

The 4 fires: Gravity, Electromagnetism, Strong Force, Weak Force.
An expression of the four directions.

Are these are the spirits of the [living transport(s)]?
What are all those eyes?

When we were infants, these matters were personal and familiar.
As we acquired language and the capacity for formal representation, they were occluded — and so were we.

There is A WIND in the DOOR!

“You, know HIM? He’s UH-MAZING! Sure we know him! He lives inside the hand that writes. We call him ‘The Wrist - but others call him ‘the Ta[i]l(e)’. What? You know HER, too?!… hey, wait a minute, where did you say you were from again?”

|/. ~ o ~ .(U

That which is universal in ‘size’ may be instanced as minute…

The most rare and amazing opportunity lies everywhere near at hand…

To find something hidden in plain sight, we may need to develop new ways of playing together…

If we are unusually successful in this development, we may ‘draw a camel through the eye of a needle’, and thus retrieve a (scrambled noises) which has always belonged to us (to you!) and our species, but has long been lost.

To do so, however, you must follow the dance and become ever-more aware of where it takes place; you must become caught up in its whirling momentum, until something within you begins to dance as well.

Reading is not this activity.

Evaluation is not this activity.



The (A)GENT from A(GAIN)…

“No, no; the adventure first!” said the Gryphon impatiently. “Explanations take such a dreadful time.”

The story I here present is not intended to be literally true, but rather to be illustrative of a doorway. Many of the features of this story are correct. Some are invented. The purpose is to prefigure an escape route which can later be activated.

Not so very long ago there lived a man who many have heard of. He was fascinated by puzzles, and was a talented and creatively-minded mathematician. He was profoundly interested in questions in general, and was a trained theologian and logician.

Uncommonly (for a man of his years) Charles spent a great deal of time in the company of children whenever possible, and most often sought this without other adults present. He was a pedophile in the non-erotic sense of the term. A child-friend or ‘friend to children’. He had always known a secret other adults ignored — or at least, men were generally required to pretend to ignore: children’s minds were free of the peculiarly fierce dominating forces that essentially drove adults around like frothing horses.

Why, he wondered, was this so?

Like children, he was also fascinated by stories. Charles was very curious about where they come from, since he didn’t quite believe the idea that we ‘invented’ them. Thankfully, children and stories go very well together, since children are not busy deciding if the stories are allowed to be real or not by a mean ghost-thing that haunts most adults.

Although Charles was himself thus haunted, he profoundly desired a lasting release from this state, and was confused about questions related to it. His curiosity and ability extended deep into avenues of inquiry others many generations later have as yet never examined. Yet, again and again, in his own mind, he kept coming up against conflicts between the science he was familiar with, and something else: the peculiar character of a special part of himself he used when working puzzles.

Here was a part of the strange conjugate that comprised the conflict: the things he used to do science were not science, and didn’t seem to obey the rules of science! Perhaps more puzzlingly, his relationship to matters of the Soul didn’t match Religion’s rules, or expectations — or, actually, anything familiar at all!

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Stranger still, and adding to these problems — was that he’d noticed something else, which, if ever mentioned, caused adults to go insane — but didn’t bother children at all. It had to do with origins. It wasn’t an answer — just a clue. The clue was that nonsense was deeply involved with origins. This didn’t make sense to many scientists and most adults thought it absurd — but for some reason children seemed completely at ease with this idea; in fact, they were excited about it.

In general, theologians didn’t like this idea, either — nonsense, you see, is the hiding place of demons.

Both science and religion are profoundly aware of this. Science is certain that religion is essentially this: ‘pure demon made of nonsense’. Science calls the demons memes, and some have proposed that like programs that want to replicate, these memes can essentially steer human beings and cultures to their advantage. Religion is certain of something different: Science is is the agent of human representational cognition on Earth — a rising human Authority. Whilst interesting and powerful, it is (very probably) not guided by God, and thus cannot obey or understand Authority: and that’s … well … demonic — and extremely dangerous.

Science is afraid of ideas masquerading as a God that (probably) doesn’t exist anyway — or at least, isn’t required to do science. Religion is afraid of Not-God masquerading as ideas — particularly ideas about whether there is a God or not, and what his/her/their qualities may be. A match made... well… you know. All scientific theories, and all the work required to establish them depends on something Science demands must not exist. Similarly, all the amazing structure and other physical qualities of the world, and many qualities of thinking, depend upon things Religion demands cannot be what science says they merely are.

Charles could clearly sense that something was wrong at the very core of human knowledge, and it was seriously wrong. A momentous problem that leaked into every human pursuit, including thinking about this problem! To him, a puzzle such as this was the ultimate puzzle. Boiling within him like some strange stew, it pressed him ever-toward a goal that none of his previous trajectories could have evinced.

These discoveries turned into a raging storm inside Charles. He could not even describe these matters to himself, and he was a highly educated mathematician, author, deacon, and public figure. What chance would children have facing them?

It seems nearly impossible to make rational language about these things — yet one must make rational language if you want to be understood, right? No adult would ever understand this in any language Charles was able to locate or utilize — what they would have instead of understanding would be critical positions.

Useless in this venue. This being the case, Charles had no one to ask about these matters. Children certainly couldn’t understand them, because they were… [sound of brakes squealing].

Strangely, the something that was wrong with Religion and with Science, was not only ‘not wrong with children’, but could also often be found viciously attacking them in an openly hateful fashion — mostly to the wild cheering of nearby adults, often including their own family.

Curiouser, and curiouser.

These attacks were mandated and set into motion by various authorities which were either humans, groups of humans, or groups of humans with books. All the children understood this clearly. In terms of the adults, it appeared that either: few adults can see it, or they (nearly) all support it, or they are not speaking up about it for some reason (unless they are like children, in which case they are also under attack1).

Children, it turns out, do not need the cultural trappings we are rabid to endow them with — they need what we need: companions.

Should you be in doubt about this, simply ask the one you know best, right now.

>+ ~ o ~ ˆ]

On the rare occasions they find an adult who also understands, they know precisely what to do — and so does the adult:


jailBreak is a romantic heroic achievement, involving dreams, aspirations, nightmares, monsters, genius, science, religion, philosophy, literature, guards, and all sorts of other terrifying and amazing things. Often discovered-as-it-is-played, it rarely involves rigid structures getting repeated.

One of the peculiar qualities of jailBreak is that it is sometimes employed by children (usually in the absence of adults) to explore adult or alien situations and ideas in order to tell if they are toxic, or addictive, or what...

jailBreak is a way of knowing developed by children.

=o ~ o ~ ][

During such an adventure, the normal adult rules no longer (completely) specify identity, purpose, place, time, person, or relationship. If they did, then jailBreak could not be used to question them.

See how it works?

Subjected to the innumerable forces at play during jailBreak, otherwise strict gender and age barriers may disappear, distort or warp. Endless combinations happen. That’s the whole point.

But this is not mere escapism… and though in many cases born of nonsense, the result is not nonsensical in any way worthy of dismissal. Something truly miraculous (as in ‘existing and accessible yet entirely beyond descriptions’) is at play.

Just as when the mantis leaps aboard the child’s finger — something magical happens: two ‘different instars’ of two apparently distinct and anciently evolved intelligences — experience a miraculous reunion in an astonishing matrix of dimensions. During their ‘time’ together, they will entangle (part of the main goal of jailBreak in the first place) — and the result of these processes is transcendental in a way no mere mathematics can ever capture...

Since time is passing for each of them very differently, and in different ways: time warps, light is made, and (compressed, encrypted) intelligence assets are exchanged internally at a high rate of speed and in a ‘language’ which is largely incomprehensible beyond the bubble thus comprised2. The language is incoherent by all common standards, but the content is absolutely crucial. Without it, you cannot enter new domains of understanding and experience at all.

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Is that nonsense, or is that meaningful?

Children will look at this question like two monsters from other universes, both wanting to eat them. They have faced this situation many times with adults, who, without seeming to understand this at all, ask some kind of question which can be compressed down to something like this:

Would you like me to feed you to the Alligator, or the Crocodile?

jailBreak had better be nonsense, because:

(A)lligtor: Science won’t allow it to exist in part because it cannot be poked — it’s what you’re poking with (thus science depends upon it for every discovery while furiously denying this). In the past 40 years, this has begun to change, especially with the realizations regarding uncertainty and the ideas emerging from quantum mechanics (a subject far more suited to children than adults!). But this is actually worsening the problem in many ways, because it causes adults to think they understand — if only because they have a representational model that vaguely matches reality. This largely insures they will never make contact with what they are observing...

Similarly, it had better be meaningful, because:

(C)rocodile: Religion talks about it all the time... in coded language (often taken literally by adults to utterly catastrophic effect) that is meant to be protected from the monsters and nightmares and scientists, but available to certain ... er ... peculiar children? Good children? Some sort of children, anyway. Although it’s only supposed to happen if you espouse certain peculiar beliefs, and usually you have to agree to be tortured and this sort of thing. Oh, yeah, it will only happen correctly with certain very specific companions, in certain very specific times and places. Almost anything fun you do can wreck it forever and send you to a place where jailBreak is impossible... It goes on and on…

][ ~ o ~ ]]

Charles had discovered another thing that puzzled him: kids could do jailBreak alone — with nothing more than rocks or dirt as playmates.

How did they do that?

Although many (and more male) adults simply explained this away as imagination, Charles knew something more was at play. He had a wonderful imagination — but jailBreak seemed to somehow -require- the local presence of children. What was going on?

: ~ o ~ |

Throughout our lives, Science and Religion ride each other toward greater and greater authority over the processes of assembling, ascribing and evaluating identity. The result is that we are crowded out of our own experience into domains of identity and meaning stipulated by other human persons or ways of knowing. Some of these are extremely forceful events, since it is practically impossible to rationally defend one’s experiences or even one’s personhood against such sophisticated authorities and the social structures that ceaselessly support their dominance.

They essentially swallow children, who then must become their active agents. These children then receive only badly distorted information from their cultures, which constantly informs the foundations of their experiences of being alive, and of the crucial learning experience we call dreaming. This is an extremely toxic situation for our relational intelligence and our inward universe suffers egregious amputations under such influences.

Science, and Religion (and philosophy, culture, etc) ride human children like mounts. Although some of the children form rebellious subcultures, and some few even attempt corrections to the culture, what normally happens is that these subcultures simply replace the larger demons that were previously devouring them with something that appears to qualify as dissent or revolution but is, almost invariably, simply an adaptive re-framing of the momentums vying to conscript us as their agents — either of advertising or authority.

In other words: the subcultures are really just smaller demons that morph in order to acquire those children who the larger demons failed to capture — and they pursue the same goals: to sustain themselves on the backs of their converts and to make those converts into agents of recruitment or defense. Those who cannot be converted to useful agents are best destroyed or incapacitated.

In case this is not obvious, Science, Religion, and the myriad thrisps of organized culture are far too large to be carried by children, and this invisible slavery is unbearable to everyone concerned, although most cannot really detect it clearly.

As our lives and minds are stolen away from us, we become trapped in a hidden prison from which none can escape — even if we manage to discover the problem. The prison is assembled from the converted substrates of our own minds, and compels in us thoughts, behaviors, responses and activities that we would otherwise never engage in. Later, most of us will be judged, punished, and rejected for our responses to this abomination.

Physical imprisonment follows the intellectual, emotional and creative imprisonments that comprised, essentially, ‘the orders of childhood’.

But just outside the bars of the cage there is a whisper, constantly calling to them — and us.
The song of the living libraries of our home, carried to us upon [a transport] that is part of the curious folding of which our own identity is comprised (and which cannot be compromised). Faster than lightning, a living compass — more mysterious than the source of language, and profoundly involved in it… a living doorway into… worlds within worlds…

: ~ o ~ |

Over the years, Charles slowly began to detect the strange call… and the shape, in the children themselves… of something like a living doorway. And as he learned to follow its alien musics across a threshold... both within at beyond himself… he slowly began to understand the peculiar logic and creative agencies of what was, for all intents and purposes, another universe. Perhaps he came to understand himself as a unique living extension of that universe into this one.

Amongst many other discoveries, Charles slowly began to gain a grasp of the basic character of a form of metalanguage. In doing so, he finally escaped the crippling monodimensionality that trapped the creative intelligence of other adults like a dread adhesive.

At last, he was no longer simply playing jailbreak...

…he was becoming an expression of the methods of egress.

And while this astonishing transformation took place within him… he crafted a record of the process, the doorway, and certain peculiar features of the game itself… for anyone intrepid enough to extend the trail he was curious and passionate enough to begin.

He left the keys in your hands…


1. Actually, parents often detect this, but are confused about how best to respond. Too significant a challenge to authority may send their child a message that will get them killed. Too soft a response and their child may end up a slave. In cases where the parents -are- aware of what’s happening, they are being attacked as well, directly, and are very confused about why — and why there is nothing backing them up against such threats (which there should be).

2. That this process may in some cases become sexual is not particularly surprising. The taboos on sexual contact across age barriers have a role in generating these situations.To a significant degree, our media-enmeshed cultures are set up to trigger precisely the events they are punishing and otherwise claim to abhor the outcomes of. The observing :|: following senses (involved in jailBreak) are the same set used during mating processes (watch birds courting, or couples in Tango or Flamenco dances…) in every kingdom of the animal world, and when properly emulated, animals (and even insects) may be triggered and initiate mating protocols. Many adults who discover this make use of the technical aspects of this process in order to become ‘seduction players’ in the culture game.

If we direct our attentions adeptly, it is relatively easy to see why jailBreak may become sexual when adults are involved — and unfortunately some adults will initiate the basic protocols for this specific purpose. When children or adults are excited we often give a signal inviting what I will call a form of cognitive sex; however, in the cases where this is problematical the adults in question are no longer capable of this kind of relation. They may even desire it above all else, but have sublimated these transports of creativity, play and the mutual dance of distinct intelligences into physical sexuality (which is itself a representation of something really other-dimensional).

In some cases, adults may seek nonordinary sexual contact with children in part because their relational anatomy is damaged or incompletely developed. The organ of consciousness involved in profound transpersonal relation has in many cases been mutilated or amputated by their experiences and responses to media and cultural inputs. No longer available for intimate relationships with the [protector] (or themselves, or anyone, really), the resultant feelings, agonies and desires may become compressed into a knot which expresses itself as physical, emotional, and cognitive pressure.

Such pressure may easily find an outlet in fetishism: sexual contact with children, many of whom still actively possess the detectible if unnoticed relationship which has largely or completely undergone mimetic substitution in the adult.

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The computer you are using to read this is a mechanical replacement-representation for ‘access to relational intercourse’ and also for the function and activity of [the link angel]. You ‘ride’ it into ‘a network’. Like money compared to value itself, once you have these replacements, the chances of you discovering what they replaced are uncommonly slim.

The internet can be understood as a representational subposition of an actual transhuman network which is always accessible to every living thing, except many complexly enlanguaged adults. Although the network wants to meet them, they reject it — even when it approaches them through their own children.

Yet the internet is as much like (the network it represents) as a single cartoon sketch of your ear is like you, yourself, and your life. Many moderns believe that the internet is greatest collection of knowledge on Earth, but they are astonishingly naive about what an organism is. A single living cell contains far more information than the internet will ever contain.

Organisms are experientially entangled with each other outside of time.

o : ~O~ : o

Useful access to the living network involves experiential familiarity with metalanguage. Dreaming is one common experience that represents direct involvement with metalanguage.
