A f igurative model of the mimulae in a cognitive hypersystem — a model of connectivity-mind that is at once local and distributed in time, position, velocity and space.

Each ‘ball’ is actually a tangled and spinning version of something similar to the entirety seen here from a frozen perspective — one where velocity and scale of view are static.

This could also be seen as a figurative visualization of a moment in the fulfillment of an evolutionary or cognitive chreode. (created with gobot™)

Biocognition & Mind:

ring around the rosie

Across the street from my far too urban cage, a dozen or so families of sparrows actively pursue the epic of their lineages and struggles for survival, elaboration and reproduction. In the large, their stories — easily as profound as any my species have produced, go largely unnoticed by the local Gods and their machines. Which begs the question of why any actual Gods might stop to notice us. One would hope that the unityBeing might be unlike us in this regard.

In the evening, the group takes turns at the sacred dirtbath, where the soil has absorbed the energies of the Sun, and is thus imbued with magical as well as functional value. Tonight, as I approach the them from a distance, the character of the assembly of sparrows changes — first in a few individual positions, and then as a unified intelligence. There are observable phases to the change, but they are not easily made discrete.

When I have closed to within a distance of about 20 feet from the group perimeter, early leavers depart, and soon the organism of the group is in flight, headed to a tree and some power-lines across the street. Shortly thereafter, the late-leavers depart.

Three birds remain. As I approach more closely, they rise to air and make for a nearby tree. Across the street, the first of the early departures is landing on the wire, and this is where things get essentially interesting. As the first lands, and the second just after the first, three and four almost together, &c, the wire is being disturbed by the weight of the birds, oscillating in response to their landing momentum, like any arcing string would. As the first bird is struggling to establish balance with a series of forward dips and downward tail passes, the second bird lands, adding further disequilibrium to the line. It is as if the line is being hit by random meteors, each one establishing another set of scales of response in the existing ‘song’ of the line’s oscillations. Then the second bird begins struggling, and the struggles of the first two birds further destabilize the line — or so it would appear.

As more birds land and struggle — the line transforms into a corruscating wavelet of flashing tails, wings and energetically striving sparrows. The event reaches the top of its energetic arc, crescendos, and slowly, the animation of this strange assemblage finds a general equilibrium, punctuated by the occasional shift or re-balancing of some small group of members, or individuals. The group has established harmony within its members.

Each of the birds were already functioning as both an individual mind and a ring-symmetric mind. Seeing them on the line (unified by a single obvious and observable transport) reveals and highlights the unseen agreements at the core of their interaction. They are always in moment of unifying attenuation — or they are generally unified. Seeing them connected by a single strand — merely gives unified expression to the visible evidence of what they are most generally doing in every moment. To be a sparrow is to be arising in this game of many minds reflected and reflecting in the one.

As individuals they are animals. As groups (containing groups) within groups — they are a hypersystem — and embody many scales of organismal and cognitive connectivity. As any individual modulated the group, the group modulated with the individual simultaneously, without real separation between the two. Observing this directly I am struck with awe at the power and subtly of the assembly-mind, and the scales of mind clearly observable in the living sentience of our planet and its linked lineages of biocognitive and energetic elaboration.

Before the energies of the Sun depart from the local terrain at sundown, an impassioned and cacophonic choir fervently erupts from the sparrows across the street, announcing their epics, concerns, hopes, and recollections while giving a clear signal about the coming of night. They are singing as their sense of the Sun changes, about the day’s personal, momentary and general characters. It’s a very simple language, and it is in my experience filled with adoration and nobility. I hear what is inside the sparrows’ many songs at evening and dusk, and though I would not debase it with naming, I know that they and I share a mind that most of my species has long forgotten or denied. And more.

None of the local Gods hear the prayers and psalms of the sparrows — and surely they are as innocent and sacred as anything can be. Instead, their terrain and hopes shrink while their travails grow — because something alien has invaded their environment, and is taking it over. It is a constant threat. Its song and power can never be escaped. The thrum of machines is louder than any sound the birds can hope to make, and its meaning dwarfs the organismal poetry and the magic of their speech.

Each of the birds, like many of the local inhabitants, exists in a constant state of mortal threat, from every possible direction — including predators. But underneath that there is a more general and deadly threat: a systemic one — in which any animalian lifeForm must live in a constant state of flight from an everpresent enemy more profound than any in terrestrial history. Its sound is the sound of the machine. No animal misunderstands the meaning of the noise that is not music, and it stands synonymous with erasure, slavery and death.


Underneath the Mind we know, make stories of or label, there is something else entirely. It is born in the Sun, on a living world, into a living family of ancient and mysterious origin. It is alive with unimagined potentials, and is perhaps the source of organismal inspiration. Parent of consciousness, source of every term, system or word we might deploy in seeking it, paradox, infinidox and ultimate question — this thing Mind is not like our stories, and more like our aliens, angels, and gods. It is a sentient window into the universes of distributed sentience. To touch it renders our own knowing systems into cardboard cut-outs — and you were born to be with this window. The window is not a technology, and it isn’t paranormal. It’s simply biocognitive hyperconnectivity, which is, in simple terms, like saying ‘wet fish’. Fish — are often found to be wet. Biocognition, is always hyperconnective. The problem is that our root metaphors and sciences deny this.

Consider the nature of a biocognitive momentum that would create language and science, and then turn them back on itself from within itself — as though it could reach outward are refer inward simultaneously. You are already such a system — but although language was born in you, it wasn’t born with you. And language is what we commonly deploy in our desire for understanding — language, semantic ways of knowing — systems of relation, really. But the terrain is not at all alike with our maps. It is the source of our maps, and even of mapmakers.

When we begin to understand the real roots and features of biocognition, and scales of assembly, the first thing we are likely to experience is vertigo. The terrain is vaster than the vastest of our fictions. And it is sentiently calling for our direct participation.

Is Mind in the sparrow, the group, me or all of them? Are there scales beyond mine that include them all? Does the Mind I contact, experience and express include them, and their Mind, or not? Why?

To the sparrows, who live in something akin to a freeway of the gods — the combination of exhaust, noise and collision threat is vastly significant. All of the leaves on all of the trees are covered in exhaust-soot. You can believe most of what they are eating is, too. We think them small, perhaps insignificant, but their song and ours arise in the same source.

Who or what is representing this source in our common experience?


Mind is an organismal expression of infoldment — a localized biocognitive field-effect, within and containing as communion-elements many other such fields or assemblies of a similar structure and function. But it is also an aspect of organismal hyperconnectivity — existing as much in the transports as in its local field or biological anatomy. There is a hidden anatomy of Mind, and it lives in transports that connect energetic and biological ’individuals’ into metacreatures.

It is a happening of inclusion in which many scales, velocities and domains of sentient connectivity participate actively. Asymbolic, it is staged in the energetic communion-fields of many local and distant scales of biologically connective participants. It is an organ of relation, and is not housed in an organism, but instead emerges with an organism and all the fields of its biological and cognitive consortia. It bubbles up from the domain of the infinitely small, in response to communion with the vastly large within and without. A recombinant disorderly aspect of biosymmetry, it emerges in synchrony with itself — changing its container by merely existing, and changing itself in the process.

Consciousness, is within Mind — a cognitive and projective organ of Mind. Like its source and container, it is a recombinant symmetry, preferring certain domains of order over others in a process organized around the elaborative and negational editing of tokens. Where M is organismal — C is a cognitive gesture of assembly and relation — simulatory, inward, and at least semi-symbolic. In complexly enlanguaged humans, C accrues a structural relationship with symbols that is at once formal and formative — M remains liquescent, a supra-magnetic array of sentient antennae, sensitive to the slightest and the largest transports of connectivity and communion. The symbols of C are shaved highlights of M’s organismal communion at best, yet have profound utilitarian and creative applications in relation to specific realms of animalian circumstance.

One might say that Consciousness (C) is a form of trading in frozen photographs of Mind (M). We can also see that these two terms are discrete observations from different perspectives – about a single thing.

Any given mind — animalian, distributed or individual has features which are collected from the activity of its constituents — or so we think. But all of lineage and all of environment, all of connectivity must be equivalently valued and included. The assertion of separation is a tool, but at its core it is false in a dangerous way: it defines a holophore where the authorization and location is absolutely local and inward. The fact is that connectivity is as much of any cognitive system as local anatomy is. Which means that anything that is local to you — also exists with you as a distributed connectivity. You have multiple domains of mind, and obviously of consciousness. Our models are broken, too flat, and obstinately oppose our experiential connection with their sources.

I can’t show you precisely what Mind is, or how it is distributed. I am not an expert — however I have had concourse with experts who embody nonhuman sentience, and the stories they told me made sense. They said that mind is built in rings at scales, and that our scale, artifacting problems can be deadly not only to a species, but a planet — since our scale is commonly fascinated with tokens — and tokens create artifacts the same way compression creates artifacts in video or pictographic data. The compression our languages use is lossy. Those of the cognitive universe are not, and the outcome can often be machines.

What I can do however is to create a simple model and play with it a bit. For the purposes of our experiment we will presume life ‘arose’ in the marriage of solar and terrestrial chemistries, as we call them. But we should also bear in mind the real potential for ‘creation’ (if the universe is a cognitive hyperstructure, it is within and known to all its constituents, and thus even ‘arisal’ is in fact creation), and particularly whole or partial panspermia (biological elements or organisms arriving on a world from space).

In all cases we should bear foremost in mind that the constituents of our world are crafting a spaceship, in very real terms, from the moment of their arisal. A world like ours only becomes like ours with the unified intention of countless lineages and scales of aerobic and anaerobic life, acting in concert to assure and sustain the homeostatic equilibrium necessary for all local biocognition to be conserved. This is at once the case of a world acting to preserve itself, a mother acting to preserve all children, and children acting to preserve each other and the container-mother-animal of their world. How much competition is possible in an essentially unified boat? A parable attributed to the Talmud heartfully offers an obvious answer:

In a boat at sea one of the men began to bore a hole in the bottom of the boat. On being remonstrated with, he answered, “I am only boring under my own seat.”

“Yes,” said his companions, “but when the sea rushes in we shall all be drowned with you.”

The potentials for co-operation are limitless. Competition will end rapidly. In which domain would a living planet stash her eggs? Competition, or Co-evolution? The answer is far more unifying than the question, but the broad strokes are obvious. There is no upper limit to co-operative endeavor in a biocognitive hypersystem. There are always limits on competition. We’re generally taught to enthrone competition, and in every domain where this is applied — the outcome is the same, and is commonly catastrophic.


Now that I am done birdwalking, let’s fashion and explore a model of the ascension of a planetary ring-mind, not as a law — or even theory — but as a perspective-toy with which we can very generally examine some of the portents of biocognition as it complexifies and evolves on a faux Earth. To begin, we will make an earthlike planet covered in water, temperate like ours, &c. To this planet add a large island, some 400 miles across in almost any direction. Our (biologically) empty world will be fauxEarth Zero. It harbors no organisms.

Now make five copies of this planet — and set them in a row. We will add populations to each in turn, building upon the previous additions, and then examine each of them from a distance to see what we can learn about the relationship between complexity, diversity, sentience — and cognition.

For the sake of our experiment— we will consider as the primary metaphor that all of the constituents of any living system, act first (in assembly at a collective scale) as a unified organism. In essence — pretend any possible group or assembly of organisms is at its core alike with the sparrows across from the room where I am composing this. Their first priority is harmonious stabilization of relation and co-arisal opportunities. In our thought-game, I will call this the first principle, In case I need to refer to it in-process.

fauxEarth One: Add agglutinations of pre-microbial chemistry on and around the island.

In fE 1, we find sentience, mind and cognition absent in their organismal forms. They exist like the energy of the vacuum — as immanence, or potential. This is a world like a pendulum poised at the high point of its arc, weightless — but as it descends biology and cognition will flower furiously in its wake.

On living planets, the local character of solar and terrestrial energies and organization — a very real celestial marriage — is expressed in all of the assembly, cognition and activity of Life there, regardless of its scale, simplicity or complexity. fE 1 is a world of solar-terrestrial immanence. If cognition and sentience are local realities, they are expressed in terms of material and energetic organization, catalyzation, reaction and symmetry .

Since we cannot assert that matter is insentient (let us bear in mind that a truly unified theorem would most likely reduce matter and sentience to a fundamental unity) we do not know that an ‘unenlivened’ planet cannot be a cognitive hyperstructure — or element in such an assembly at scales above and below our common perspectives, or according to models we have no common understanding of or access to. It seems likely that there is a fundamentally inorganic aspect or precursor to cognition when we realize that everything may be, and outside our ideas, probably is unified.

fE 1 is not, however an abiocognitive hyperstructure. It is not organismally conscious, and contains no animalian or organismal consciousness. Paraconscious? Supraconscious? Whatever term we invent is meaningless unless we have have direct experience of what we refer to, or at least something reasonably evocative of its characters and features. We may speculate that without organisms there is no cognition, or that there is an essential universal cognition which is connective with and within organisms. In either case (I favor the latter) we should have experience before we have models, and we should be able to examine anything at all in great detail — and find the necessary window to the answer present — for we are asking about everything at once. The answer to such questions, which moves with its questioner, is accessible but is unlikely to fit our expectations or models. It is more likely to remake them entirely.

fauxEarth Two: Add protolife, and the first membrane-bounded organisms. Stir vigorously.

fE 2 is organismally sentient, and qualifies as at least a proto-animal — if not an animal. Diverse populations of protocellular and cellular symmetries in our theoretically rich and fertile environment would blossom into thousands of billions of discrete and collective universes of time, relation, and cognitive assemblage. fE 2 would be born as an animal at the moment of her ‘first inward division’ — and the specifics of that first moment would have a great deal to do with the local star, the world herself, and the other nearby objects of vast magnitude — such as those that might regularly or occasionally impact the world — and those that orbit the same star.

We should pause here to reflect for a moment on the incredibly intimate relationship between the tinyLife planet and the sun’s charactered and constantly penetrative energetic dominion over local spacetime. This marriage between world’s evanescent chemistries and inhabitants is a marriage in every possible domain with the local star. At the cellular and intracellular scale, all surface organisms, and many beneath the surface would be nearly boiling in the energetic surplus of solar radiations at all moments. The power and effect of the slightest shifts in solar character would be felt in scalar universes of cellular individuals and collectives. Of any possible ‘news’, next to the local environment perhaps, the news of the Star was of penultimate import.

In the domain of the very very small — even seemingly minute (to us) shifts in energetic output from the local star would have vastly significant effect in all moments — functioning as the secondary most obvious environmental input — after food. The celestial language, news and mood would be amongst the most crucial and formative momentums embodied in cellular and supracellular elaboratory endeavor of every kind.

The first and future organisms of any world would thus deeply and structurally reflect the character of the nearby star in their genesis, and this reflection would result in them being ‘organizationally attenuated’ to sense and capitalize upon its cycles across vast gulfs of biological time.

fE 2 is planetary animal. Perhaps still primitively embodied, it is not unlike the fertilized egg settled into its gestation niche. In this case, the niche is a gravitational one that orbits the animal’s primary suitor — a star.

This young planet-animal’s mind is likely unified in its organismal expression across many species of cellular constituents and their populations. Its primary concerns are local and celestial — especially as relates to the ‘news’ carried by the universal medium, (in the land of the very very small) — and especially the emanations and cycles of the nearby star. It is an extrapolative mind, arising in the network-sentience or swarm-knowing of billions of recombinant sensory universes — which, above their scale — emerge as the animalian cognition of a living world. Its senses and embodiments utilize multiplicity of simultaneous perception, like our skin. Her organs of sensing are thus extrapolated from the dynamic responses of individuals and recombinantly flexible symmetries of collective sensing.

The nature of the biocognitive unity in this planet is one which would arise in deep intimacy with the nearby star. Their marriage is not without passion, emotion, or adoration, but the scales and foci are not easily encapsulated.

fauxEarth Three: Add 25 animalian species in the water, 18 on land, insects, and plentiful flora in both terrains.

fE 3 is a meta-animal. Infolding its newfound complexity, it produces children like itself, capitalizing upon the diversity and complexity of its available assemblers in order to at first embody the potential and then the reality of multicellular meta-creatures. Because of the nature of biocognitive linkage, the results in a geometric storm of leaps for the planet-animal’s cognitive complexity. The new cognitive symmetries and transports create a planetary organism capable not only of metaphying itself, but of reflecting this activity’s characters in the form and character of its own constituents. They have become living metaphors in a localized cognitive hypersystem.

Perhaps more startling and significant is the arisal of eyes — an animalian world now enjoys myriads of recombinant networks of eyes. It can now experience itself reflected in itself. The planet has consciousness, and probably a form of consciousness that is far beyond simulation, though it is capable of this as well.

fE 3 will (if it has not already been doing so for millennia) begin to seek cognitive contact and congress with others of its kind. Like her constituents, she is a social animal.

This world will also be seen to actively and overtly pursue the complex preservation of biometabolism necessary to allow for her growth, development, and reproduction — just as any of her constituents do in reflection of their container. She will thus carefully sequester and optimize resources toward this end without threatening her established diversity and complexity wherever possible. Homeostasis on the planetary scale has achieved a greater general stability.

She has a consciousness which is unitive with her constituents in terms of identity. Any given constituent is a reflection of her entirety in the moment, not merely in the past. Like an ancient god — she is within as self every possible participant or symmetry of them. Her story is their story is history. She acts as a celestial mother whose children are born within — in the same way a human woman acts as a terrestrial mother. This animal is more conscious than any human is. Its field of sentience is more than universes of stars — but all are within. What of her outward connectivities?

fE 3 has complex emotion — which arises as a scalar (and feedback-sensitive) representation of her inward children’s emotion, activity and circumstance.

fauxEarth Four: Add a bipedal and representationally sentient species like our own (hominids).

fE 4 has accrued a variety of new and complex potentials. She has been able to maintain the general diversity and complexity across enough catastrophe-gaps that cognitive infoldment can be embodied in her more complex children as representational sentience Again there are ongoing scalar repercussions of this event in the planet herself at she and her constituents co-emerge.

It is the extant diversity embodied in unique organisms and their endless assemblies (the host), that creates the essential foundation upon which more complex embodiments arise as potentials, are tested, and selectively activated in the biome. The complexity upon which these stages are built as are much environmental, and symbiotic, as they are ‘evolutionary’.

In our figurative sequence-comparison, we can see that the planet-animal is ‘stashing’ her own accruals in her constituent-children in such a way that not only are they preserved — but at the same time her own potentials are hyperbolically elaborated as the feedback continuum between the terrestrial container and her children expands into new hypergardens.

The result is a headlong rush into diverse complexity — both cognitive and biological. This is the most delicate of times in the life of any planet-animal, because representational sentience may create artifacts — something which in some forms is akin to biocognitive cancer. In these forms, the planet can come into conflict with its constituents as they support artifacts over lifeForms, and ideas over experience and expression.

fauxEarth Five: Add machines, and replace 30% of the animalian biomass and cognitive inputs with machines and bio- or cogniotoxically active environmental artifacts.

fE 5 is an analogue of our world, and it is a world literally under attack by its own constituents — in a way not unsimilar to an auto-immune disorder. The burgeoning cognitive and physical complexity is being bled off with extreme rapidity, into artifacts and their transports. This is a world invaded by a mishap with its most complex children — but the mishap occurs so rapidly and expands so dramatically that the planet-animal is literally thrown into shock. This shock to her physical and cognitive anatomy is distributed all she contains across the transports of biocognition — myriads of countless universes of transports – some of which may operate faster than anything we have a model of. Time at the planetary scale is slow. The 200 or so years of machines barely comprise a heartbeat up the scale from us.

This is a world in biocognitive and personal crisis. The anciently conserved diversity and complexity is being translated into con-cepts which are then translated into objects. This is like being infected with a cell you cannot inhabit or use, that takes over 30% of your cells in a heartbeat. But it has cognitive effects as well — in the children, and the planet-animal. The dead terrain of machines is neither sentient, pre-sentient, or proto-sentient. Unless it is touching the source of cognition — it never will be. The birth of machines means the birth of their cognitive analogue — thrisps. Both exist for a single purpose: to dominate terrain, and convert all resources to a shape best suited for replication. Machines and thrisps are attacking fE 5. 30% of her own Mind, and vast domains of cognition in her children — have been translated into dead, uninhabitable terrain, knowledge, and activity. But the wave is just getting started.

The potential for feedback is unthinkably profound. While the invaders expand in the environment, they are changing the cognitive nature and activity of their creators. As the extant animalian and ecosystemic health and diversity perish in waves — the cogniscium of the planet and the sentient species — is being denuded. This again is unlinear — it is happening in scalar waves of response to the pressures and predations of machines. Thus the people best equipped to resolve the problem are being stripped of their essential cognitive flexibility in expanding waves of resonance as the deletion of biocomplexity rises toward its crest.

In a system such as the one we are positing, the appearance of auto-immune disorder in the animalian children could only be recapitulative of a similar disorder in their biosphere. Shocking what we are able to ignore when we place our species at the top of the pyramid — where in fact a wholly other sovereign eye does dwell.

Amongst the most obvious things we can observe is that at each step the planet is recapitulating her establishment of stability recursively back into her constituents — which results in scalar leaps of responsive complexity in her — and a new repetition of the process. Whether we look at the origins and evolution of cells or sensory adaptation, consciousness, or mind — this general template is everywhere apparent. Something far beyond our science, and even beyond our religions is going on under and inside our noses. What happens when we notice, attend and harmoniously join such endeavor? We do not in the modern moment, have any idea, as a species. If we did, we’d be experiencing a very different universe from the one we have agreed to create and inhabit.

A planet animal is a charactered instance of a very-large-scale biocognitive sentience lens — one that grows by focusing the communal accruals of evolutionary and biocognitive adaptation, diversity and complexity back into the individual and species. This is perhaps part of the source of evolutionary inspiration, and leap-phases — two extremely puzzling domains for some branches of science.

We created five worlds. Five examples of Mind being assembled and embodied — playfully presented. You yourself are not undifferent. Take away worlds, substitute five ‘yous’ — and you see that you are already all of these worlds, right now. You face precisely the same challenges, and have extremely similar inspirations and instincts. The container and the child are one. What is done in one, can only be done in the other. If she is a God, you are a god within a god. The ’thing we are most alike with’ is a planet-animal. And this is a thing we know next to nothing, and many inaccurate things about. We are not learning more, yet. We are instead erasing faster.

The ringMinds our species expresses, embodies and rePresents are linked in their source and moment to those of the many diverse scales of life and machine we encounter, and so too is our cognition. The roots and foundations of the latter, are a direct repercussion of what they encounter, moment-to-moment. Our models of evolution tend to polarize our metaphors into those favoring competition, but the reality is far beyond symbiosis and competition. It is a unityGame in which, essentially, there is only a single player — embodied in myriads of domains, perspectives and participants simultaneously.

When any member of a ring or collective acts in general nurturence and recognition of the entirety — a nonlinear benefit of mutual momentum is accrued by moving in accordance with the local entirety. The message of the rings is that complex sentience is born and prospers in intimate connectivity. Stability is crucial for such an endeavor, and when it is shattered, or ring-members, etc, are isolated — the flow of cognition seems to revert to a form of chaotic recalibration effort.

What this means is that the ability to establish and maintain cohesive and intimately co-arising structures is the basis of our cognitive complexity. Anything that damages the rings, their members, or the potentials for connectivity— in any domain – is reducing the ability of those affected to notice, respond, or even in some cases adapt.

There is much more to be said on the matter of rings, minds, and unityGames. For now, we have seen that mind is a celebration with very different domains of time, participation and separation than we imagine or empower ourselves to expose. We have seen that we as living animals bear the living planet’s lineages of complex connectivity forward in a unique way, and that a part of that way is threatening our minds and world.

We have not yet examined the other side of the coin — the matter of our cognitive birthrights and potentials when we’ve the luxury of establishing a mutually and biospherically beneficial community or nation. We will attend the brighter sides of such coins in due course, however.

Before we depart, consider that there are only two possible authorities in an inward terrain: Self and God. Self is either represented as an ascension of the animalian sentience of Earth, or it is represented as a Machine. When we reach inward, we must perforce either encounter a container which is essentially animalian, and human — or one which is built from the codified tokens of distant experts and the real circumstance of common relation to machines, and mechanical paradigms.

Our societies are at the crux of deciding what the generally dominant choice is going to be, and the outcome of this single decision is momentous; it will generally scribe the inward and outward experience of the entire animalian and human biosphere. It will decide the fate of the remaining animalian species, including our own — within the next 10 years at most.




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We know an event through our own act of approach to it. We ask questions about it, not academically merely, but experimentally. We intervene and there are outcomes. We invent and new accomplishments materialize. We traverse space and strange objects heave into view.

—George Kelly 1969