

J j

“Jump the judge and jostle the jury — innocence thy jewel is.”

During my encounter with the teachingSpirit, this letter was never really explored, and thus I feel a puzzlement when I try to relate to its meanings with(in) words, in general. Yet when exploring the dictionary it is clear that this letter is a very recent addition, and it appears to have one of the shortest lists of words, if not the shortest.

I poetically associate this letter with Janus, the Roman god identified with portals — particularly with the difference between what exists one one side of a portal, and that which exists on the other. This implies a relation to ‘two-sided’ symmetries, and that which ‘flips back and forth’. We can see this represented in a jagged line, or the ‘jingle’ of a small bell. The facets of a jewel ‘twinkle’ in light, creating something akin to visual jingling.

Thus it is that this letter represents jumping to and fro, across a gap, and the difference between the two states. The letter itself represents the ‘hard” sound of the Hebrew letter yud (or yoad), thus the word Jewish begins with yoad. Most interesting of all, the ‘small dot’ above the miniscule recalls yoad directly — only ‘i’ and ‘j’ possess this, and both are sounds which yoad can make in Hebrew words. This dot, is, in fact yoad.

Character Classes to which ‘J’ belongs:

Round (?)

Having Pillars (?)

Central Pillar (?)


Jail — A place of imprisonment.

Jagged — A sharp or uneven line, regular (like a sawblade) or not (like an edge of broken glass).

Jaw — The lower portion of the mouth in most vertebrates, or other creatures with mouthlike gastric entrances. Often contains teeth for chewing. May also refer to and upper and lower portion of the mouth.

Jerk — To yank suddenly. Slang: A person of dubious merit, or mean spirit.

Jest — A humorous and often playful ruse, or linguistic construct.

Jewel — A stone which has been faceted to reflect light more brightly. Commonly such stones appear to ‘twinkle’ in a similar fashion to stars, which twinkle due to changes in atmospheric content.

Jiggle — To cause to travel to and fro rapidly, sometimes according to a specific rhythm, or not.

Jingle — The name we accord to the sound of small bells with internal ringers, when they are jiggled.

Job — A task, profession, or burden of chores.

Join — To bring together, or to associate with a group or symmetry.

Journey — To travel from one place to another.

Joy — A feeling of pleasing happiness, akin to the jingling of a bell in one’s heart.

Judge — To examine with the intent to weigh, particularly to compare to codes or standards such that rightness or fairness can be ascertained.

Jump — To cross over something, usually a gap. To leap.

Juncture — A gap.

Justice — Fairness of treatment or judgment.



