A • B • C • D • E •
F • G • H • I • J • K • L •
N • O • P • Q • R •
S • T • U • V • W • X • Y •
Aleph • Beit • Geemel • Dalet •
Hay • Vahv • Zaiyin • Chait • Tait
Yoad • Kaf • Lahmed • Mame • Nune •
Sahmek • Aiyin • Pay
Tzahday • Qoaf •
Raysh • S(h)een • Tahv
E e
“Explore the emanations of that which is eternal.”
The teachingSpirit showed me that ‘E’ represents energy,
in all possible dimensions and forms — not necessarily as
a quantity, but as an elemental aspect of emergence and relation.
In physics, this letter is used for this meaning. It is an extremely
general idea — not so specific as many of the momentums and
ways we commonly relate with.
The shape of the majuscule represents ‘two universes’ — the one
‘above’ which is literally in another dimension that exists ‘outside’
of space and time, and the one ‘below’ — the universe of manifestation.
Between them, there is a ‘place of crossing over’, where the living
energies of the supernal dimension pass through a ‘constriction’
and emerge into manifestation below. The shape of the miniscule
is, interestingly, very close to the shape of the miniscule ‘a‘,
rotated 180 degrees clockwise.
There was no letter in Hebrew for E, but it is related to aleph
— and aleph often represents this sound. My sense is that
it also has a strong relationship with hey, one of the ‘three
fathers’ and
in this relation it recapitulates the principle of ‘going
forth’ — expression
or emanation. From the initial formative emanations of the unityBeing,
all universes arose and were established. From these emanations
they are elaborated.
In many typefaces, the miniscule ‘e’ is very similar to the miniscule
‘a’ if it were rotated 180 degrees. This recalls the Hebrew, where
aleph sometimes has the sound of ‘e’ as in emet —
truth — aleph mame tahv.
Character Classes to which ‘E’ belongs:
Having Pillars
Left Pillar
Letters often implying Unification
Earth — The ‘element’ indicative of soil and
stone. The common name of our world.
East — The name of the direction from which the Sun rises.
Echo — The re-presentation of an emanation, reflected back
toward its source, and outward into many simultaneous directions
and dimensions.
Edge — A demarcation where energy divides.
Effect — The result of an emanation or action, which is
communicated via many transports and results in endless dimensions
of ‘trees’ of resonance and result.
Egg — The ‘living waters’ of
space are the reflection of their primordial source in theGarden.
In space, a golden star floats and gives light and life to nearby
worlds and beings. In an egg, a golden yolk floats in darkness,
and is the source of nourishment for the embryo, which is attached
to it. We do not know if space is bounded like an egg is, but within
the egg, the part we call ‘the white’ actually has
no color of its own. Females produce eggs.
Elaboration — Growth, which occurs as the result of the
reception of various dimensions and forms of emanation. Also ‘adding
to’, as in embellishment.
Elemental — Primordial substances or energies which recombine
in great variety, resulting in the many universes. The letters
of the alphabet should be considered and pursued as elemental poetico-energetic
foundations whose recombinant activity results in beings, worlds,
words, and mysteries of spiritual aspect.
Electricity — A term for a specific aspect of energy, akin
(in some ways) to an invisible, fast-moving, charged liquid.
Emulation — To mimic the function, qualities, properties,
character, activity or relation of another being, entity, collective,
or circumstance.
Emanation: — To project outward from a source.
Emergence — To emanate from one being,
circumstance, relation or thing into another. 4 ‘energies’ are
being transformed, the last by C ‘the way light propagates’.
Emergency — A sudden or unexpected emergence of trouble.
Energy — Denoting an expressive or communicative
connectivity between a source and receivers.
Enlightenment — The sudden appearance of a non-ordinary
experience of wisdom, relation and understanding in the mind related
to sources, relation and manifestation. Literally ‘en light
en ment’.
Environment — The entirety of local and
distant media, including all stimulus at every possible scale of
size, speed and effect. En viron ment — the tiny interactants
affect and effect ‘ment’ or mind.
Equality — To be valued without distinction when compared
against another valued being, relation, object, quality or circumstance.
Escape — To depart from. Usually refers to the elimination
of a danger through such departure. In some cases it can indicate
Error — A mistake or undesired outcome. Often, this is a transport
for a part of the self normally silenced to speak and be heard.
Essence — The most primordial, perfect or crucial element
of a symmetry, being, circumstance, or relation.
Establish — To give birth to. Usually denotes an intentional creation.
Eternal — To exist without cessation in
relation to the ‘passage’ of time.
Evil — Bad, wrong, unnecessarily cruel or mean.
Exclusive — Being unto itself, the appearance of separate
Existence — To be, in any or many simultaneous dimensions,
forms, relations, or circumstances.
Experience — Energy ‘crossing’ into perception
in a being. This results in resonance and may encode as memory.
Expression — The result of internal growth, stimulus or
change. Organisms‘express’ their environments and experience.
Explosion — To break apart violently, usually accompanied
by a sudden release of energy.
A • B • C • D • E • F • G • H • I • J • K • L • M
N • O • P • Q • R • S • T • U • V • W • X • Y • Z
Aleph • Beit • Geemel • Dalet • Hay • Vahv • Zaiyin • Chait • Tait
Yoad • Kaf • Lahmed • Mame • Nune • Sahmek • Aiyin • Pay
Tzahday • Qoaf • Raysh • S(h)een • Tahv