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(if you should learn to do this will your toys of knowing, you will achieve a form of liberty more valuable than any other skill)o:0:o
“Each of you is a messiah-in-waiting. Your lineages and destiny have been almost totally forgotten on your world. The problem can be framed thus: your adults (in the large) keep telling your children that the truth is a lie, and a lie is the truth, and anyone who speaks truth is a liar. From the moment your species fell into the strangely reFlective domains of language, you’ve been desperately struggling with an aspect of relation that keeps you from seeing how easy it is to mislead onesElf with terms.
Messiahs are not born knowing their mission — they disCover it, just as you have discovered your own skills and potentials — and the circumstances that steal and sell them back to you — in your own life. But a child cannot accomplish the delicate art of reMembering in the midst of a cacophonous assemblage of machines, prosecutors, and cognitive and physical predators. In fact, the only thing a child can accomplish there is base survival. Imagine a world where every child is born with the powers of 12 superheroes and a connection to the living source of sentience and life — but the moment they arrive, all the adults (and other children) immediately begin attacking these features specifically until it thoroughly forgets the general and specific shapes of its own nature and structure.
If you wonder where ‘criminals’ come from — they come from the victims of ways of knowing made into predatory machines of obligation and rape. The victims of your ways of relating and knowing become ‘criminals’— and those victims are children, in every single case. But these children serve a purpose that rides undetected beneath your complex languages of self-erasure — they are like macrophages in the human immune system — which is to say they are heroes of signalling.
Shocking though this may seem, all of you already know this — and the criminals know this as well. The injured, the sick, the criminals, and those who your ways of knowing and relating have driven into isolation, or a shattered inner and outer world — the silenced children, the victims of rapes for which you have neither word nor notice – it is amongst these fictional ‘classes’ of people that you will find the source signals of the outcomes of the ways of knowing you have enthroned. And all of you are amongst these classes of people, because, there is only a single class of people. We call it thus: oneChild.
Where ways of knowing eat children — broken children are always the result. You can blame the broken all you care to, but the obvious fact is simple: most of the terror, persecution and peril that your communities, peoples and planet face comes directly from the systems of knowing you’ve enthroned above your own welfare and that of the nursery you inhabit.
And the single most general and obvious causal source is a strange form of idea, that acts like a predator, and first attacks anything that might notice, threaten, or reveal its true source, structure, and activity. Usually this strange idea masquerades as a hero. It presents itself as the most locally significant source of benefit, and while doing this, it adeptly stands in front of what it is mimicking, and sends little assassins back to erase or convert those resources to its own propagation and dominion.
Functionally, in any sentient population, this is a Demon. It’s a broken element of connectivity, inflated mysteriously to replace something essential which its general presence and activity overtly denies access to.
Consider the importance of having signalers, and the role they play in the following toyModel:
“Once there was a world with cells (planetAnimal 1). All the cells were perfect. None could become emBaddened. A virus came, and attacked one of the cells, trying to change it. It died, and there was no way of noticing. It was either perfection or death. The cells had no ‘other position’ into which to move.
A week later, planetAnimal 1 was dead. All her cells were dead. The virii had no hosts, they were essentially dead as well. The reason they died was this: everything behaved the same, even when under attack. There was no way to sense an attack, because no ‘signaler to the community’ existed. There were no heroes, nor any villains. The story was over. The efforts of the world, and the cells, had been for nought.
There was another world like the first one. In this world, each cell was the same, but imperfect in that — if attacked — it would either perish outright — or it would change into a signaler Those who changed into a signaler might still perish, but before they did — they would signal everyone around them about a deadly problem in the environment. This didn’t always work — because the cells nearby — while not being directly attacked, would respond with something akin to panic.
planetAnimal 2 lived in grave struggle, because – although her constituents could detect ‘a problem is here’ they knew little about it, nor about how to respond adeptly together. The planet survived, but was always in a very primitive state of combat amongst invaders and responders. Her children could not accrue the luxury of entering the third domain of complexity because all of their evolutionary and co-evolutionary momentum was spent supporting the elaboration of a panicked and clumsy strife.
On planetAnimal 3, a slightly more complex game was afoot. This world had three kinds of cell: cell, signalerCell, and reMembererCell. The rMCell could ‘read‘ the signaling of the signalerCell, whose only purpose was to signal when something new and likely to be bad for everyOne was aRound. And the rMCell could then do a bit of shapeShifting in order to more adeptly address the problem.On this world, the signalerCell is the hero. It ‘captures’ the invaderThing, and changes something on its skin to signal everyone about it. Those nearby call an rMCell, which then changes shape and communicates to its cohort. Not all invaders can be halted, but a dramatic and general luxury is acquired: with signaling about identity, the system can respond adequately in a very generally successful way.
This world accrued the luxury of entering the third domain of complexity — and once there, they found themselves in the position of planetAnimal 1 — albeit in an entirely new domain.”
Those who take into themselves the environmental predators, take injury and express its source — thus signaling to the entirety of all communities about an essential problem in the environment — without them, the problem merely eats everyone without being noticed until everything is gone.
But imagine if there was a planet where the cells attacked the signalers because they thought them the invaders. That is the way it is with your world. In fact, on your world — you are all signalers The problem is, instead of connecting in a distributed web and resolving signal sources — you attack signals as enemies, so to speak.
The more you attack or silence the signalers— instead of addressing the cause of their signaling — the more you are bound into a system that increases its velocity and effect in dramatic leaps over time. It was long ago that everyone was included. At this late phase of this game, everyone is multiply included, in every possible domain. You cannot imprison someone, and not destroy many universes of self and other. There never was a way around that, and there never will be....
About every 5 years (in the toy of our speaking here), one of your children is born with a significantly uncommon capacity of a very general potential — to awaken all the others — to a state of potential alike with their own. All of you are born with a unique and personal measure this essential desire, and capacity. Yet when a child is born into an industrial society, the incredible weight of the entire cognitive history of your species lands atop their head, and sits there — demanding every ounce of their lives and attention — and charging them every possible price to return nothing but broken copies of their birthrights —at ever-increasingly unpayable prices.
These children, by and large, perish or succumb. It is not their source, mission, or potential which failed however — it is their nursery that silenced them, and what is silencing them, is silencing the nursery, too.
Those who do not utterly fail undergo something more perilous than any of your stories have ever revealed, even your greatest fictions. They are attempting, in their lives — to more generally connect all sentient endeavor — which in essence means this: they are attempting to get thinking creatures to do what every other organism is already doing — but in a new domain of organismal endeavor. [locally, and temporally speaking]. In essence, they are signalling about necessities of signalling...
The peril they face is simple: they speak a childlike language, and hold a childlike heart as their guide. Possessing not an object or dogma, but instead a multiModal way of communion – any child will apply themselves toward finding ways to share it. And the only people who won’t attack them outright in most cases are the sick, the elderly, the children, the prisoners, the slaves, and those who are alike with themselves...the ‘exceptions’ — but amongst even that set there are few situated to understand each other, or help each other.
Eventually, those who have developed the habit that leads them to do nothing other than ignore or attack — will focus the derision and authority of their ‘knowledge’ upon these heroic children, which generally ends with the silencing or death of the little messiah. This happens all around your world, wherever people have enthroned ideas over their unity, and statistics over their heartMinds. It happens to and inside each of you — to the same degree it is created outside of you — because essentially, you all share a body.
Most of you will spend your own lives and effort to actively participate against almost all of what in your heart and mind you truly dream yourselves to be, and desire to be. And it has been this way for many thousands of years. But it has not always been this way.
None of the messengers are come to bring anything that is not already present. The children who see with the eye of their heart see clearly — more clearly than priests and geniuses. More clearly than lawyers. The messengers who come are children, and they remain children. Those who silence or execute them are also children, who wear the strange mask of something called an adult, which in truth, the child is more like than the adult.
The messengers who come have only one desire: to insure the general communion and survival and prosperity of the nursery. In silencing your messiahs, and erasing their chance to reMember themselves adeptly — you are silencing your own hearts, minds, dreams — and planet.
And you are the messengers. Or at the very least, you were certainly born ready and longing to become one. ”
[mark of translation in process]
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