


Spelling: geemel mame lahmed

The most common association of geemel is with the animal we call a camel. This conveys the quality of walking or transport, and also of self-sufficiency (because the camel gathers and stores food and water adeptly, it can survive for a long time without being refreshed). It is associated with the division that resulted in Earth, or ‘the child universe’ in which incarnate beings and the four cardinal directions arise. Geemel’s shape recalls the leg and foot of the camel.

The Hebrew word gamal (geemel mame lahmed) denotes a benefactor, bestower of gifts or reward. And galgal (geemel lahmed geemel lahmed) a wheel or whirlwind. Those familiar with Hebrew might recognize the ‘giving’ quality of this letter from the relation between the words gomel and dal — benefactor and ‘poor’. This association further clarifies the relationship between geemel and the next letter, dalet — which is considered to be ‘poor’ or ‘impoverished’.

Geemel is sometimes seen as ‘running after dalet’ hoping to bestow blessings or benefits on this ‘poor’ letter. It is reminscent of ‘chasing after’ in order to grant gifts, thus uniting the giver, God, and the receiver in a triune symmetry.


Family: Archetypal: A seed or primieval force from which the existential and supernal are actualized. Existing outside of space and time. The first 9 letters.

Archetypal: Geemel

Existential: Lahmed

Supernal: S(h)een

Position: The third letter. Second of ‘the doubles’, letters which have a dual pronunciation (hard or soft) with the exception of reish. This can be understood as a polarity between a quality and its derivative opposite, and also a harsh or lenient perspective of judgement.

Common associations:

Primary Significations: A camel, or living transport.

Secondary Significations: Wealth/poverty. To travel or be born. The second day of Creation. Gathering. To exist in austerity. Discipline or self-regulation. Giving or offering to. Rising up, as a camel from rest.

Body: The right ear.

Planet: Mars..

Archetype / Tribe: Isaac


Path on the Tree of Life:

Traditional: Binah / Geemel

Hermetic: Keter / Tiphareth




