Left: The Living Waters ::::::: Right: The unityBeing

The lights in the numbers are Stars...


So we took every three numbers of the whole numbers, and made a circle around them. Then we summed the contents of the circles, which produces these two sets of sums. The left side happens if we begin at -1, the middle from 0, the right side happens if we begin at 1. The patterns are based on multiples of 9, the left beginning with 0, the middle with 3 and the right with 6 — the first perfect number.

One would expect reflections considered ‘typical’ of the 9 multiples (for example 45 and 54 — 9x 5 and 6 respectively)— but this is not what is happening in the series. There is a trinitarian basis implicit in our ‘base 10’ system.

Even though it appears this series is regular, with the right following the left, the next image reveals in greater detail the unique differences of each pattern.

The series contains a record of reflections like rain hitting water. In fact, there are two essential sorts of reflections: direct, as in 12/21 — and indirect, as in 33. 12 and 21 reflect ‘directly’, but 33 is an agent, around which other entities reflect. As we can see, however, this entity contains ‘a reflection of itself’ in all cases.

From -1 to 1000, No One’s column (which begins with -1) possesses 10 direct reflections and 10 indirect.

The mother’s column possesses 11 direct reflections and 8 indirect.

The father’s column possesses 10 direct and 9 indirect reflections.

0 : 1



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