


Spelling: aiyin yoad nune

The common pronunciation of the name of the letter aiyin is very similar to the English phrase ‘eye in’. It’s sound is almost a stop, a sort of ‘rgh’ noise in the back of the throat. Its spelling is Hebrew for eye or spring (as in a well — a source of water). It thus acquires connotations of drawing experience inward, and of pouring forth sustenance. Aiyin is the existential projection of zaiyin — and we can see how it represents both ‘the scepter’ or the quality of seeing from above — and also the way in which seeing ‘divides’ entities, one from another — akin to the activity of a sword.

The shape of the letter is that of a rightward elongated nune, with a zaiyin or vahv attached on the left. As a vahv, this indicates the penetration of the divine dimension in the sense of seeing, both in terms of insight and vision. As a zaiyin we could speculate that the feminine witness lends her heart (emotional wisdom) to the penetrating character of seeing, or that seeing is the crowned sense — the ‘most high’ of all extrinsic senses — for it receives light, movement and color all at once. There are other interpretations of the shape, such as ‘two eyes’ connected to the mouth — we speak of what we see, both internally as understanding and externally in the existential universe.

One thing we should understand about having two eyes is that it results in four: the left eye, the right eye — their sum — and an inner eye. Our extrinsic seeing is at least triune, and this experience is the progenitor of our inward sense of seeing — insight, or understanding. Each eye sees a unique presentation of the world, and together this forms a unified symmetry, which is far more than the sum of its parts. Inwardly, our ‘seeing’ is similar — it is the activity of the whole organism in union with its sources and infinite dimensions of relation. Seeing is an experience of hypersystems— living and energetic. In all of space and time perhaps the rarest physical gift is that of having color vision. Eyes are living evidence of God: their amazing complexity and profound qualities of communication and sensing are unsurpassed, and perhaps unsurpassable. Earth is an extremely delicate ‘tree’ filled with millions of forms of eyes, all connected as one, and all connecting to The One Who Is.

It is this unique inward/outward integration which ‘comes after’ sahmek, illustrating the relationship between circles, cycles, spirals, and seeing. Sahmek, a ‘picture of a world’, in receiving the energetic emanations of Sol, the local star, bears ‘eye children’, who see the forms and characters of things and beings ‘in light’ and within, as ‘insight’ — or, ‘an eye in(side)’. The ‘water-eye’ children.






Family: Existential: Actualized in existence within the spiral/cone of transentient emanation. Existing within space-time. The second 9 letters.

Archetypal: Zaiyin

Existential: Aiyin

Supernal: (Nune-sophit)

Position: The sixteenth letter. The tenth of the ‘twelve elementals’ or simples.

Common associations:

Primary Significations: Insight.

Secondary Significations: Oversight. Government.

Body: The liver.



Sign: Capricorn

Archetype / Tribe: Dan


Path on the Tree of Life:

Traditional: Binah / Tiphareth

Hermetic: Tiphareth / Netzach



