


Spelling: lahmed mame dalet

Lahmed is understood as a vahv looking down upon a kaf upon which it is standing. It can also be understood as the heart ascending toward a yoad — or God. The spelling of lahmed is an acronym for the Hebrew phrase meaning ‘a heart that understands wisdom or teaching’ (lev meivin da’at). The implication here is the divine or prophetic intelligence ‘breaking through’ the barrier between earthly and supernal understanding through attention, desire and practice.

Adam and Eve represent primeval archetypes of emanation and reception. Adam is commonly understood as the embodiment of mind, and Eve as the embodiment of the heart or emotion. Together, they form a symmetry where each rises up to learn from the other, back and forth — a unity which is continually growing. In Hebrew literature, however, Adam is generally understood as the teacher and Eve as the student.

Only lahmed ascends above the top of all other letters, indicating at once ‘a teaching bestowed from above’ and ‘the student’s ascent through learning’. This combination must lead to enaction in order to be fulfilled, and thus lahmed is also seen as a prod or goad, something which enables the direction of baser energies and inspirations toward supernal goals and embodiments.

Lahmed as ‘The Serpent’:

Though the letter tait is associated with the snake, and though this is rarely or never mentioned in Judaic teachings, it is clear that of all the letters, lahmed most resembles a snake. This would not be in keeping with the common understandings of ‘rising above’ the other letters, and here we find probable cause for this omission.

Although it is not entirely clear whether the snake was actively associated with the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden, it was the source of the temptation of Eve to eat of the fruit of the Tree. Eve}s vulnerability is not entirely surprising, as the snake is the only creature whose form resembles a phallus, the generative organ of her companion.

The snake’s subtlety is at once an indication of mischievousness and sophistication, and in fact the first debate in the bible occurs in Genesis III between Eve and the serpent, as it encourages her to ‘become like God’ through the act of eating of the Tree.

Knowledge is actually an activity requiring separating and dividing that which is in reality perfectly unified, and this ‘falsified division’ is most likely what was received at the Tree. Perhaps the most serious and deadly aspect of this reception is that it may have occluded the natural and innate experience of divine unity present in all things and beings. We can see in this story another similarity to lahmed: the serpent ‘prods or goads’ Eve into taking of the fruit of the Tree.





Family: Existential: Actualized in existence within the spiral/cone of transentient emanation. Existing within space-time. The second 9 letters.

Archetypal: Geemel

Existential: Lahmed

Supernal: S(h)een

Position: The twelfth letter. The seventh ‘twelve elementals’ or simples.

Common associations:

Primary Significations: A goad or prod. To teach or point out.

Secondary Significations: To prompt to action. The receptivity of the heart in its desires to learn. The emanative quality of the desire to teach. Empirical knowledge.

Body: The gall bladder.

Power: Intercourse.

Sign: Libra.

Archetype / Tribe: Ephraim


Path on the Tree of Life:

Traditional: Hod / Yesod

Hermetic: Geburah / Tiphareth




