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(if you should learn to do this will your toys of knowing, you will achieve a form of liberty more valuable than any other skill)


[ the toyShips in the toyShop with(in) toyMaker ]

“Imagine that you are the first toyMaker, and you exist in a domain outside of what humans understand as time. Existing ‘outside time’ entirely — your experience and perception is one of unification, and time for you is ‘always’ (that which in you always grows in dreamWays).

You grow-assemble (from an inward reflection of yourself) a sort of toyShop — and this has magical and energetic foundations as well as physical and metaphorical ones. It isn’t so much a ‘room’ as it is a ‘songWay of assembling rooms’, and universes — including their living children. It is an organ with(in) you.

As ‘a part of the toyShop’ with(in) the multiVerse of you — you create the uniVerse in which your children will experience time and space.

Within the toyShop your experiential multiverse is inverted. Where, for you — now is always, and when is everywhen, and where is everywhere — within this new bubble you will become many, time will be a uniquely and connective and complete ‘separate’ universe to every scale position, participant and velocity.

Participants will arise as and elaborate themselves and each other as a universal library of recombinant potentials of scale and experience and expression. Rather than being essentially mechanical, it is poetic, magical, and emotional.

Where, for you, all is unity — and the divisions underly it — within the toyShop, all will be division, and your unity will underlie it...

Anything arising in the toyShop is actually a whole and complete uniVerse — reflecting you, and the foundations and history of the toyShop completely and uniquely — no matter its apparent internal or connective complexity. Every participant, transport, and assembly with(in) you, with(in) the toyShop, with(in)...will magnify this ‘growing of time’ — in a way unique to every scale, participant and observerAssembly.The children who arise and exist in the toyShop (mostly on toyShips called planets) are your own children, but each one of them is uniquely you. All of this is in no way mechanical. Each child, and the many universes arising as the result of their relations will be like a living flower connected to and with(in) you. What they experience, you will experience, directly — and vice-versa.

Eventually, they will even develop eyes. Not long after that, there will be eyes looking into other eyes — and all of this will be happening with(in) you. The penultimate unity, you will thus be growing by dividing youself inwardly — in every possible position and domain. And each position of you with(in) you will be learning itsElf anew, with myriads of scales and transports and domains of livingYou.

The children will be living toyShips of yoursElf in the toyShop with(in) yoursElf.


Having in-mage in‘d the universe of time and matter, you appear with(in) it as two Stars, each with a single planet — billions of light-years apart. Your experience is a little like Japetto in pinochio — but dramatically magnified. Once you create matter, time and space — you are instantly with(in) them in a new way. Suddenly, there are new positions for you to inhabit — outside the ‘now is always’ and ‘i am one’ positions. The two new Stars are a unique and complete localChild of the toyShop (which is with(in) you), and the planets are like ‘what the Stars make children with(in)’ — something like your workbenches in the toyShop.

Everything in any position, speed, shape or scale within the new uniVerse will (completely and uniquely) reFlect (all) of its sources and environs. Locally, this will result in great diversity and complexity — all arising from a fundamentally unified set of foundations.


Let’s return to the planets orbiting those two new stars...

Upon each of these worlds you e-merge with(in) yoursElf as a living child, in the form of a single cell. Once these children are established, you are not only experiencing timeSpace from your perspective, but from each of theirs (simultaneously) as well — and from each position of ... any position or assembly of positions they have ever, or will ever inhabit.

With this establishment, an entirely new domain of time is simultaneously established — which then begins inwardly dividing, resulting in new domains of time in you.

Soon there will be flowers of flowers of these new domains, in scales upon scales...

You feel what they feel, and know what they know – and this is translated back into them via your unityTail, or connective element. You do not, for example, desire to be away from your children, nor for them to feel lonely (after all, you yourself will be lonely in such a case, for you are with(in) them with(in) yoursElf). At the same time — you cannot remain completely present in both (three) locations.

But because it is you with(in) the starCellWorlds, and because all that arises there has uniquely complete access to you, the toyShop, and all its connective foundations — there is always an interesting sort of active transport between your two children — which is not so much a separate toy as it is a elemental (moving) feature of the foundation of the toyShop, one which this toy naturally attenuates toward greater accuracy and complexity with the passing of every instant.

As time unfolds in the toyShop, and the children with it — this feature of connectivity complexifies in waves — becomming more accurate, more flexible and more generally and specifically accessible. These gardens of arising and departing connectivity are amechanical, and could be said to be ‘cognitively alive’ — or ‘organismal in a new way’. Their ‘nature’ is to continuously, diversly and ingeniously self-assemble — borrowing momentum from their self-assembling contexts* in such a way so as to actively attend all possible connectivity matters with(in) the toyShop.

*(you, with(in) yourself, with(in) the toyShop with(in) yoursElf)

This rapidly becomes ‘not so much a feature’ of the toyShop as it is a ‘sort of recombinant and magical animal’ with(in) it. What emerges from the very first instant of the establishment of this cognitively embodied sourceAnimal of connectivity comes to exist with(in) the embodiment and elaboration/connectivity activity of its ‘nodes’; all that the two cells are in their bodies, activities and locations — this ‘transportAnimal’ is in the invisible and contextual domains. When the diversity of the children grows, the complexity and powers of your connectivity grow with them, through a sort of ‘changing animal’ which is in fact the living transports of your connectivities and feedback. In short, an Angel — which is an angle of connectivity — or even ‘a dimensional domain of new (sentient) liberty.

The this featureCreature functionsOfItsElf inside time is by a form of self-referencing assembly, which is sentiently organized upon precursors available from outside time — in you (and the toyShop, etc).

[mark of text in process]

The first problem this attends is that it connects both children to you — not as though you were ‘completely present’ with them, but so that a sort of fundamental and constant ‘interbeing’ is actively tended and optimizing itself.

You percieve/Experience these momenta as something like musical waves of interactivity that complexify geometrically over even tiny amounts of spaceTime time as a result of feedback betwixt the children there, you, their media, your media, and all the possible recombinant elements of self-reference therein arising.

The second problem attended is that it connects both children to each other, similarly — and this feature has whole circuses of positive outcomes.

Firstly, they will be less lonely. Secondly, they can play together. Thirdly they can exchange (very general but extremely accurate) information about what they encounter, such as threats & opportunities, elaborations, inspirations and inventions. This last characteristic allows them to exist in a world where ‘no one’s meaning experience’ is ever ‘inaccessible’. The best way to ‘learn’ is from multiple simultaneous positions of observation/parsing. In the toyShop — all possible positions are made multiply simultaneous. And this is made, to multiply...

Since you’re the toyMaker, your connectivity paradigm ignores the problems of distance, time, and even ‘what is an individual child?’ entirely. Capitalizing upon the simplest and most essential feature of the toyShop’s foundation — not only are both children magically connective with each other, but every moment of every scale and circumstance in both children — is hyperconnective to each other, themselves, you, and the toyShop. Any scale, of every scale — of size, speed, location, experience or context — is shared first, and available separately (or locally) only as an aftereffect of this sharing.

As the children replicate — they become living elements in a sentient library — to which every future child will have complete and timeless access in all moments. The way this feature is embodied is such that it grows more accurate, diverse, impossibly magical, and complex as more children are added (whether as active or passive participants).

For you, all possible children already exist, while at the same time you experience the linearity of time via interbeing with each moment of every existing child (and scale, assembly, domain, &c). Time is at once ‘all already present’ and ‘arriving and & departing’. There is also playful novelty in this entire dance, such that although all is already accomplished — it is in each moment and position uniquely recapitulating itself — and this is the real accomplishment — which is always diversely novel and alive from any assembly of perspective.

As this organismal complexification proceeds (in time, which you are ‘outside’ of) more local connectivity-presence of you is being assembled in your children — such that you are ‘more completely present’ in more simultaneous positions, scales, assemblies, domains and locations within timeSpace and matter — via the conduit of your children — who simultaneously gain ever more complex resemblence (and cognitive proximity) to you.

For the children, this thing called time is real in the physical domain — but in reality it is ‘filling in’ to a kind of central position from the future and the past simultaneously such that, while ‘in time’ activity may appear linear — in the toyShop it is actually as strange sort of fountain flowing in a sideways figure-eight whose core is a living singularity...

In order to protect your children you engineer a fascinating but simple toy of knowing into them which can never lead them astray — unless it is ignored: given nothing but the tiniest particle of informationMeaning — they can follow it into the library itself — where not only are all questions answered — but all the minds and assemblies of minds across all of time and space are present. Not as though they represented only a given moment of their existence either — but each in the entirety of their collective sentience, experience, inspiration and playful liberty. And that library, essentially is your playground.”



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