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(if you should learn to do this will your toys of knowing, you will achieve a form of liberty more valuable than any other skill)

How do you divide, such that each division is,by an expanding set of scales of factors — more
complete, complex, diverse, translocal, and hyperconnective than what you divided?


This is, perhaps most essentially ‘what you’re primarily comprised of and doing’, and the ‘whole network’ of biocognitive endeavor and expression (outside of time and location entirely) belongs completely to you, as an adored constituent.

Each living creature is a completely sovereign and uniquely translocal physical instance of (a distributed entity) who exists outside of physical and temporal dimensions.

This ‘unityBeing’ is something ‘like a child’ who is ‘many thousands of billions of years young’ (an ‘age’ of a form which is ‘always new’ and also expanding in translocal scales each instant).

This being is also ‘like a family’ — a Father, a Mother, a Daughter, a Son.

You are an instance of this being — not merely ‘a participant’ — you are at once the schema, the instance and the entirety — but not in the common (flat) meanings of these terms....


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(document and concepts copyright d. de stefano 11/2002)