Go ahead and reduce that circle 50% — but remember — just to get back to where you started, you’re going to have to increase what’s left by 200%. Now think about the planet, and that circle. Think long and heartfully about human sentience, and the delicate circles of organismal assembly it arises only in communion with. Then think about what machines do in a living cell-world.

Take a moment to consider that in your world, today, almost all of the terrain-space your sentience and person requires — is occupied by machines, their transports of resource acquisition, support system, and their outputs.

On Earth, circa 2004, a car automatically has more rights and terrain — and rights of passage, than a human being. Particularly the form of human being you refer to as a child. Lest you think this is merely a physical problem, consider that your own cognition is born and evolves primarily in reflection of your experiential (not merely your conceptual) environ ment.

— toyMaker





Errors are not what we have been taught to believe,
and ‘mistakes’ do not mean what we have been told.

The instances of a poe on these pages may contain ‘errors’

— on purpose —

and some of the errors are in the form of ‘correctness’...


A single-phase, linear-clockwise, 5-loop poe
(point of entrance) — 90-degrees.

This toy transcends its planar dimensionality in multiple simultaneous domains. What’s useful about this toy is not visible, however — it is what you can learn playing with it, and other toys like it.

Once you’ve seen it — you own it. It can’t be ‘taken away’ or sold — or even reliably named. No one but you will even know you have one. And no one else’s can ever be precisely like yours...

Although this is not saying enough — no single observer, is a single observer — except at a given scale, under the rule of a separatory paradigm. Nature never produces anything for or about which only one perspective is available. The truth is always a version of multiply distinct simultaneity. There is a cognitive gesture alike with this which you are already an expert with, but do not interact intentionally with. If you do, your powers of sentience change, and they change radically.

This ‘gesture’ is essentially an emotional, poetic and intellectual movement of connectivity with ‘very small’ sources.

If you are merely allowed to notice yourself making this gesture, you will shortly thereafter encounter an agent of the primordial sentience, directly.

Presuming you’re of welcoming temperament, this agent will introduce you to domains of experience, ability, understanding and knowledge beyond all possible fiction — and far beyond science and religion as we currently model them in the common domains of storying and metaphor.


Classical understandings of dimensionality, like those we are largely obliged to accrue in educational systems are false. The reason is not that they are untrue in their logics — but that their access to a varied set of perspectives is totally missing. In other words, living geometries utilize multiply recombinant non-local relation. The assemble logics from a vast array of equally valued perspectives of truth, and even of assembly. Comparatively, our common human modes — even the most elegant and esoteric — are flat, and myopic. While mechanically factual, they are founded in root-positions that mismetaphy (make broken meaning-root values for) ‘dimension’ based on a single source-perspective — a basis nowhere apparent in Nature.


I believe our species will soon discover that what is missing as one ‘goes down the ladder’ of dimensions — is ‘more than made up for’ in myriads of explosively expansive terrains that we have neither metaphor for, nor story of. In other words when we go from 3 s to 2 — the one we subtracted has grown huge (in significance, character and content) in a place we cannot yet refer to. We haven’t invented an even generally accurate metaphor to refer with...yet.

The crazy thing about dimensions that humans are about to discover is this: when you remove one somewhere, 12 others of vast import arise invisibly in response.

And this whole game is deeply related to how and why our species has sentience...and what the real potentials of this ancient gift actually are.

The wisest first move you can make, is to hinder your desire to compare this image in the figure above to anything you are ‘already familiar with’. In fact, it would be best if right here, you (somewhat playfully) decided that no one can know ‘what this is’. Part of the reason is that it isn’t a what, so much as it is a kind of model of one possible mode of a living how...

It isn‘t a ‘fractal’, nor some similar ‘mathematical’ construct; though such formalisms might be accurately applied to it. This is not a representation of a formalism — even if after hearing my advice you disagree and decide that it is (which, in this case, would be an error). And yes, it could be the product of a formal assembly procedure — yet this does cannot prove that it is.

To obtain access to its usefulness — and this has to do with a sort of movement — it is important to not decide ‘what it is’. It is exceptionally more useful to let its primary identity remain uncertain, and to actively pursue models and toys, or strategies of ‘seeing what it is like’ from various active perspectives, without ever ceasing at one as the ‘thing it is most like’. The idea is to value this uncertainty, and follow it — more than any other possible idea about this toy.

The thing up above this text isn’t ‘an image’ — and the unimage it isn’t is ‘something like’ a metaToy. It’s not meant to be decided about — but played with. If you‘re bored by it, you’ve chosen to stop playing — and this is the only mistake you can make with this toy.

This whole naming thing is a serious problem here. Since I am writing in text, I must find some way to reference this (version of a possible) metaToy in a way that tends more to release us from labels and classes and comparators than it does to bind us to them.

The ‘thing somewhat like an image’ above isn’t even ‘the thing I am trying to talk about’, but merely a single-phase representation of one possible toy of what I am trying to speak toward. See how thinking ‘this is a metaToy’ is already binding me to repetition? I am becoming trapped because I made the deadly error (in this particular game) of binding to a token of reference — which is the opposite of what I am attempting to do.


Perhaps I should explain a little bit about this (position of entrance) visible above, and how it was made. As I am writing this, I am using it — and it wants me to make more of it, which I would prefer to do in text, rather than in an illustration program. (six days later I am still making ‘more of it’ — see below). The kind of more it wants is not something we’d expect: it wants more ways to be uniquely embodied relational similarities of itself...

In considering ways I might make more of it — I entertained the idea that I could link each ball in the representation to an entire tree-like (poe) like the one above — such that clicking any ball would reveal that it is the center of a uniquely embodied poe in an adjacent dimension. And then in each of those images, I could link each ball similarly. I got frightened when I started wondering about what I might do with the ‘angles’ and ‘points’ in the poe.

The ‘strategy’ of its construction is simple. Create the center circle, add an ‘x-cross’ to demarcate the sections of color, extend its arms half a diameter at each of the four exits from the circle. Then ’copyMove’ this structure to the end of a crossArm, and turn it 90 degrees. Then shrink it by half. It took about three hours to successfully construct the first simple example, and the model is imperfect — however it was not meant to be a perfect model.

Later, I began to experiment with a poe of twice the complexity of these models. These 5-tier (meaning move 5 nodes to get to a ‘sameness’ of color-position on the wheel) poe-crosses (poe-ts) utilize a 90-degree spin across the their ‘gaps’ or rods. If one were to halve that, one would...of course, radically affect both the complexity and the geometric diversity of the poe.

This is a cognitive toy, not a mathematical one...


We might proceed to play with the poe as a toy of points, and rods, and circles (or, if we prefer ‘wholes’).

Every ‘whole’ has a hole in its center (which is a transport of exceptional unityFeatures, rather than ‘something missing’). These are polarities — such that the ‘distance’ between one and the other is ‘none’ yet on each ‘side’ of the hole there is a unique and complete universe. They are ‘all the same hole’ (i.e: a single ‘point’), yet in every position— what they lead to is at once unique and complete.

They are the realm of the point — in the poe.

Each of these points, or holes is touching every other point. We might imagine that at any ‘given size’ every other ‘hole’ (at that size) is ‘present’ such that one can step through a door zero distance away and step through in any other position (at that size). Had we chosen to imagine the previous, we might then proceed to assert that a ‘change of size’ was ‘one step’ away — so that from the center of any circle, one could ‘take one step’ and land in the center of any circle ‘one step’ larger or smaller than one’s current size.

There is an ‘opposite’ sort of gap — an anti-hole — at the places where the rods of the crosses meet and change color (theoretically ‘halfway’ between the circles they connect, although this varies in the representation above). Those holes lead to similar structures in an invisible (in this representation) domain. Thus there are many scales, and dimensions which are not visible in this poe. We might, for example, imagine that the anti-holes in the rod-centers lead to the centers of circles in distributed universes of anti-poes...

This poe appears designed for linear-clockwise travel, such that travel out from any point (along rods) results in clockwise spiraling (when we examine the travel and the result) Thus movement along the poe — via holes or lines or following edges of a circle — has interesting results.

One can take the scenic route, around a circle — and stay in the neighborhood.

One can follow a rod, and change direction at any centerpoint.

One can take ‘the shortcut’ by going to the center of the circle, and emerging either at or near one’s intentional destination-point.

And of course, one can combine these movements in any desired order.

Theoretically, given the toyRules I’m presenting, one could leave this toy entirely, and move to another invisible toy via the unHole at the centerpoints where the rods change color.

Seen as a toy of sentient migration, no matter ‘where one is going’ one is always ‘almost there’. Some methods of travel speed up or slow down as the scale of their locality shrinks or expands. There are many interesting (and useful) features to this simple poe. But tracing paths on an image is boring, and mostly useless.



How is the poe activated such that it becomes a useful toy, rather than a mere object of speculation?

In order to understand this, we need to see things with great generality, such that we can use this simple model to paint portions of some majestically complex scenarios... which happen through the unique expressions of relation emergent from them...to grant us the sources and ongoing presence of our complexly human sentience. Primarily, this is a toy of relation, and it’s most significant purpose is to erase itself, by offering experiential access to the fact that there is nothing else, and locality is only a tiny portion of the equation.

I’m not much interested in boring you with semantic exercises, but before we continue I want to ask a simple question: have you ever seen a picture of a concept?

In other words... what does a picture of the idea of Tree look like? It doesn’t necessarily look like anything at all — but that doesn’t mean we can’t make a generally accurate model — as long as we remember we are really just playing with toys. If the picture we make is generally accurate enough, it can have a seemingly impossible repercussion — it radically alters what a concept is — in our minds, experience and cognition. The reason is simple:

All human thinking is based on models. And these are based in turn on schemas of assembly. If we have access only to the models, we are living in a cage that cripples our natural potentials and divides us from each other and our experience. If we have direct access to recombinantly fractured schemas — this matter resolves itself.

So what I am getting at is that it is possible to create a toy that changes how humans relate with their own tokens of sentience: metaphors — and also grants them many new options of assembly and interaction, including a vast catalogue which in the modern moment we as a Western People would consider utterly impossible.

In the face of such a suggestion, myriads of questions are bound to arise in response to our sometimes useful habits of skepticism. Most of them can be addressed very easily. For example, a common response is along the lines of: well if something this accessible and simple were possible, we’d already be doing it, because as a species we are far more scientifically advanced that was ever imagined possible...

But this is not the case, for our advancement, while real, has been in a strange domain that denies and often directly opposes advancement along other channels. Usually, when our species is subject to this cognitive disease, the ascendant paradigm begins loudly mimicking those things it by its nature denies access to — thus we have, for example, vast bureaucracies and prisons to support ‘justice’, without ever having access to anything but that single very broken definition. The existing structures take up so much terrain and space that they idea of radically altering them appears impossible. We settle for an outcome which is a lot like inviting an imposter of someone we would admire home for dinner — based upon what they imitate, rather than the outcome of their actions, and the actual reality of their activity.

[When we apply a frozen metaphor to a toy of knowing, we ‘close the transport at the center’, and this results in sentience damage, broken toys, human atrocity, and probably even dead worlds.]


A ten-tier poe
(almost eight days were required to complete this —
this is the sixth complete version).

This represents a toy of the general schema of a cognitive transport with impossible powers of transtemporal and translocal presence. It expresses a 45-degree counterclockwise spin (out) from ‘core-north’ (yellow in largest node). The last position (tail) recapitulates the first (crown). i.e: 1 = 10 (and all positions with(in)) We can play with this as one simple instance of a ‘toy’ that acts as a cognitive magnet...when played with attentively.

To assemble something of this nature accurately one must first explore the contextual features of the background, and schema. In doing so, many unexpected discoveries are made, and must be addressed in order to proceed. This ends up becoming a self-referencing process that requires one to experientially explore domains of self-reference via sR, in order to produce an image-artifact that is based in a scalar sR movement. The most important thing about all of this is that it should lead us to explore how we create metaphors and meaning — and where we got our models of this process from. In other words, this is a cognitive toy — not a ‘piece of art’ or a ‘math-object’.

One must (in process of assembly) attend matters of distortion at scales as one builds ‘back’ from the smallest parts, toward the initial entrance structure.One must also do what a computer cannot — which is to allow the patterns emergent in the very small to dictate the math, rather than the other way around — at least in the method of assembly I was using.

The pattern goes something like this:

arm establishment — each arm appears in node-steps, in a spiral
complex (spiraling back) assembly of nodes.

The file complexity (and size) grows ‘in a progression’ which we would characterize as ‘geometric’ (a definite pun in this case) in size as each ‘cross-section’ is duplicated; 4 times for each node, at every scale, in all four positions. Due to the profound complexity of the final two phases, I was unable to assemble more accurate models than those presented because the file quickly grew from 184k to 132.3mb. Illustrator was unable to handle the file at all much beyond the ‘spin duplication’ of the third major cross.

As well as what is visible, there is also a stairstep effect such that the first smallest cross is underneath the next, in a spiral, at every scale. The cross in the upper right is lowest, and the upper left highest (in this model). The variance in the coloration and detail below is due to the different modes required to produce an image for the stage-steps, and the final object.

This is another toy of something alike with a portion of the likeness of the ‘tree of life’ or the ‘tree of lights’. All positions are interdependent— thus, for example none may be attacked without attacking all positions...and the same is true of nurturence, or celebration...
A (single-arm view) of (one mode) of the assembly of this poe(t).


Select one rod as ‘nodeNorth’ — yellow is ‘nodeNorth’ in this model.

Rotate (45 degrees in this case) a half-sized copy of the topMost node, and place it at the end of this rod. Continue, following‘localNorth’ at each successive node, until the last node’s ‘color-position’ matches the first.

[More properly (such as in the imagination) this is done in a circular pattern, clockwise or counter from core, thus that each second node would be applied in order, then the north third, and so on.] In a ‘more accurate’ poe, the first tier of four nodes would phase-in, properly spun, followed by the second tier (of 4 x 4), &c.

Alternately (and much more interestingly), the arisal of the ‘biggest’ node, would be followed by the sudden and universal arisal of ‘all of the smallest nodes’. These would arise spirals within spirals. These would be followed by the second largest, followed by the second smallest, &c. The secret of the poe is that each node and line is built of ‘other scales and forms’ of poes... alike with the final product above (in a very general way).


The final node gets four orbitals.*
Each node in order, local-north first would be elaborated in spin-direction at each position on the four arms —
and each step would proceed thus.
We traveled down the arm to establish foundations — we now begin traveling back (in a sense) — establishing complexity.
(4 orbitals)
(4 are added)

*(in the illustration the final node ‘becomes an orbital’ of its progenitor, and 3 new orbitals are added — this is for file-size simplicity. Though the illustrations follow the model described here, another mode of assembly would follow the schema illustrated (and counted) through the following phases.)


The final node and its orbitals orbit its progenitor.

(12 are added)

And so forth...

(48 are added)


And so on...

(192 are added)


(768 are added)


(3072 are added)

(12,288 are added)
In a poe being assembled in a balanced fashion, the numbers at each phase would quadruple. For example, if we recognize that there are 10 ‘size-speed’ dimensions in the poe, we can see that what is being multiplied is not merely ‘structure’ or foreground. In fact, with each addition to the poe, multiple dimensions of new potential location and relation are being established in a dance that proceeds geometrically in form, numerism, poetic — and even magical domains.

This is one form of a dimension-multiplying toy.
This figure offers a flat animation of the growth of a single arm. It is a very simple model of how a biocognitive hyperstructure evolves — but it is profoundly useful in allowing us access to an active metaphor that can encourage us to change our relations with specific holophores — Time, for example.

The above images comprise‘toys of a schema’ — or something like a map that shows ‘a way of making’ ways — rather than maps or ‘an instance of product’.

Here is an image of an unobject — which is a ‘product’ of sentient creatures ‘playing together in reMembrance with the sources of the poe’. It is more alike with the metaphor ‘door’ than it is with ‘picture’ — but our common objectification habits cause us to generally exchange this potential of a recominbinantly scalar game of rescue-explorations which provides egress — for that of its opposite — an object that provides stability: It represents something which is entirely unapparent : a way of moving in and out...of everyWhen and anywhere, and any combination thereof — within the unityBeing.





Start and first-phase finish of a 24-ray (15 degree) poe.
Note the complex mesh of poe-larities (rods with their central un-holes) along the rays.


: next :
