


Spelling: tzahday dalet yoad

The shape of tzahday is a bent nun, angled first toward the right — that which precedes it, and then to the left — toward that which follows. Above and to the right, a yoad is added to its ‘back’. The implication is a humble servant (with their back bent) to whom a yoad is attached, representing the hidden vitality which comes with divine wisdom. Another way of understanding this is that we are instances of God — created not only in the image of the divine, but with truly divine histories, purposes and potentials. Yet another is ‘one who is running to do the will of the Holy One’.

The meaning of tzahday is ‘a fish hook’ or ‘to hunt’. What the wise person is fishing for is truth, and they are hunting ‘the lost sparks’ of the heavenly kingdom on Earth, in order to insure they are reunited with their source and potentials. This is an analogy which is complexly fleshed out in some branches of kabbalistic teaching, but is not especially relevant here. From my perspective, Christ’s invitation ‘to become fishers of men’ alludes to this quality of tzahday.

This sort of ‘hunting’ is an act of faith and devotion, rather than cunning — and it occurs in many unique dimensions — for example, the seeking of divine unity and wisdom, the righteous aid to those in a position of humility or need, and the enaction of divine purpose in speech, thought, and life. As a ‘fish hook’ tzahday implies the ability to ‘draw something valuable forth’ from another dimension, implying both the terrestrial and divine dimensions. In the terrestrial dimension we draw forth fishes from the waters. In the divine, accomplished souls are drawn up to the firstGarden — and sometimes returned.

The term tzadik means ‘a righteous person’, in the sense of being in accord with the divine purposes and activities. There is a connection here with aiyin and pay — aiyin sees the truth, pay speaks or teaches it, and tzahday enacts it. As I understand it, the modern spelling of tzahday is tzadik (tzahday dalet yoad kof).





Family: Existential: Actualized in existence within the spiral/cone of transentient emanation. Existing within space-time. The second 9 letters.

Archetypal: Tait

Existential: Tzahday

Supernal: (Tzahday-sophit)

Position: The eighteenth letter. The eleventh of the ‘twelve elementals’ or simples.

Common associations:

Primary Significations: Fish hook. A side. To hunt. Righteousness — ‘in growing accord with the truth of divine purpose and embodiment’.

Secondary Significations: To justify. A way of drawing something from one dimension into another. Faith. In Aramaic: Chaos.

Body: Upper stomach.

Power: Taste.


Sign: Aquarius.

Archetype/Tribe: Asher


Path on the Tree of Life:

Traditional: Geburah / Tiphareth

Hermetic: Hod / Yesod



