text is in process] Ma Tri Ces t(ree)-races { mom’s trines }
2 Pattern: Number of digits: 9 Sum of Digits: 45 Reduction: 9 27 digit pattern
resultant from inclusion of 224668113557992446881335779 = 135 = 9 3 Pattern: Number of digits: 2 Sum of Digits: 9 4 Pattern: Number of digits: 18 Sum of Digits: 90 Reduction: 9
The 2-pattern:
5 Pattern: Number of digits: 18 Sum of Digits: 90 Reduction: 9 ::: The 2-Pattern weave: 6 Pattern: Number of digits: 2 Sum of Digits: 9 7 Pattern: Number of digits: 18 Sum of Digits: 90 Reduction: 9 ::: The 2-Pattern weave: L to R
8 Pattern: Number of digits: 18 Sum of Digits: 36 Reduction: 9 ::: The 2-Pattern weave: L to R
9 Pattern: Number of digits: 2 Sum of Digits: 18 Reduction: 9 10 Pattern: Number of digits: 18 Sum of Digits: 36 Reduction: 9 ::: The 2-Pattern weave: L to R
11 Pattern: Number of digits: 9 Sum of Digits: 45 Reduction: 9 ::: The
2-Pattern weave: Was: 246813579 Now: 135792468
12 Pattern: Number of digits: 2 Sum of Digits: 9 [The fourth scalar dimension of trines] o:O:o ‘the wedding bands’ These
sheets demonstrate how the identity-numbers for each real number
above were arrived at. 0 1 Pattern:
93 Last
Digit Pattern: 03928170695847362514
contents and concept © d. de stefano, 2004 |