how your minds work in unison that defy most of what you’ve been told about intelligence, cognition, and impossibility...and you’ll be likely to personally discover why there are so many stories of gods, aliens, and magical creatures on your world.”



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