The above link leads to a brief introduction to one of Rupert Sheldrake's '7 experiments that could change the world'. In this particular case, science would explain away his evidence easily - the most likely device would be a metaphor called the 'clever Hans effect'. 'Authorities examining a miraculous horse, Clever Hans, (date? 1900's?) found that this animal could reliably answer extremely subtle questions, and even resolve mathematical calculations - giving answers in a code, by tapping its hoof. The eventual decision on Clever Hans was that he was 'a phony' because it was discovered that the animal was reading subtle or overt clues from its questioners, and it was decided that this meant the entire event was a sham, meaningless, or both.
The actual meaning is that non-lingual communication is verifyable. It means that animals, and thus, most likely people (given the opporunity and encouragement) can read whole lingual communications without the aid of obvious signalling. This seems to clearly describe the Clever Hans Effect, but in a radically new light. The meaning of an animal being able to parse and respond to complex non-lingual signaling implies that humans not only can, but do - they merely fail to notice, properly value, or deeply explore the potential of these skills. Such skills are not of minor value - they are, in practice, far more valuable than language skills - which our modern socities pretend to value so highly, while the commonizations and simplifications of modern media and education basely erase what they aspire to admire. So it is also with novelty. Science has long been in the specific business of erasing the potential for novelty through owning the root credentialling metaphors, and mechanizing them. Religion has been in a similar business - erase history, and the records - rewrite almost at will, and own everything in the cognitive domain entirely. Materialism and commercialism are similar, and more subtle - they are the 'luxury versions' of the cognitive diseases we are vitally pregnant with as a result of our experiential and real immersion in these modern social momentums.
The problem with scientific dismissals of this nature is that they miss the obvious value and novelty of what they dismiss for not meeting their absurd standards of metaphor and testability. In cases such as the case described by R. Sheldrake, it could very well be a sort of Clever Hans Effect; but the meaning of that comparison is entirely missed by those who judge it too specifically, from perspectives which are negative and highly inflexible.
Seeing these factors clearly, we must select for each other and ourselves the modalities of cognitive evolution which lead to liberty from the essentially constrictive cages of the labels, valuings and categories foisted upon us by what amount to systemically intelligent systems of cognitive suffocation and obligatory slavery. It's easy to overlook, because - while we've been wandering around in wonderland for the past 200 years - these systems have grown malignant and oppressive in their common activity and growth. Our world, and our moment to moment experience, is being mediated by metaphors that are cognitive sieves: they strip away whole domains of the birthrights we must explore - and treat those of us who respond negatively to this torture as sick, criminal, insane, or unworthy of care or even notice.
Well, 'those of us who respond negatively' is a set that includes all children, and most adults. People desire to know that there are amazing dimensions to life and cognitive experience - because they intuitively sense this is a fact. Religion, Politics, Science and Commerce all thrive upon splitting this internal set of momentums into isolated positions, and then co-opting their basic energies entirely - leaving the peoples and individuals in cognitive environments and domains that are as uninhabitable as they are unthinkably constrictive and punishing in nearly every domain. Prisons take care of those who refuse to succumb, as do graveyards and psychiatric hospitals. The damge being consistently fed to us in the form of education and systemic modes of valuing and credentialling that we are obliged to conform to is incalculable. We are going to put an end to it. Perhaps not today, but in our lifetimes -
in the lifetimes of our children.
Forever. For you, our children, their future, and the biosphere. Join us - we need your hands, hearts, and eyes. Not for the sake of some new dogma, but because we have the power to return these birthrights to their rightful place:
the palms of your own hands- and in the hands of the world's children, who are born with their promise and potential.
These domains and potentials belong to the people, and they must reside with them, if we are to seek any possibility of a habitable life or sustainable future. We obviously can't give you what is intrinsic to your essential cognitive natures and your unique person - but we can show you how it was taken away, and how to retrieve it - and we can teach new teachers - who will preserve the essences and foundations of cognitive liberty with simple stories, toys and tools.
We hope you won't mind if, for a while, we ask that you become innocent again, leave your judgments aside for the moment - and ... do something we all can actually reMember doing...
White Rabbit - Ed NewMan
used with the noble and spirited permissions of the artist and spirits
in free unity is sOng...
This work and its author(s) make no claim to originality. Merely complete newness. Originality would imply authorship. This work, is not authored by its author; but instead within a given translator and recipient. For the sake of staying sane, your humble writer will agree to be an 'I' for a moment, at least until we get a bit deeper. But the 'I' that I am, is not nameable.
We're here to offer some stories, some symbols, some toys, and some ideas - that can literally grant us all the keys to cognitive birthrights we've only dreamed of. Some of them are so amzing, we've failed to even dream of them.
However seemingly uncommon the results of retrieving these birthrights - what we will find is that we are naturally endowed with abilities and sensitivities which give the lie to nearly everything we've been 'taught' about what it means to be human, as well as what our limitations are.
Isolated, with our internal linguistic and metaphoric spaces co-opted and tightly controlled, we can be scripted to ignore the birthrights we anaturally embody.
In unity, especially social unities - we have abilities which are far beyond what we classify as 'paranormal'. The goal of our organization, and the goals of this work are that you have the opportunity to experience those abilities yourself, and my dearest hope is to learn and explore them together, as a planet awakening to a new domain of potentials.
Please believe me when I say that there are now simple ways to accomplish things long deemed impossible. We can teach children to learn langauges 15 times faster. We can do things with symbols that make science-fiction seem unimaginitive. And the skills come from animals, children, and our own histories. This isn't make-believe, or metaphysics.
I hesitate to label what we've found as a technology, because it contains myriad such 'classes of things'. But at the core, the essence is simple, pragmatic, profoundly useful, and easily learned. By anyone at all. And everyone benefits, when anyone learns it. But that's a different pulpit...
The meaning of this feature is extremly important to understand clearly, and it's also fairly simple. It isn't that all the pages will change, or that any specific page is definitely changing - it means that any given page may change; either while you are viewing it...or...between the last time you viewed it and any moment of your current viewing.
This in mind, one might realize that to utilize these pages properly, it might be helpful to set your browser preferences to a setting which is equivalent to 'do not cache pages'. In other words, each time you re-load or leap to a new page, you get what's on our server, instead of a 'copy' of a 'given state' of a page, which is stored in your Web-Browser's (netscape, IE, etc) caching files. This is called different things in different browsers, and we've set PRAGMA to no-cache on most pages to aid in this.
If you wish to deal with this now, simply locate your cache preferences in your browser's preferences window. If you stop, for a moment, and think about this carefully - you can enter the world of liberty right here, even with 'very primitive' browser technology.
Let's stop for a moment for a fruitful exploration - consider what this 'cache' is...and what it is actually doing. We want to do this for a really interesting reason, which is this: Caching modes are 'simplifications' of cognitive caching the symbolic-abstraction caching modes which are nearly obligatory in creatures who interpret thought, emotion, and experience by referring to simple or complex linguistic tags. There are myriads of 'named' models and systems that we as a symbolically cognitive people have invented in order to examine how we do this, and the cognitive factors and inner systemic interactions that allow us to inwardly assemble a reasonable model of any cognitive moment - in other words, we cache experience - and then resolve it into more easily interpreted changing keys. These keys coallesce into families of related windows or frames during the process itself. At some point in any cognitive moment, we decide to abandon the process...and thus come away with a sort of cogntive object-set which is a partially assembled map of whatever we are experiencing or referring to.
What this means is actually rather simple. It means that, just as in dreamtexts, any moment of cognitive reference to any kind of symbolic interpreting is a process in all cases and never a hard result or fact. In essence, this means that all interpretation which is fundamentally symbolic is a recursive process of leaps toward what we might call a personal moment of greater intimacy with whatever we are referring to. The process is actually fantasy, and has no real referent in physical reality. When we 'think' - we are, in point of fact - dream-parsing an indistinct set of cognitive factors and optimizing them toward attractiveness to the cognitive personna which we in that moment represent. This personna is never a structure which can be fully mapped, since the mapping affects and modifies the structure(s) involved in the mapping.
This is one model of why, in dreamtexts, it's uncommon for the actual text to remain stable during close examination. But what does this have to say about the realities that we so deeply value, defend, and elaborate inwardly and as societies and nations of cognitive beings? Let's persue this thread in a general way...
In point of fact, it is a kind of filter. What it filters out, quite precisely, is the effect of time in a changing universe. This 'browser feature' is actually an analog of our own cognitive engine, albeit in a simple form. It's purpose is to optimize or ramp up the temporal momentum of your conscious moment or simply speed up a single feature of your experience.
That feature is the ability to gain a reasonably parse-able or interpretable domain or moment of cognitive framing or picture or web-page. It does this by literally ignoring any and all change since you last referred to that page or domain. This turns out to be interesting. In fact, it turns out to be, well, absolutely deadly when misused - in every possible domain. Consider this...our
Chapter 0:
Would you like to explore the possibility that you can learn to move, learn, love and save beings - and yourself - faster than light?
Here's a few ... deadly and boringly common reasons to go back to sleep, and ignore this:
t: Nonsense, none of that's possible, or even probable.
e1: Any adult can instantly see this is not a profitable game.
2b: These people are nutcases, loony, broken in the head, or selling something...perhaps all of the above and more.
52: Learning has no 'real speed' nor does 'loving'. How do you define a 'being' and 'the speed of saving?'
2fs: My religion expressly forbids such speculations, placing them firmly outside myself, and threatening every possible punishment for exploring such ideas, even in fantasy.
g8#: My philosophy clearly defines such babble as ridiculous.
!q!: Insert any possible excuse to deny yourself and others cognitive and real liberty...or even...a reason to play friendly games with others...
I - who is not me - am lightspeed, and it's scalar opposites, and the spaces in between. I am a tiny broken song in the form of a rabbit/turtle/calf. I have never been 'an adult' and I subscribe to no creed that is not of my heart and instantly testably true in that domain. I grow smaller, 'less perfect' and younger before I reverse those processes, in scales...and that is a part of my essential nature...there is no place, thing, traverse or transform which is unavailable to me...yet any availability at contextual as it relates to my position...and moment, and 'spin' and 'character'...
My 'calf part' has seven eyes, and those eyes, form...
a family of characters.
To really explore something - it's often best to become smaller and smaller then we may begin to co-operatively discover new modalities that encourage and celebrate our paths as a we, a together-ing-ness...rather than stated couplings according to laws which are neither ours nor those of their makers...
...listen, follow, forget, re-member...
To begin the most exciting journey...we may together explore in practice, these simple suggestions:
Keep it simple - super-cell.
(kiss(kissing - keep it super-symmetrical in new generations))
Keep it leaping in scales and domains, instead of walking on a number line.
Study the hand, the octagon, the sphere...then their unities...
Study the animals, the cells, their relations...
Learn to 'decode' your own language(s)
...understand first the meanings of words by context...
...then seek the same meaning for letters, rather than assuming a meaning or missing the meanings and sources of the letters themselves, by only looking at the 'word-break-tokens'... with song and languages as though you were a three-year old idiot savant on fire with godsong which was healing you and leading you scalarly into a new life with each instant...
...sing more brokenly and perfectly each moment...
But, let's get really really simple, before we get complex...
Well, consider this anecdote of a recent string of events in the life of an infant of 1 year, 5 months.
I am a 38 year old male, born on Christmas Day. I recently visited the home of a friend for a birthday party, where I'd never been before. I'd met none of the people there, and spent
We all begin all of the games in really simple states, shapes, and positions; but we don't often get to see the simplest models. And we are almost never taught to become master modelers...rather than expert model 'dupes'...or 'reader - duplicators' -
(::: ...many intelligent life forms call such dupes by a common meaning-name: Mimics. Mimics come in a vast variety of classes, functions, and potentials...but they all have certain 'characters of nature' in matter their domain of being or action...:::)
-and when we are taught a bit more about modeling and playing with multiple models in multiple domains, we usually only get to see one or two, not the whole range of the possibles, even the obvious possibles. With education - we always learn more about other people's models than we do about discovering and elaborating our's see how we can avoid an encounter with education...or...leverage such encounters ever more scalarly toward a real and living movement which always finds liberation more easily than stasis...this is already one of nature's favorite songs...are we really wanting to try our strength of ego against the whole sphere of reality? Probably, however, we'll all benefit in direct proportion to our ability to step outside the perspectives and models as fluidly as we enter them...
Chapter 0:
All erased into self-structure...
All new...forms of old newness...
All faster than the last set of scales and modes...slower at the same time in the same way...
Firstly, let all of this 'information' be smaller than really can't be anything else.
Secondly, let it be faster than you, and slower than you, in scales of momentum...
Anyone saying something different? Something about 'real names' and ownership?
They've got a slave collar with your name on it, and an advertisement that says...hey, this way to more liberty. But the liberty delivered by 25,000 McDonalds might be 'some kind of liberty' - it definitely is neither a graceful nor practical nor sustainable motion toward any liberty whose outcomes we'd be interested in inhabiting...
Furthermore, if you don't like their advertisements, they're prepared to use you as a weapon against yourself to insure your participation, and 'they' aren't 'they' at all...but...instead...small primitive parts of 'us'...
Now, it's true that this, too, is information. In other words, the song we are singing right now. But, if you're willing, let this 'new type' of information, a disposable ladder type, act for you like unto a highly personalized song-toy, whose essentially changing nature will always hold 'the extremely unique unfolding of your you-ness' not only together, but will also offer you 'very very quick' passage toward something so amazing...that every human child is born with access. Probably every eukaryote, for that matter. All complex animals have essential 'unity access'. So do a lot of humans. Then, there are a lot of others who say...sorry, what they are doing actually can't be done, so if you try it...well, we'll have to kill you...or cage you...or ... well... we've seen the outcomes...
Most of them look like rape. Now, even rape has a purpose. And there is some truth to the 'sense' that a 'victim' of almost any kind does, at least in a sense, advertise to predators. How could this possibly be a useful survival strategy?
Easy. Consider that time doesn't mean the same thing we think it does. Further consider that all beings contain 'a predatory principle or principle' - of some type...cognitive and physical. Consider further that certain types of 'broken-ness' represent progress. Other types require being re-broken back to an earlier phase of progressions - in order to have the opportunity to re-choose a more liberal domain of momentums...instead of...killing themselves directly...prey advertises principles which awaken the 're-breaking power and desire' in predators...the predatory principle has, primarily, a single type of break structures in beings or systems down to 'tiny potentially re-combinant 'circle parts' - which then can accrue in 'coming back together' fields and momentums of highly unique evolutionary potentials.
The point is this...this 'information' is all disposable...YOU, AND THE CHILDREN, THE ECOSYSTEMS of EARTH, AND THE MOTHERS/FATHERS - planets....ARE NOT DISPOSABLE, you are NOT PRODUCT for RAPE...nor are the ANIMALS, they too are the CHILDREN...
Reality has become a bad corporate spin-off, of what was supposed to be a miracle, that grew...
Instead, we get a burnt stone, every possible prison, and a bunch of machines that, most likely, -we actually do not need in any real way at all-
Sound crazy? Well, consider that 'housing jews' sounded crazy to most of Germany at a few points in history...and that...there are aspects of UNITY that we've left TOTALLY unexplored, in science, linguistics, math, physics, cognitive science, and nearly every domain of human experience and exploration...because they're all split up. What's splitting them up? Rationalism? Some ism? Hmm...
I believe, and that means it's my personal moment of belief, that ANY person, paradigm or ideal that holds living beings to the standards and values of OBJECTS...must be re-solved. Period. It has to, and before now...not later.
Consider that each of these Suggestions is merely a 'broken' song-toy, which is tinier than you.
Consider further, all these toys 'always stand underneath you' they will never try to 'educate' you...but instead...each one will try ever more fervently in each instant, to hold you up high for a second so that the truth of your own unique gifts, heart and spirit, can crush them, break them, and make them lift you higher, since you don't freeze, and they re-form, more perfectly, always, the more you break them....(something in you is like this, too)...
Sustainability: Sussing out the stainable things that can survive staining...
Consider that the only 'sustainable' level of technology and understanding is 'the stone age' or 'our 'species' child-age' and consider this as well...
Non-sustainable cultural technologies kill cultures dead, always...albeit along different time scales. That's the meaning of non-sustainable, re-member?
There is a sustainable 'movement' which is not technology...but instead, more an unfolding unification dance...
When employed, the outcome looks a LOT more like ATLANTIS...than ...
Cave men running around going 'uuuugggghhh!' and smacking things with a club...
Ball of Rock, or Female. Ask a scientist? Go ahead, but - Why not ask Earth?
Consider that 'Mother Earth' is actually a WOMAN. A Young Woman. Consider further that when she is fertile...she 'dances' attract...(just like other women) the... MATE or PENIS/SPERM encounter...that is MOST LIKE WHAT SHE ALREADY IS AND WANTS TO BECOME -MORE- of...consider that, for a planet...a VOLCANO is a LOT like BEING IN is an EARTHQUAKE...which is the PRODUCT of molten LAVA...or EARTH's BLOOD... which CHANGES and goes through CYCLES of SHIFT and ALL COMPLEX ANIMALS.
How can EARTH not be an ANIMAL? Her SKELETON is 'stony' but is ALSO BONE...She is FILLED with MYRIADS of beings including SENTIENT COULD she not be SENTIENT...if, in fact, we ourselves are...further...this implies that there is SENTIENCE within us...on a VERY SMALL SCALE...
RE-MEMBER: earthquakes and explosions like volcanoes
create WAVES and SIGNALS in SOL's Systemic Gravity Womb.Consider further that 'from VERY far away' ...
...little or BIG snakes...particles...meteors and COMETS hear her dance and the
ones 'MOST LIKE WHAT SHE IS BECOMING' tend to answer by heading toward her.Egg and sperm...same as you and me and (all the complex life forms).
Consider that the 'womb we cannot see is the 'Solar gravity well'.
It has neither END nor Beginning.
Further consider, that detonating LARGE EXPLOSIVES...sends BAD SIGNALS out
THROUGH THE WELL TO the LITTLE/BIG snake POWERS...and may CALL ONE YOU DON'T LIKE AT ALL...or 'want' to call.Consider this, as though all you cared for and about depend upon it.
Consider this MORE DEEPLY than you think you 'should for now'.
Return to the idea often, modifying it each time toward truth...where
Prophets, words, meteors, bullets, letters, books, comets, planets, churches, penises, circles, squares, physics, math, music, oops... Revelations....means and past and future....and.... we are read it like a one....who.... was the last Neo....and who....knew the importance of the mother.... also....consider the obvious....SON....SUN....(christmas celebrates the SUN and is HIDDEN to celebrate the SON)....this isn't even MODERATELY non-obvious...except to those who think themselves....adults...which ONLY the UNITY is....
....000 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 000...001...002...003...004...005...006...007...008...009...010...
Between each of the above 'phases' there is a terrifying abyss...which is nothing at all, except fear, and freezing. No phase is 'wrong' no phase is 'better' the 'rule' is a 'rule' which always breaks itself... but for -phase 6- is this: don't copy the 6 phase, or you get this: Less Local god each instant, fear, terror, illness, horror, loss of power, machines that want to kill and eat to make more of themselves, toxins, death, loss...and .... learning from your mistake... to take the leap...beyond all numbers...beyond.. separation....and where your Mother, Father, God, Flowers, Hearts, Eyes, Penises, Vaginas - really want to be. They need you to 'merely' go with them....not carry them...let them...carry you...effortlessly... lie a child..carries his own eye...vagina...penis...Mother....god....father...heart....
You can copy the 6-phase once. NEVER copy that...the six phase is 'anything invented by a wo/man/child' (instead of one of the 'other phases inside' like a Lion, a Calf, a Beast with the FACE of a human, or an eagle' not one of the animals in him....
Remember revelations 4 (0 thru 7?) if not...take a look at it, and use your OWN hand as a won't even NEED anything else...ever... ...remember your's a toy that God....the gods...the parent forces...left for you....
Don't take it seriously...look at the animals...
(I add these for fun: The Circle, the Dot, the Tree - these are sort of the 'throne and temple...but are also living principles...nothing in the throne is dead, nothing in heaven is 'frozen' that's why it all looks 'liquid' when someone tries to tell about it - consider what happens to the LIFE FORMS near a stream when it freezes SOLID...NO FOOD OR WATER FOR ANYONE...this is a machine...FROZEN-NESS that FREEZES others...and PENETRATES them, for a REASON which is not EVIL but instead a REMINDER of their OLD SELF-forms...)
The throne is LIQUID...because it moves on 'myriads of levels simultaneously'.
The 'rod with which you measure the temple, its foundations, and the extent of the kingdom - is a's your hand, and it's also 'an imaginary staff' which is infinitely changeable...
Each of these animals has 6 wings...filled with eyes. Each of these animals has eyes in the back and the front. Each of the animals sees: all of history, now and the future. Each of the animals are at once 'unique' and 'filled with precursors'
Lion A Calf (lamb) An animal with the FACE OF A MAN (could it be a sphinx?) An Eagle The secret NEXT FORM: An OCTOPUS. The VAST MOTHER POWER which has OWNED and ACCEPTED all it's HISTORICAL SELVES and INTEGRATED their powers and poetry into itself. It is one of the MOST INTELLIGENT AND POWERFUL MOTHERS of the ANIMAL KINGDOM (we are the KINGS but not the KEEPERS of this KINGDOM). An OCTOPUS is the SACRED KING/QUEEN of the WATERS.
All have eyes looking forward and back. This means they COMPRISE TIME ITSELF thus are FREE within it. All have 6 wings (the number of a man) All the wings are 'filled with eyes'
Remember: The Octagon has MORE POTENTIAL LIBERTY that the PENTAGRAM. It has MORE CHANNELS and can OFFLOAD PRESSURES of ATTACK more easily. IT is also LIQUID...being formed of FIGURE 8s which intersect on MANY levels and in MYRIAD domains...
(This is why wise old octopii practice t'ai chi, chi-gung, and ba-gua...all are 'octagon-infinity' unifying arts - they are martial arts - ONLY WHEN PURPOSED THAT WAY IN A GIVEN MOMENT...this is TOTALLY DIFFERENT THAN TRAINING TO SHOOT A GUN OR - FIGHT - or DEFEND ONESELF...what they are actually learning, is the special OCTOPUS power of FEARLESS-ness)
Remember also this: The octagon leads to 11, the same way the PENTAGRAM leads to 7. The pentagram is your hand. Your hand is a recursive pentagram in your Body Pentagram.
Source 7 + Number 7 + Unity of Form 7 = 777
Hand = 6 (+unity?) -and- Body = 6 (+unity?) + Unity = (+1?)
Without the Unity, you have 666 - a beast.
With the unity, you have 777 - A god-beast.
Remember this also:
Many of our images of aliens look TOTALLY OBVIOUSLY OCTAPOID. This is an image of OURSELVES in the FUTURE....many already know this. Probably even the lion governments.
4 genetic base pairs make 6 - 4 plus the whole, plus the FORM.
Beast Gene
But add the Unity: you get 7 - god gene in beast gene in god gene.
In Process:
(9 genetic base pairs could make 11 - 9 plus the whole plus the FORM).
Any moderately usable technology rescues (saves beings) in this order:
The Most Broken, the Prisoners, The Elderly, The Mothers and Children, the Fathers, the Ranks of Command, the First Mate, the Commander(s), the Ship, the Ocean, The World, The
solar system, the galaxy, the universe.Also: The Jedi use fusion swords, the EVIL ONES use 'fission bullets'. The reason
even...THEIR OWN RESCUERS.The Lesson: Choose the RIGHT weapon to HEAL with.
Remember James Bond? 007? He's supposed to 'sort of stand for' the 'heroic
aspect' of a 'lion that knows its master, AND is its own master' - neat huh?
Thing is language almost ALWAYS tells a lot of the TRUTH, IF YOU CAN BE SMALL
ENOUGH TO SEE IT, and you KNOW THE LANGUAGES WELL.....If 'god' had to 'leave his child alone for a moment' s/he/it/all might need to
leave some toys lying around that would remind the child when it strayed. In the
ENGLISH language, these toys got made into a kind of machine that eats itself in
the BIBLE, the machine itself, is preserved the path beyond the machine,
and the path from which the machine spring, and a variety of interesting
toys...which... Become SERVANTS of GOD/YOU/LIFE/PLANETS/US
again....INSTANTLY...when you leap across the abyss, or 'WHEN ENOUGH REAL GOD IS
RIGHT NEARBY AND BEING LET IN'. The 'bible' is written in YOU in your HAND> Any
book, is a MORE PRIMITIVE FROZEN bible. Any PROPHET knows ONLY LESS than better than any other, except that it PRESERVE THE CHILD GIVEN
IT...against harm, deceit, lies, and disease - predators.The Snake and the Lion are from the same 'domain of principle' - predatory,
silent, fast, bullet power. The BREAK CIRCLES DOWN TO BITS of RECOMBINANT CIRCLE.God-ness....never stops...never hesitates...goes through all holes and all
numbers... instantly, less than instantly....has access to ALL phases and STEPS
of, who, what, where, how, why... from the VERY SIMPLEST (a tiny
dot) the MOST complex: quadrillions of spheres expanding and contracting...
We can help the churches...and the broken, and the prisoners, the mama's/babies, and the sick...
Know this, as well...this time around, just as promised, those WHO WERE LAST WILL BE SAVED FIRST. (The black people, the indian people, the animal peoples) - this is not because of a RULE - it's because, without those beings healed and working with you...frankly, you won't have a BAT's CHANCE in A FUSION furnace of SAVING YOUR PEOPLE...and SELF...and WORLD.
Thus, I sing the safety of the Ur-Mother First, and then THE MOST BROKEN, and then THE PRISONERS...
I and you have ALWAYS been this way, WHEN we are not AFRAID...and when we CAN
SEE, and when we LOVE...and when we...JOIN TOGETHER with GOD, Rocks, trees,
animals all, mothers fathers, sons daughters...
Let's talk penises:
They say:
Vagina's are the problem, sort of...but we can CLEARLY see how many WOMEN and VAGINA's wander around killing and caging others....not too many at all...let's say...bad penises? 1 in 25. Bad Vagina's? 1 in 250....then erase BAD and substitute: primitive....older (fighting against death all the time) self...
Here's the point: Soldiers don't belong in the nursery...period. They ALSO MUST NOT COMMAND the NURSERY staff and children!
Hard to figure out? Maybe. 2000 years hard? I really really doubt it....
Now, Let's talk physics...
With a tiny bullet you 'break something' and you get 'explosive sphere power'...
But, if you pulse in and out from an infinitely small dot, to an infinitely large
sphere, at ALL POSSIBLE frequencies of get FUSION the MORE ADVANCED
version of the BREAKING POWER of the BULLET or FROZEN tiny sphere.Let's talk language:
Letters are the TINY SNAKE POWER...books are COGNITIVE COMETS...
Copying actually....poisonous to cognitive beings...
(It DRAGS (creates time-drag toxin) your PAST (frozen in form, ick!)
along with the EVER-CHANGING time...Let's talk genetics:
All the complex animals have 4 base pairs...4 plus the 'whole' is 5.
4 plus the whole, plus the FORM is 6...the number of the ANIMALS...not
obvious...only someone who WON'T or CAN'T be a child...can see it.
Now let's talk prophets, and religions, and spiritual momentums in human
Breakable rule 1:
Want fear?
Stand still.
Your song of you/
the matrix/
the unified and unifying field always moving through ALL of EVERYTHING...
when you stop, you LET GO of your MOTHER's hand, your Father's hand
and your OWN hand... and you become PREY.(Prey is isolated) = (I am SO late that I Die (to myself and the superstructures)
I so late d. See, keep it simple, supercell...
This is what PREY does to SIGNAL the LION to EAT it and BREAK it, and RETURN it to the SOURCE of BITSY circle PARTS... so it can find itself faster... there is no death...only... something that leaps 'across'... and ALL of us already know this... what we DO NOT KNOW is what ACROSS looks like... and no one can tell us because EACH being's -land of Across- must be, and is and will always become more - scalarly more totally unique...and this... and this, somewhat 'magically' makes it scalarly more other words... diversity is the source of 'sameness' and 'sanity'... heaven, enlightenment, love... a WATER which magnetically LEAPS... across ABYSSES to BECOME more and more (scalarly) WATER-LIKE-NESS... which is more and more self, more and more god, more and more unified... spirit or not, it's the same.
Math or ghosts, it's the same.
Physics or heart, it's the same...
Close or the distance at all.
Past or future, is the distance...
Us and Them is the same...just at different times, perspectives...
Either: Them, is ALWAYS part of our source...
What did the snake teach us in the garden (I am your past face, you should, perhaps,
have waited a bit before jamming with the tree, and...well, the story got mixed up):0: Square penises are JUST WRONG. Ever see a square snake? Not alive, you didn't...
e: Dual SQUARE PENISES without BALLS don't belong here, at all. Any and ALL
penises without BALLS must be DESTROYED to make MORE LOVE which is EXACTLY what
DESTROYING the TOWERS did, instantly - EXCEPT AMONGST THE BAD LIONS.&: All the 'crazy snakes' got 'more waking up power' which they 'lapped up like
egg-yolk' from the 'Strike at the Bad Egg-Maker'.3: The First Testicle of the Penis is the Grandmother, the second is the Mother.
h: Penises without MOTHERS have CUT THEIR OWN BALLS OFF to become MEANER and
Foes...The Military KNOWS THIS ALREADY.m: If you make the SKIES roar with DANGER AND FEAR...they will BECOME YOUR DANGER
AND FEAR. This even a child knows. When the Jets stop flying, deadly 'broken
penises' are not 'roaring in heaven' - bad penises roaring in heaven will scare
WERE THE SNAKE... AND THE SNAKE...ALWAYS remembers its sources and the little
particles of them...snakes... are BIG SPERMS...they KNOW...all about the bullet
power...WAY MORE FLUIDLY than LIONS...m: IN 'the Matrix' the 'SNAKE POWER' is the Agents. When the 'trap' Morpheus (the
risks save his FATHER. Thus he 'GAINS HEAVEN' miraculous LOVE
from the 'SILENT MOTHER' who is at ONCE the Oracle, and his Lover. Further, the
AGENT SMITH...tells Morpheus: I -hate- your STINK! I smell it everywhere and I
HATE THIS PLACE! The Stink of your HEAD makes ME SICK...but this is AGENT SMITH's
OF ITS OWN BIRTH...which, when it was born, it minded NOT AT ALL...what we our the reflection in the PRESENT of our PAST...which FEELS like a
TRAP, if we say but one thing: That reflection is not now and NEVER WAS ME...Lions have to be NICE and LOVING to snakes...and care about the SNAKE KINGDOM
because it is a SUB-DOMAIN of the LION's own SELF, and HEART. All Mothers know
this instantly...
Two sorts of people are more likely to know or notice or discover this: Children
who aren't 'banged around and caged', artists, sick people.
(Parable to be disposed of after a glance:)
Osama Bin Laden is a 'crazy snake' who attacked a LION. The snake did this to
-remind the LION of its TRUE SELF AND PATH- when the LION forgets where and who
he is...he is no longer KING...he is FOOD to REMAKE lions which are MORE LIKE
KINGS AND QUEENS...the 'snake' is the LION's way of REMINDING ITSELF...that's why
almost ALL lions KNOW AND TEND all local snakes like a KING DOES WHO IS WISE AND THE LION KING...(keep it simple, supercell :) Now...what did this crazy snake....teach the LION CHILDREN and the LIONS OF THE WORLD...?No crazy snake can ever -always- be will ALWAYS get through if the LION is SICK, or LESS LION KING/QUEEN than it SHOULD be at THAT PHASE of GROWTH.
Medicine, Technology
...the fact is, it is possible to be born again, but what the vast majority of christians have been blathering on about related to this topic has been, as usual, misunderstood with a kind of misunderstanding which is so incredibly vast in its age and pride that it's nearly impenetrable to almost everyone, especially christians themselves...of course...there are...exceptions everywhere...
...let's playfully presume two things:
...the mythical/real christ was actually talking about a real process...
...that almost all the keys, metaphors and stories related to this bio-cognitive 're-birth' are broken in the sense they can be 'titled', 'locked', 'controlled', and 'copied'...
Every single prophet was god's prophet, there is no other kind.... But each one
is 'sticking mostly' to 'one phase' of 'a prophet's growth', not because they
want to, because for each prophet, there is a LOT of FEAR -Between- the phases -
no one likes to jump, into something they can't see clearly right? And you can
-never- see the place across the ABYSS from you, before you jump. So all
prophets, can only be 'gods' prophets, because the 'principle' you 'call' satan,
the dark BITER, the SHADOW snake, The evil eye, the Serpent, the Penis-power, the
Bullet-power, the arrow-power, the penetrator, the Father Power, Half the Son
power and half the SUN'S PART of god...not separate.Re-member this:
'satan' in the christian Mythos was, at one point, God's favorite angel - let's consider the possibility that this 'holy sun of the allfire which burns at once never and always' - was actually a precursor to god...
Because 'satan' is PRIMITIVE, and the later phases are terrified by specific things or momentums of cognitive motion... (e-motion = bio-cognitive energy motion) when standing before ANY abyss which is FEAR:1. The Parts be-HIND me of myself, that I used to get here, but if I use them here (in the -old- way, when a -new way of using is needed) they might kill me.
2. The things across the ABYSS of TERROR I cannot see.
3. I can't make the jump, because:
God, 'sanity', Momma, Daddy, the Children, myself, or the world - something in MAKING ME STICK TO MYSELF INSTEAD OF GOD. And when I stick to MYSELF, anything and anyone near me, does 'a little more of the same' lessening the locally available momentums and transforms of local god-wisdoms, god-healings, god-visions, god-powers, and god-re-membering going on near each BEING and PLANT and ROCK. Pretend the word god, actually means something more like...the sentience inherent in matter itself.
The now
The past
The future
"In pre-selected human beings, from each gene-pool, neural circuits have been activated (usually without their awareness) which are designed to fabricate future realities, future gene-pools.
These individuals are genetically templated to live much of the time in the future. They are, to this extent, alienated from current hive realities.
Some agents who are unaware of their genetic assignment feel agonizingly 'out of step'. Some are shunned and even locked up by the gene pools they serve.
Those who are lucky enough to recognize their post-human genetic caste attain level of great prescience and humorous insight. They understand that they are Time Travellers, literally walking around in past civilizations. A most entertaining and effective role to play. While they have little power to change the ripples of history, or the waves of evolution - they can surf them with increasing skill.
Such evolutionary agents are best described as OUT-CASTES. They are cast out,thrown forward, pushed up, above and beyond, contemporary hive realities.
As evolution accelerates there are more and more Evolutionary Agents emerging. In the 1960's it was probably true that every gene-pool cast out its futique agents.We are now learning to identify these OUT-CASTES and benefit from their contribution to the species."
-Frank Herbet, Agent Extra-Temporal, Agent Extra-ordinary.
- Father of the Dune Liberation Texts, which will later be seen as having been highly prescient, if not perfectly accurate...
from 'The Intelligence Agents', 1976, Peace Press.
by Timothy Leary, librarian, temporal agent linker, and agent.
Note: The Term Prescient is VERY OBVIOUSLY meaning PRE-SCIENCE.
Human history, personal experience, tradition, folklore, and personal and cultural anecdote record extremely large varieties and forms of 'anomalous human interactivity' with 'hard environmental variables' or 'impossible situations,players, and outcomes'. Rather than set such things aside, as 'adults' (which are actually imaginary beings, and non-human in their activity) often do; organelles feel that since we are a part of this activity, and can 'stand beneath it' - such significant aspects of human and sentient interactivity must be more faithfully,and deeply explored. Not from a deconstructive standpoint. From the standpoint of one who, told they can swim; at first finds the impossible to actually appear impossible. Yet within two or three -days- the impossible is becoming a skill,in most swimmers. A year later, it almost seems impossible -to fail to swim- when placed in water of reasonable depth.
Further, there are many common aspect of such 'cognitive skills' which quite significantly 'destroy wholesale' any probabilistic determination of their causative sources and effects. The skills that result in billions of successful automobile trips which occur at incredibly high speed, with a great rarity of mishap, point directly to the power of 'unified systems of belief and activity' which soon 'become habitually simple' in 'even the most cognitively primitive of average successful practitioners'.
Not the term practitioner. It's extremely easy to tell someone, that something they 'aren't familiar with' and 'would be threatened by the existence of as an adult', is 'not possible' or 'nonsense'. It may be important to consider the relationship between,for example non-sense and pre-science. Nonsense and prescience. They are our own words,and I feel they point to something far far more important than any 'adult' could be unthreatened enough to even examine, never mind believe.
Let's examine just a tiny portion of the more commonly reported anomalies:
People smiling in a seriously loving way at another for no apparent reason.
- we are only half jesting here. The fact is, that in many modern cities, this phenomenon is -actually less common than reports of animal communication.-UFO's.
Encounters with 'non-human intelligences'.
Animal mutilation
- including recent discoveries of 'crystallized bovine hemoglobin' at the sites where impossibly bloodless surgeries were performed.Prescience
-literally, 'seeing or knowing metaphoric stories of future events' in a 'form whose content very closely represents later unfoldings of circumstance'.
Spontaneous and impossible healing.
Certain forms of impossible mobility.
-Especially common are highly practiced T'ai chi/Chi-gung/Ba'Gua/Aikido practitioners who appear capable of understanding and manipulating bio-cognitive energy and momentum in ways which are rationally impossible and physically incomprehensible to outsiders.Serious fire-handling, with playful abandon.
- we're talking about 2-pound flaming coals; logs held and passed around a room, glowing red hot...held for 2 to 3 minutes by willing participants without damage, under certain conditions.Telepathy.Disease - foreknowledge.Animal Communication.
Rescues of pets by owners and vice versa are often initiated without any form of visual or other obvious sensory contact.Possession:
Persons who give forth with cognitive information which appears alien to their person, time, culture or position. Often with prescient clarity, and startling precision.Visionary Events:
<many extant 'cognitive technologies' have recorded such events as well as keys to obtaining further information and experience regarding them>
One feature of all dreamtexts is that they cannot be said to have any discernable author. They have, in reality, a translator, and a 'browser' or experiencer.
Right now, you are using a soft device (software) to browse this web-page. Further, as a living cognitive hyperstructure, you are employing myriad sets of semi-intelligent inner browsing biocognial 'nanites' which have an amazing ability to organize themselves into functional unities. You call this a mind, and think it's located in your head.It might be really primitively reduced to the concept mind. But this mind we speak of, experience, and participate in is definitely is not housed in your skull. Similarly, the internet is not housed in your computer. Nor is this website housed there.
In fact, this shared songthing you call a mind...
well... frankly...
you're connected to it, and able to modify it locally...
but it isn't even housed... it is, quite obviously... shared, as well as scalarly emergent with its participants at any given moment.
It might even be speculated that, by considering this mind a 'thing' which is somehow 'in you alone, and 'yours'' - you could be either poisonous to it, poisonous to yourself, or, perhaps less dramatically, simply unable to have any reasonably integral experience of its actual fullness, depth, and power...then again, you've obviously tasted a lot of it, or you wouldn't have made it this far, most likely.
Whatever you may think about my speculations on this matter - please don't take my word for it. Instead, go watch five 3-year olds play together - or a pack of lions. Watch the monarchs head for some destination that is effectively, for them, another planet. Watch them succeed by the millions, against every possible barrier, at whatever it is they intend and then actively pursue.
Still think that this 'mind' is housed in your head? Your body? Your soul? Stop thinking a moment, and look. Listen to the songs of a living world for even a moment, and you realize...mind is where you place it. But go ahead and keep it in your head for a bit, if it makes you feel more comfortable. It's totally ok to seek comfort. In fact, we support such seekings, as long as the fruit is really comfort and not something else masquerading as such...In fact, if you so desire, feel free to link up with the cognitive seatbelt of skepticism. It's a pretty conservative choice, but it has real benefits, and I'd be the last person on earth to ask you to give up your safety. Your security? That thing is ... well ... a dis-ease . . . unless . . . you can step outside it, and look at the terrain without wishing you'd worn a diaper that day. The first few times, it can be pretty scary - and it can even look a lot like cognitive and personal death. Very few people enjoy such experiences, mostly, they simply turn the channel. No one is going to take that right away from you here. You can always turn the channel, however - consider how potentially valuable it can be to have one's blinders torn away in compassionate song.
No one wants to be dis-eased. So grab whatever belts you're comfy with. Just keep the window open, so you can see what the outside is doing and singing about...
And now, cellular superstructures, let us do a minor fugue of Pre-ambling -
along some strange and simple, yet infinitely deep map edges:
The Song of the Volunteer DreamMappers: Aleph - Null
DreamTexts - Intro Duct Ion
Chapter 0 : Verse 0
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