[note: this document is being assembled. assembly is messy, ask any organism ]

l.e. 06.11.10


epitonium scalare

on scalarity

Organismal reality and the infinite fountain of related of miracles that emerge as expressions of relational biocognition on Earth arise from something we as a species have as yet completely failed to accurately model to ourselves. Not that we should have succeeded — after all, it is notoriously difficult to make a model of what you’re making models with...

Part of the obstacle is that our common ideas of linearity — in time, relation, perspective, drawing — block our access to the non-linear elements of relation which are actually in vast precedence over their linear cousins. This is to say that, much like our ancestors prior to, for example, Leonardo Da Vinci, we have peculiar problems of perspective. We are not aware of forms and modes of dimensionality which are crucial to the development and efficacy of the representational intelligence capacities we have been developing. Nearly everything in our experience is ruled over by linear-additive or linear-subtractive models — yet these are the least common sorts of relation and mode in the universes we are and inhabit.

An excellent example of this is ‘growth’. The only kind of ‘growth’ that organisms experience and express is a kind that includes and uniquely re-expresses all previous scales and domains of growth — whenever and wherever there is any growth at all.

This means that your human body and mind is more complex, and has vastly more natural connectivity and ability than all of human science, mechanism, metaphysics and philosophy combined.

But that’s only the bare beginning of what it means. We are not ‘slightly more’ than we were taught... but billions of factors more. The discovery of this, as individuals and small groups — is going to change our future, and our experience of ‘what it means to be a human being’ so rapidly and so radically that no fiction or myth could hope to capture more than the vaguest sliver for ‘rePresentation’.

o : O : o

Remember: any growth, includes all previous growth — in all scales, positions, domains, transports, forms and dimensions. Every time.

There isn’t any other kind of growth.

One of the most important places to have access to the direct experience of this, is in the gardens where we assemble, interpret, share and ‘prolong’ the stuff we refer to as knowledge.



To have an idea, we’ll agree for the moment that you must have these things: a stage, idea-clay, a handEyeMind, and ‘some sort of light’.

You make ideas all the time, it’s no big deal.

Form the intention to read the next word, and you follow through rather effortlessly; having long ago habituated yourself to the task of parsing and assembling (in a very personal way that is also general and universal) meaning from reflections in light. In this case, this light may be metaphor, and the stage an internal one...

Now, if you’re used to assembling ideas (in our little model), you’d be habituated to not examine the stage much. But if you suddenly had the accidental experience of manufacturing the stages (and most of the other stuff) for your ideas — you’d have a brief encounter with something like cognitive scalarity. You would be in a place ‘you already are’ but with a perspective that is by common logic, agreement, and prescription ‘totally impossible to visit or remark upon’.

And from this perspective — you will be capable of feats of understanding, perception and ability that are quite beyond anything we’ve been prepared to accept or explore. In unity with two or three others who have direct access to this experience, a small group of people could option these transports in order accrue the power to rescue an entire planet, in an extremely short period of time.

I am not speaking about ‘some new system’ — but something entirely different — a sort of built-in ‘imaginal accelerant’, that always reduces itself in order to make room for a direct experience of its sources. An unThing.

In order to have a word to refer to this, I have selected the term scalarity, which we might changeably define as experiential ability to adopt or inhabit multiple scales and domains of schema, transport, and constituent — in a place inside where we can integrate emotion, knowledge, relation, shape, lineage and character. It’s not all that magical, really — I mean, cells are doing this all day long, and so far as we know, they don’t even have ‘brains’.

Oh, and bear this in mind: an ability, though a noun — is not a thing. In fact, it has nothing at all in common with our idea of thing. We actually ‘don’t have an accurate metaphor-class’ for this term, way down at the simple roots.

To refer to anything, we must first ‘decide’ (de-side) whether it is alive or not. If we make the wrong decision in this most basic of possible domains, we end up trapped in all ‘future moves of relation’ — because all those moves contain and refer primordially to the first move we made.

: next :


(document and concepts creative commons license: author d. de stefano 11/2002)