


Spelling: yoad vahv dalet

Yoad indicates the initial source-point of time, being and space. It is comprised of a crown with a downflowing ‘tail’, and this letter has quite a tale to tell — for it encapsulates secret aspects of the nature of God, in whom finite and infinite are unified — and transcended.

The spelling of yoad tells part of the story: a zero-dimensional ‘point’ (yoad) expands into a line (vahv) and begets ‘surfaces’, ‘forms’ and ‘doorways’(dalet). This can be seen as a point which expands into a rod. This rod, in revolving randomly around the point at ever-increasing speed, in turning establishes a sphere. Spheres such as Earth are comprise the ‘table’ or basis of Life.

Yoad is unique in that it is the only Hebrew letter which appears ‘suspended’ above the baseline, representing the quality of ‘hovering’ described in chait. It is the smallest of the letters, and one of the most profound, being the first letter of the Name of God (YHVH or YHWH). Additionally, yoad is seen as included in the upper portion of all of the other letters, the clearest examples being found in geemel, vahv, nune, and tzahday. This is interpreted as evidence of omnipresence — the ‘signature’ of God. All letters begin with ‘a point’.

In its signification of ‘a hand’, the 10th letter indicates both hands, (the count of the fingers) but also the idea that God’s hand and human hands are one. Alternately, we might understand this to mean that the left hand is ours, and the right belongs to God — however this idea is very general — human beings are each unique, and some even have their hearts on the opposite side (dextrocardia).

In English, we use the ’ character (extremely similar to yoad) to indicate ‘possession’ after an personal noun — and in Hebrew, the addition of yoad as a suffix similarly indicates possession, as in ‘my’ or ‘mine’, indicating a partial adoption of this function in English. Additionally, the ‘dotted’ minscules of i and j both preserve a relationship with yoad — the dot represents yoad, and these letters are both similar to the sound and use of yoad in Hebrew.

In it’s identity as the first of the ‘three fathers’, yoad represents the ever-growing trancendence of all qualities and opposites, a living hyperstructure which begets by emanation — the living source of all wisdom and wonder.





Family: Existential: Actualized in existence within the spiral/cone of transentient emanation. Existing within space-time. The second 9 letters.

Archetypal: Aleph

Existential: Yoad

Supernal: Qoaf

Position: The tenth letter. The first of the ‘three fathers’ (yoad hey vavh ) which comprise the Name of God. The sixth of the ‘twelve elementals’ or simples.

Common associations:

Primary Significations: A Hand. Initial source of all creation.

Secondary Significations: The power to commute ideation into reality. Possession or ownership. Intelligence and empathy.

Body: The left hand.

Power: Action.

Sign: Virgo

Archetype / Tribe: Gad


Path on the Tree of Life:

Traditional: Tiphareth / Netzach

Hermetic: Chesed / Tiphareth




