

Z z

“The first shall be last, and the last shall be first.”

Again we see the aspect of reflection between upper and lower universes, or source and embodiment. In the case of ‘Z’ we can see that a plane above is relfected to a plane below (and vice-versa) by a diagonal stroke or beam.

The words that begin with this letter all denote various aspects of unification, particularly of pairs (consider the functioning of a zipper). This is the primary characteristic of ‘Z’. The alphabet begins with a source and ends with a unification of all constituents and possible pairs.

There has long been a tradition that views the alphabet as a symmetry that begins with ‘A’, and reverses or reflects itself in unique ways as it proceeds such that the last letter represents a new instance of the first. This is not meant to be taken systematically, per se, but to be understood in a more general and playful way, such that no specific map of the reflections would always be accurate. The letters are alive, not merely static entities, and each encounter reveals new understandings as well as relations between and amongst them.

Of all the letters that imply connectivity between an upper and lower dimension, ‘Z’ is perhaps the most clearly indicative of this, as well as the quality of ‘back and forth’ or ‘to and fro’. Though few words begin with or contain it, its place in the alphabet accords a profound significance to it — the ultimate and closing element of a trancendental lineage.

‘Z’ invites us to see both sides and directions at once, to unify all opposites, and thus to create a new way of proceeding back over all former positions, relations and travels with new eyes, understandings, and insight. The final stroke is not the end, but instead a new way of beginning.

Character Classes to which ‘Z’ belongs:

Crossing over between reflections or poles

Diagonal Stroke(s)

Letters whose miniscule is very close to the shape of their majuscule

Letters often implying Unification


Zen — A meditation practice in which it is encouraged to allow the mind to settle and become clarified.

Zero — A number indicating no quantity.

Zigzag— A course or thing which travels back and forth. The letter ‘Z’ is a zigzag.

Zodiac — A belt in the sky that encompasses the apparent paths of all the principle planets except Pluto, is divided into 12 constellations of stars and has the elliptic as its central line. Additionally, the 12 astrological signs taken as a unity.

-zoic — A suffix used to indicate something associated with animals or animalian nature.

Zone — A specified area or place.

Zoo — A collection, particularly of animals.

Zoom — To move with a loud hum or buzz. To focus with a lens such that the apparent distance of the subject viewed changes, usually dramatically.

Zygo- — A prefix used to indicate a yoke, a pair, or a unity.

Zygote — A cell formed by the union of two gametes. More generally the individual which develops from such a union.



